Chapter 1 [part A] : A sudden Fall

You to Me are Everything


Chapter 1[part A]
"A sudden Fall"
written by: Aggy [Co-author]
He was staring onto the dirty wall in front of him. Kid’s drawing, syrup stain, even shoes marks were printed on the used to be white wall but he could careless. The sound of the endless drops of water that hit the bottom of the empty can under it, spiders were building their nest peacefully near the leaked pipe on the corner of the room, the only lamp in the room didn’t stop flickering, and dust were floating freely like snowdrops, but again, he only could careless about all the s at the moment. The mind of the young man with brunette hair was actually nowhere in the small filthy apartment, because somehow, his father had take his mind with him.
Lee Donghae just lost his father... and everything.
No more huge mansion, luxurious cars, maids and butlers to attend to his need, simply... no anything.
He knew nothing about what happen in his life. It’s just going poof! And gone! No matter what he do to rake up his brain, he still knew nothing in the end. Frustrated, he let out a single heavy sigh while throwing the nearest object to him, a pink bunny pillow from his lovely boyfriend.
Boyfriend... yes, he still had the cutest man that ever walking on earth as his boyfriend. He’s the only one left that Donghae ever had at the moment. He couldn’t think what he will do if Sungmin left him too.
Sungmin. Lee Sungmin. A pink lover boy, Donghae’s boyfriend for the past 3 years and he loves him so much. Sungmin was like a happy fluffy bunny, he was so bright, with a pair of cute huge front teeth like a bunny, pink beautiful gummy smile that covered by a pair of luscious pink lips that can form the cutest pout ever, a pair of clear brown foxy eyes that always smiled prettily for Donghae, a cute petite pointy nose and puffy pink cheeks. He’s a small man with a little bit of muscles but could be described as a ball of sunshine because of the cheerful aura that always surrounding him. He could do magic as simple as smile that can made Donghae happy for the rest of his life. In short, he’s an epitome of perfection in Donghae’s world.  
A soft tune of ‘Isn’t She Lovely’ cut Donghae off from his beautiful reverie, “Speaking of the bunny..” he mumbled while looking at the screen of his hand phone and smiled sadly. Waiting for nothing, he punched the ‘talk’ button right away, “Hello, love...” he said weakly.
“Hae...” a soft answered was heard from the other line.
“I miss you, Min.” Donghae said as he took back the pillow and hug it while laying on his futon. Even his bed was dusty and dirty, but again Donghae didn’t care. He’s too tired.
“Have you eaten?” Sungmin’s lovely voice made Donghae smiled a little. “Why don’t you come over here? I’ll cook for you and...
I want to say something too.” He added softly, almost inaudible though.
“Really? I’m hungry, Min. Okay, I’m coming over.”
=....You To Me Are Everything...=
It took about half an hour to reach Sungmin’s house by bus. Ever since he couldn’t get his hands on his beautiful baby (read: red flawless Ferrari), he went to every place either by bus or on foot. He began to think that actually his feet muscles were the buffest now. But the idea of being able to meet his squishy bunny and fed by him was boosting up Donghae’s mood to the heaven. He won’t even dare to whine of how much public transportation didn't suit his liking and how much his feet hurt because of the entire walking thing.
Donghae was running from the bust stop to the white house with pink fence. Even before he could press the bell, Sungmin had already wait for him in front of the door. He let Donghae in and ushered him straightly to the table full of Donghae’s favorite food and the next one hour was spent with the happy munching sound from Donghae.  Sungmin was just looking at him while swirling the red substance on the clear glass. Donghae smiled back at him.  He knew that Sungmin always love red wine.
After all the dishes were washed and Donghae got his own cup of coffee, because he never stand of any alcohol substance, they sat together at the porch while enjoying the night view of Seoul. Donghae was sitting on the wooden chair while Sungmin was leaning on the balcony rail, smelling the nice grape fragrance from the wine before taking a heavenly sip. It was his third glass and yet he’s still sober as ever. He sighed before finally asked without looking back at the sitting Donghae before him,
“How’s your day, Hae?”
“It was rough, until you call.” Donghae smiled widely while looking at his lover’s back.
“What exactly is happening to your father, Hae?” Sungmin, still didn’t looked at Hae, was asking his second question.
Donghae’s face stiffened a bit, but of course, Sungmin didn’t saw it. “Can’t we not talk about this, Min? It’s not important.”
Finally, Sungmin was turning back and faced him, “I think... we should postpone our wedding, Hae. We can’t hold a reception party when the situation is like this. This is not right.”
“WHAT?” Donghae almost jumped from his seat, literally.
Sungmin closed his eyes, his face looked hurt, “I think, and we...”
“I heard of what you think, Min! And NO! We’re not going to postpone our wedding; we’re not going to postpone anything!”
“But, Hae...”
Donghae’s face was getting red, his jaw clenched, and he was trembling, “I’m going.” He put the white cup on the table and heading his way out. “I’ll call you.”
Sungmin was watching Donghae’s retreating figure with a sad face. He was feeling really guilty for asking such an evil thing at times like this. But if he married to Hae, he’ll be more evil because deep in his heart... deep in his heart... “I don’t want this marriage, Hae.” His words were accompanied by a lone tear on his fluffy cheek.
Note from Nana: Hey guys, my co-author was the one who wrote this. I give her full credit for this chapter, she's my unnie from LJ and she doesn't have AFF so...I can't add her in the Co-Author section.. but nonetheless, she's my co-author, and she wrote this chapter. And I'm the one who's going to write the Chapter 1 [Part B] so, wish me luck guys, I'll try to update as soon as possible..
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Chapter 5: update soon.. Thanks
Chapter 5: New readerrrr~ update this storyyy~ this story is good n u should continues it !!! Can't wait to see haehyuk !
ThE_HacKeR #3
update now please I really need to see what's next!!!!
Ad_berriesalive #4
Minnie and Kyu need to hurry up and break the news so Eunhae can finally be born xD
This is a good story!!
123missyevil #5
cant wait for the next part!!! ^^
Ooh good story!
Now I'm curious what will Hyuk do to Hae >_<
Yay update soon!
hahahaha hey special thanks! :)) Well your welcome !!!! :)) hahahaha
123missyevil #8
wow!! can't wait for their 1st time meeting.. heheh