
Someone I Hadn't Planned on Living With

Na Young's P.O.V

"I can't believe I'm doing this..." I mutter as I grasp my guitar, pulling the hair out of my face that the wind insists on blowing in. I had agreed to play for Jinah's friend's aunt's wedding. It was a beach wedding, too. 

I really should have thought this through.

Guests awe at the glowing lanterns that glow against the dimming sky. Groups of the bride and groom's guests take a seat across the two main sections of chairs. In the middle lay a long white carpet scattered with pale rose petals. The beach ceremony did look beautiful. I gulped. I didn't want to ruin someone's wedding. What if I strum a wrong chord? Go flat or sharp?

I breathe in and out. 

I hook up a couple of wires from the guitar to the speakers. I admire the nice little set up they had for the original guitarist. It was a small white canopy with a intricately carved white wooden chair. 

As the priest prepares his passages, I recognize some people in the back.

Jinah, Soo Jin, Sehun and... Kai?

And Lu Han?

Well, I guess the whole gang was here.

Lu Han and I meet eyes. I smile, baring my teeth nervously. His eyes glowing brown eyes crinkle upwards into an eyesmile. Curse the wind for sweeping his hair back perfectly. Did God really have to spend an extra hour or on him or something?

"You'll do great," he mouths. My eyes gravitate towards his small, pink lips.

"I hope so," I mouth back with a small grin. 

The bride smiles nervously as she holds onto her father's arm. I pick up my guitar, ready to play.



I softly pick at my strings, closing my eyes. I listen to the wind.




After the water works and tissues, the wedding ceremony is nearly over.

"You may kiss the bride," The priest happily says to the nervous couple.

Dylan's aunt- blushes slightly as her new husband leans in to kiss her. My eyes float to Lu Han. His eyebrows do a short wiggle. "That'll be you soon," He mouths- or so I think. I was never good at lip reading. Is he saying what I think he's trying to say? I bite my lip, stopping myself from jumping to fantasies of our future wedding ceremony.


After the ceremony, I immediately congratulate the couple. As expected, Dylan's aunt thanks me profusely and tells me 'who needs a Spanish guitarist when you've got Maroon 5?' Her husband agrees. I'm glad they enjoyed it.

Jinah and Soo Jin weave through the guests to me. Jinah has really out done herself; a darling little peach dress is worn with... I laugh as my eyes trail down her legs. Combat boots. Typical. I tell her she looks beautiful, though, because- she really does. And Soo Jin- always being a fashionista you..

Lu Han's hand weaves through mine. He places a small peck on my cheek. 

Kai and Sehun are behind the two, in dress clothes. Might I say they look... hot. My eyes trail towards Lu Han. But of course, my Bambi looks even-

"You're staring-" Lu Han whispers as he stares straight ahead at the shore. I snap out of it.

"The ocean looks nice," I comment, swiftly avoiding the subject. Lu Han knows my intentions, of course and simply chuckles along. "It does, doesn't it?" He adds cheekily.

The sky glows a beautiful orange and red, the water reflecting the glowing colors. The temperature is starting to drop- and I can feel it.

"Why don't we go inside?" Lu Han eyes me worriedly, seeing me shiver.

"N-No it's fine. I like it outside," I insist. I glue myself to one of the white guest chairs, facing the ocean. 

"Na Young-" He shakes his head. "Stubborn as always."


I shrug with a smile, pulling him down with me. Lu Han places his arm around my shoulder, and I lean in shamelessly. "I know how much you like the ocean." Lu Han caresses my head softly, his breaths slowing into even paces. The sound of the waves crashing resonates in my ears. "You've always loved the ocean, too," I add. He nods with a grin. "We've completed something off my bucket list-" I say.

"What's that?"

"Watching the sunset with you," I smile, turning my head.

Lu Han's face is closer to mine than I had expected. A rush of heat floods to my cheeks. Just as I'm about to turn away- his hand grasps my cheek gently. 

"Na Young..." He whispers. His breath is sweet, and all I want to do in this moment is to kiss him. I assume he's thinking the same, because a teasing little smirk grazes his lips. 

"I love you, Na Young."

I close my eyes eyes, waiting for the soft impact of his lips, but something's happeneing. Something's going wrong.

"Na Young? Na Young?" Lu Han's voice becomes thick- like my ears are stuffed with cotton. My eyes snap open and he's panicking. Respond! I yell at myself- but I feel paralyzed from head to toe. 

What's going on?

My vision goes cloudy, like I'm resurfacing from a dream. A dream. Dream.

"Na Young!" Lu Han is shaking my shoulders. Oh no... Lu Han- don't go... Don't leave me. But in reality, I'm the one leaving him.

I want to reach out to him for what feels like the last time that I will. My lids droop slowly, as the muffled sounds of the ocean and his voice dull.

The last thing I see is my Lu Han, and his eyes whom hold all his love for me.




Then, all is black.


Jinah's P.O.V


Today is the sixty-seventh day. The sixty-seventh day that my sister has been in her coma. She hasn't woken up since the day of her taco truck accident nearly two months ago. I sometimes worry, will she ever wake up? Will I ever have my sister back?

Mom and Dad are concerned. We all visit her sleeping body in the same old hospital room she's been in. The doctors say it could be any day that she could wake up. I'm starting to lose hope.

