Twenty plus One

Someone I Hadn't Planned on Living With


iCindy [block] on 5-13-2012 23:09:18 says: OMONA! I LOVE IU, TOO! :D And seriously, the graveyard is the most romantic meeting place, isnt it, Kai? Aish.. AND OMG. TROUBLE MAKER... ? omgomg.   @iCindy I totally love IU :D lol kai, you are so funny. 

xxafxsjx [block] on 5-13-2012 13:19:03 says: Graveyard.. KAI RISES FROM THE DEAD LOLOLOL.   @xafxsjx that would be hysterical. :D

xsulliviera [block] on 5-13-2012 07:26:44 says: oh kai, that is so so great... out of all places in the world, u freaking picked the graveyard? LOL XD roll like a buffalo~!       @sulliviera :) he's cool like dat. RLAB!

xNanaBunanaaaaa [block] on 5-13-2012 05:25:30 says: Just Subscribed! 
This story is DAEBAK!
Srsly. Kai wants to meet up in the Gravbyard? of all places. gee how sweet is he XDD
Can't wait for the next update :D       @NanaBunanaaaaa :) Glad you like it! thanks for the support :D



xhappytaemint [block] on 5-13-2012 03:57:59 says: Omg meeting at the graveyard?! Thats a bit freaky :o @happytaemint    @Yes. Yes it is. 

x-yeongbaby [block] on 5-13-2012 03:42:30 says: Jinah and nayoung's ages are like switched, LOOL 
Update soon! (:        @-yeongbaby LOL yeah, funny eh?

xbabyxlennie [block] on 5-13-2012 03:28:32 says: i actually love this . it's not awkward at all.
age is just a number after all :)
update soon please! ^0^    @babyxlennie   Whew! Glad it's not awkward. :D

xVIAN__ [block] on 5-13-2012 03:03:45 says: Of all places, Kai wants to meet Jinah at a cemetery!? What a weird place or a meetup, aigoo. NaYoung's gonna flip when she finds out :\
BUT I SUPPORT!    @VIAN_  She is! Hopefully Na young doesn't find out ^^

xaxrawr617 [block] on 5-13-2012 02:55:35 says: Na young need to hurry up cause jinah already pass the first kiss stage!

Anyways kai why would u want to meet at a graveyard..creepy:(   @axrawr617   LOL he's cool like that.

xAffxtionateCassie [block] on 5-13-2012 02:36:07 says: *cue more cliche* Age is but a number!!!xD Kai and Jinah are still cute! But I do miss the Na Young x Luhan drama... <3    @AffxtionateCassie Oh don't worry, more of that coming up really soon!

xnell_santos [block] on 5-13-2012 02:21:15 says: I think I'm starting to ship them.
But once Kai hurts Jinah, I'll take Kai's eyes off with a spoon.  @nell_santos you are amazing becuase I agree with you 100% But the tables will turn mwuhahaha!

xExosaranghaee [block] on 5-13-2012 02:14:23 says: you think a graveyard is a weird place to meet up with a stranger??? xD     @Exosaranghaee It is pretty creepy! But he's not a stranger :)

xpikachu97 [block] on 5-13-2012 02:09:57 says: The graveyard? Holy sh*t, will he kill her?! Haha jk!! I think they'll be a cute couple ^^
Please update soon :)       @pikachu97 LOL no, hopefully not :)

xbluesujulove15 [block] on 5-13-2012 01:58:43 says: well if kai really likes jinah i have nothing else to do but ship them hehehe   @bluesujulove15 I love your open-mindedness. :D

xVelvetDreams [block] on 5-13-2012 01:49:43 says: Graveyard? O___o       @VelvetDreams why, yes. ;)

xExo_KM [block] on 5-13-2012 01:47:54 says: I totally ship's really cute!
I like this sideplot thing with Na young's younger Sis and Kai.
Update soon~          @Exo_KM I'm glad that you like the whole side plot thing! Bring on the drama :)

xKai-MyBaby [block] on 5-13-2012 01:36:52 says: I like KaiNah :P    @Kai-MyBaby LOL everyone has their own ships. :D

xMyLifeIsMusicify [block] on 5-13-2012 01:11:42 says: LoL threatening Kai will only make it worse 
JiKai? I'm going down with this ship XD 
Update soon        @MyLiveIsMusicfy LOL I agree. Oh, well XD

xDefineBeautyandLove [block] on 5-13-2012 00:14:42 says: I ship Jinah and Kai!! I don't care age is just a stupid number :P Wah!! I hope she goes!! Is he going to confess?? O.O   @DefineBeautyandLove  Hehehehe read and find out O.O :D  Age is stupid :)

xaNONAmous [block] on 5-12-2012 23:47:06 says: Awww! They kinda sorta-ish like each other already C: I'm shipping JiKai so hard!!! Nayoung's a good older sister C: Omona! What's gonna happen next? Update soon!!! @aNONAmous  I love jikai too :D I agree- Na Young's a pretty good sister :D

xYooniqueB2UTY [block] on 5-12-2012 23:47:01 says: Age ain't nothing but a number lol ^^

I loved this new love line. First love /Sigh/       @YooniqueB2UTY   Yay! I'm glad you like it. Heh. 

xdubusmile [block] on 5-12-2012 23:30:48 says: i really don't think it's that creepy lol it's just 4 years guisee u_u @dubusmile thankyou. :D

xzicoabs [block] on 5-12-2012 23:24:04 says: To be honest, the really isn't that much. Four years isn't really much. Plus it's not like they're going to do the dirty or anything. From what it seems, it'll be blossoming to a healthy relationship so there's nothing creepy about it. 

