To Korea

♦My SHINee World♦

Onew ran to Sylvie's house. Banging on her door, he halted when her mother answered.

"Who are you?" She asked seemingglgy politely, but she was obviously had obviously just woken up and was now irritated.

"I want to talk to you about letting Sylvie go to Korea." I tried to sound polite, but it took all my strength.

"Not another one of you stupid kids. She's not going, and that's final!' She slammed the door shut, but not before I jumped in the way of the door.

"Please. Please let her go. You don't know how much she wants this."

Her face grew red with anger. 

"How dare you tell me I don't know about my own daughter. What is your relationship with her anyway? Some stupid rich Korean boy who wants to use her?"

That really set me off.

"Listen, you stupid old-" I stopped. Sylvie had come to the door.

"Onew, stop it." She said in a comanding voice. The sort of voice that said she had heard everything thing, and that she was pissed.

"Mum, I am going to Korea. You don't know anything about me, and I hate being here. I'm sick of this stupid old house, of this run down family. I want a new life. I want to go to Korea."

Her mum was really angry now.

"Listen. I am your mum. I have control over everything you do, and you are NOT going anywhere, ever!" A swift flick of her wrist and she had Sylvie's ponytail in her hand, and me pushed outside of the doorway. Using her foot, she kicked the door shut.

As I walked down the path, I could hear yelling, crying and doors slamming.


~No One's POV~

It had been a month. Nobody had seen or heard from Sylvie, and they had all given up. They would never get to see her again. Never get to say goodbye. And now, standing at the airport, about to board the plane to Korea, there were no words exchanged, only solemn faces and the downwards glance of defeat.

They walked as a group and got onto the plane, finding their seats. The girls all sat together, away from SHINee. They didn't feel like thinking about what was to come.

Amidst all of the quiet, a familiar voice rang out.

"Why the long faces?" 

The girls gasped, and looked over their shoulders.

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I'm back baby! SHINee world will be updating a lot for a while, so be sure to continue reading it! :D


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Chapter 7: gewd mornang XD cracked up
giannina98 #2
Chapter 19: I want to read the next chapter 3.;
naruto76 #3
U said u would update already when will u update :(
i think the end of the chapter is funny (i think).Don't stop writing!!!!:D
naruto76 #5
update soon
naruto76 #6
Yay can't wait for u to update :)
cant wait to see what happens next!!!!XD
wow that is a short chapter. whats mianhae???
ricemanleo #9
nice ^^
ooooh cant wait to read more!!! too much suspence!!! my tummy has butterflies!!!(not literately)