As I walk into Na Young's room, I greet the usual nurse. She smiles apologetically. That's the usual sign she gives to me. That means Na Young still hasn't woken up.

Today, oddly, there is someone in the room before me- which is really weird because I always visit the hospital after school to talk to Na Young's still body. 

"Na Young..." A familiar voice is heard through the door. I see a head of honey-colored hair through the small window.

"I suppose you hate me now... But that's how it's supposed to be."

I duck- my eyes bursting wide. Is Lu Han finally confessing to her? But like this? She's still in a coma, I roll my eyes. 

"I wish I could just tell you... how much you actually mean to me. So here I am, telling you, although you're still unconscious. I guess things will just go back to the way that they're meant to be."

Lu Han's voice shakes. 


Na Young's P.O.V


"I guess what I'm trying to say is that..." A voice floats throughout the air.

Where am I? What's going on? Where's Lu Han? Did I leave the beach?

My head throbs tremendously and my hands are prickling. I want to open my eyes but they feel so weak.

"I don't think I ever let you go. I was too stubborn to do it. I..." Someone trails, struggling for the right words. "I have to leave soon, Na Young.  Exo's debut is right around the corner... and I couldn't bear to tell you how I felt. And I'm pretty sure that you're over me by now. But by some crazy chance, by some crazy miracle, if you told me that you loved me too... You would be heartbroken once I left. I couldn't put you through that again. Not after what your mother told me three weeks ago. You never told me... about your depression."

Wait- I've heard these words before.

This was when Lu Han was confessing to me in the hospital. I remember this- I woke up and we had reconciled- this was where we had started our relationship! Why is he repeating these words? 

Although, my eyes are closed- I hear slow beeps of a monitor.




No. It can't be.




I'm at the hospital.




Is this possible? Am I sane? Is this what I think it is?

If I'm correct... have I lived the future through a dream?


"I'm so sorry I put you through that. I never wanted to leave. Once I did, I tried to forget about you. But, I couldn't. I mean, who could?" He laughs bitterly. "I tried replacing you with other girls, but all I ever did was break more hearts. All I could ever think about was you. And still is you."


My throat thickens as I hear the words I've already heard before. My eyes flutter open, miraculously. 

"N- Na Young!" Lu Han's eyes grow wide. He's still the same. He doesn't look any different. His bright brown eyes and smiling cheeks are still in tact.

"Lu Han," I breathe. "I love you, too." 

He's in a state of shock- I can tell.

"You're awake! You've... You've been in a coma for sixty seven days, Na Young, I..." He stutters, not knowing what to say. "I-"


"Lu Han..." I whisper his name again. 


"Tell me you forgive me," His voice is a near whisper, as well. 

"Of course, I do," I smile. His soft hand caresses my face. 

"You're back... You're back..." He shakes is head, almost as if he can't believe it at all. I smile. Just then, the door bursts open.

"Na Young!" Jinah sobs, running to my bed, throwing herself on me. "You're awake! I- I thought that you would never-" Tears brim her eyes as she hugs me. I smile. Jinah. She hasn't changed, either.

"It's nice to see you too," I manage to weakly say.

Nurses rush in at the sounds of rejoicing voices. Gasps and cheers are heard from doctors. "Patient 125 has awaken. Call in the nurses for the tests."

Among the chaos, Lu Han's eyes don't leave mine.

"Are you ready?" I ask him, amused. My love, we'll be going through a lot in the future, I'm sure.

"Ready for what?" He asks, tilting his head.

"The next few months will be hectic-" I smile knowingly. "Be ready to face them."

Lu Han is still confused, but he smiles anyway. "Alright."



"I'll live through anything for you, Na Young. Anything."





It's finished! I'm so so so sorry I haven't updated in so long! School has really eaten up my time! Phew- I had planned this ending a while ago- and it can be confusing, so let me briefly explain it.



Everything Na Young had gone through past chapter 25 was a dream of the future. She had dreamt about her, Soo Jin, and Jinah's futures for the next three months or so, and she ends up waking back up from her coma- which was actually extended. She has lived as Lu Han;s girlfriend for three months, and when she wakes up- she returns to the moment where he apologizes to her and their relationship first begins.

I hope it's not too confusing.

And as for the sequel, I'll be posting it soon! I'll be sure to link it here so you may read on to see what shall happen to their lives...

:) Thanks for reading and subscribing, I truly appreciate you all!

Thank you.

*throws hearts*





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E on word :)


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AtifaJB #1
Chapter 61: Whaaaat? A dream all along...great story and thanks for the effort
snsd4ever2524 #2
how old is kai ????????? cuz it's srsly confusing me
Chapter 61: Just woah... Wow
Chapter 3: I'm reading this again, and I just realized that Lu Han wouldn't be Lu Han in America lol. He'd be Han Lu hahaha
vicky1999 #5
Chapter 19: woah......~
Chapter 60: dang it, just a dream :(
ChempakaCameliaa #7
Chapter 19: jikai is just so perfect hahahahahha bu seriously though jinah is just 13 years old but i guess when it comes to love, age is just a number so yeah and btw out of so many couples i love jikai the most like seriously ! it's a good story author him, i enjoy reading it !
wonderland3210 #8
Chapter 61: Such a great fic!! :)