Deadline Set~

{Apply Open}Seoul Boarding School for the Rich and Gifted


So as of today we have decided on a deadline for applications! it will be on the 3rd of May which will give you 5-6 days to send it in! ^^ after that we will begin to post the Student IDs <---there(new students will show up there) I am enjoying reading the applications and  my co-author is catching up on her reading right now because she was on vacation in the Phillipines! so I believe we will have all the students chosen by the the 10th at the latest we already have decided on at least two students and we just have to get their cards ready and posted!^^ so PLEASE apply~


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A new chosen character has appeared in the ID page! It could be you!


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It's in th description, it is the pink highlight "here"
Exuse me, where is the application form? :D
i hope you get more applicants ^.^
i can wait a lil longer :]
excited to seee the chosens!
LOLOL. korean guys are tooo hard to resist.
Its okay we waited all this time for this amazing story we can wait just a little bit more :) fighting!
syndrome #5
congrats to BlueVelvetCupcake update soon~
Congratulations to BlueVelvetCupcake!
The IDs look amazing!
I can't wait for the rest of the members!
Hilary xx
Congrats to BlueVelvetCupcake! :3
Can't wait for teh story to start~ :3
congrats! :D
thelostwishes #9
Congrats! XD