But ou, note. NOTA FROM HER LOVA       @zicoabs Heh, glad that you support them! :) 

Jinah's P.O.V


I lay soundlessly in my bed- not sleeping, yet not awake. My body is tense with fear and excitement. It's like my veins were on fire, waiting to be extinguished with something. And that something right now was Kai. I needed to see him.

My bedroom clock ticked eleven fourty-five. I only have fifteen minuets to sneak out of here. Then, I'll be free. 

I stealthily peel my blanket off my body and proceed to dress myself without letting my steps creak against the wooden floor. Of course I was in my pajamas. I needed to fool my parents first. I didn't have to worry about them, that was the easy part. I just had to be careful with Na Young. She could detect a lie from three miles away. 

At times like this, I really wished that I owned a nice leather jacket and a pair of ripped jeans. It would totally match with the situation I was put in. I glance at the clock once again and it read eleven fifty. I didn't have enough time, and I despised people who arrived late to promises. I didn't want to be a hypocrite.

So yes. I let my room in my blue and white, cotton striped pajamas. 

I slip on a random hoodie, not really caring at this point, and tip toed out of my room. The long hallways were dark. I was guessing that the maids were asleep. I guess I was wrong.

I entered the kitchen to see that one was still remaining. Her figure was a bit hunched over, and the sound of cracking peanuts filled to kitchen.

I flinched. One foot, and then the other. 

"Hm... going for a walk, young lady?"

I bit my lip, turning my head away. It was Ginger's voice. She turned to me and eyed me suspiciously, yet a smile remained on her tired- looking face.

"I couldn't sleep," I lied. Well, it wasn't a total lie.

"Well, going out might not be a good idea considering what happened to your sister last time," Ginger waggles a finger in my direction. I am left standing right by the door. I could make a run for it, but then she'd rat me out. Or, I could stand here for another five minuets, be late, but negotiate something with her.

"Ginger..." I whisper. I needed to tell someone. I couldn't bottle it up inside forever.

"I know, honey. Just go. I won't tell your parents," Ginger nods understandingly. "Just be back before dawn."

"How did you-" I ask, confused.

Ginger sighed while proceeding to crack another peanut. "You should see yourself right now. I know that look. It's the flushed cheeks and wild eyes, right now. That's how I know... that you're going to meet a boy." She smiles. "Ah, young love."

"I-it's not... love," I finish. It might be a one sided love. But definitely not: Love.

"Just go. It's midnight already. And take this, too." Ginger pulls open a drawer and tosses me a small bottle.

I catch it instantly, and study it. It was a bottle of supreme pepper spray.

"To ward off any attackers," She explains, her face serious.

"Thank you so much," I manage to say. I was grateful for Ginger to understand. I was lucky today.

Ginger gives a short nod while pointing to the door. I flash a grateful grin and open it carefully to make sure that the door wouldn't creak. I step into the refreshing night air, and the sound of crickets welcome me. There it was. Freedom.


The way to the graveyard wasn't exactly complicated. Just a left and a left, then a right and around the bend and it was about three blocks from the public garden. If I had said that I wasn't scared at all, then I'd be lying. My hand curled around my precious bottle of pepper spray, ready to pull it out in case of an emergency. But, I didn't see anything that looked harmful. It was just dark, really. That was it.

Before I knew it, I was here. The majestic gate stood firm, guarding the acres of dead bodies. I didn't like to think of it that way, though. I thought of it as a place for people's remains. A reminder of who they were.

I slowly pull the gate open as my sweatshirt falls off my shoulder a bit. I yank it back on, almost afraid that something would harm me if I didn't.

My feet made their way down the cobble stone path. Shadows lurked behind statues of angels, making them seem scarier than they would be in broad daylight. The brisk air honestly didn't make the whole situation any better.

I glanced to my left and spotted a large hill. On it stood a large statue of an angel with its wings spread open wide. Just below the feet of the stone statue, remained a figure of a person sitting. I wondered if it was a statue, or if it was possibly Kai.

I walk up the grassy hill, ignoring the odd whispers and wisps of wind that pass my cheek. For once I felt defenseless. I hated the feeling. 

"Kai?" I manage to whisper.

"You came," A relieved sigh followed suit. Below the angel statue sat Kai with his back leaned nonchalantly against the wall. He smiles, and I feel my insides melt. I study his facial features one more time, making sure that he was real. 

