Apply open once again!

{Apply Open}Seoul Boarding School for the Rich and Gifted

sooooooooooo, we kinda decided to re-open the apply, because we feel like we need just a few more applicants, and since it's been FOREVER since we started this that we should open it for a little bit~ so I hope your not mad about it, buuuutttt we will resume adding characters so please keep an eye out for that! ^^ by the way we if we feel the need for it, we will change the ual orientation of your character! because we get ALOT of gay guys ._. and not many straight ones.....


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A new chosen character has appeared in the ID page! It could be you!


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It's in th description, it is the pink highlight "here"
Exuse me, where is the application form? :D
i hope you get more applicants ^.^
i can wait a lil longer :]
excited to seee the chosens!
LOLOL. korean guys are tooo hard to resist.
Its okay we waited all this time for this amazing story we can wait just a little bit more :) fighting!
syndrome #5
congrats to BlueVelvetCupcake update soon~
Congratulations to BlueVelvetCupcake!
The IDs look amazing!
I can't wait for the rest of the members!
Hilary xx
Congrats to BlueVelvetCupcake! :3
Can't wait for teh story to start~ :3
congrats! :D
thelostwishes #9
Congrats! XD