"Why wouldn't I?" I cross my arms, while staring at the shrub that lay behind him. I wanted to look into those chocolatey brown eyes- but I was scared that I would get lost in them.

Kai lets out a breezy laugh, and pats the ground next to him. I hesitantly sit down and pull my knees to my chest, gathering as much warmth as I could. I felt like I was sitting with someone I shouldn't be... like sharing secrets with a traitor. Exactly. I felt like I was associating with a forbidden soul. Like an affair. There was a good amount of space between us. It was enough to say that we were friends, yet not close enough to be lovers.

"You look... cute," He smiles once again while eyeing my innocent looking pajamas.

"Why thank you, It's couture." I didn't shy away, or blush. I wasn't someone to do that. My bangs fall in front of my face, shadowing the view.

He eyes me once again. "I didn't think that you'd come after what I did today."

I flinch. Without turning back to him I say, "A kiss won't scare me off. I know that it's instinct for you. It wasn't on purpose or anything." My throat felt oddly tight after saying that. I guess I never really said it out loud... that it was true that I didn't really mean anything to him. I wasn't stupid or naive, or anyone to cling onto false hope. I was brutally stuck in reality.

"Maybe it was on purpose," He says slowly. He's testing me. I know it.

I turn to face him, now clearly looking into his eyes. "Why don't you just tell me you love me then?" My voice is thick with sarcasm.

He remains silent. The still air gets to me. I feel too exposed. 

"You're the first."

"...Excuse me?"

"You're the first one..." He starts once again. "That I can't seem to waver. You're like a block that won't fall for my smooth lines or hintful stares. You're oblivious."

I smile. "Hm, a nice reality check, huh?" I mutter.

"You're the first one to have a sarcastic comment for everything I say, too." He his lips. I can't help but stare at his soft looking lips again.

"Yeah, well..." I manage to fumble.

"Would it be weird if I told you that I can't stop thinking about you?"

I freeze. Time seems to freeze with me, too. He... can't stop thinking about me? My stomach inflates with a feeling that I've never seemed to feel ever before. It's like adrenaline, but a thousand times better. 

"Quit trying to make a move on me and tell me why you called me here. Is it because you're bored? You want to get some? Find some other girl," I bluntly state and get prepared to stand.

His hand latches onto my wrist. I don't think he plans on letting go.

"You're also the first one... that excites me. I don't know what's going to happen next. You're different from other girls. You don't flirt, but somehow I can't contain myself when I'm around you. I don't know what's going on." Kai stares at the ground, confused.

My heart softens at his words. 

"Just don't leave. I... What...." He gulps. I don't think I've ever seen a flustered Kai before.

"I think I like you," He mutters.

I inhale sharply at his words. This wasn't happening. It couldn't. A super hot player could not be confessing his love to me- a hopeless and not-quite-attractive- thirteen year old. It wasn't possible.

"I'm sorry, Kai." I manage to blurt. My chest grows heavy, like it weighs a thousand pounds. I couldn't tell him that I liked him. Not now, when Na Young was so against him.

"It couldn't work out," I whisper. "I'm turning fourteen... and you're turning eighteen... it's just not right." My lower lip trembles. Na Young's words pierce through my heart. I knew that I had to lie, make up something. It would be the best for the both of us. That way, his friends wouldn't make fun of him for dating a pathetic thirteen year old.

"Find another girl... who can excite you like I can." I almost smile. "It can't be me. Plus, aren't there prettier girls in your grade? Girls who can satisfy your raging needs and entertain you?" I chuckle bitterly. My fingers gently pry his soft hand off my wrist, trying not to look into his eyes.

"I don't want anyone else. I want you." He looks up at me, face expressionless. He know's what's coming. 

I swallow painfully while letting my useless tears fall.

"We all want things in this world. A lot of it is what we can never have." I stand up, brushing the dirt off my cotton pants. "I'm really sorry, Kai."

I bit my lip so hard that I could taste the metal like liquid in my mouth. I hated lying so much. I wished that I could be with him, someone who I could actually trust... but it wouldn't work.

I walked out of the graveyard without looking back. I didn't trust myself to do so. If I turned my heel even a centimeter, I was sure to run back to him.

So, I didn't.


Kai's P.O.V

Jinah turned, her long hair blowing in the wind. She walked down the grassy hill and down the cobble path. She didn't even bother to look back. That's when it hit me. I fell for a thirteen year old so hard that when I was rejected, I felt numb. So numb that I couldn't even blink, let alone cry.


Hey guys! 

Sorry for the depressing chapter D:

Yes, yes, even with Jinah and Kai, I just had to add drama to their relationship! What's a good romance story without a bit of angst? (or a lot)

Thank you to my lovely subbies <3 have a good week! And thanks for commenting! :)

Love you allllllllll


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E on word :)


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AtifaJB #1
Chapter 61: Whaaaat? A dream all along...great story and thanks for the effort
snsd4ever2524 #2
how old is kai ????????? cuz it's srsly confusing me
Chapter 61: Just woah... Wow
Chapter 3: I'm reading this again, and I just realized that Lu Han wouldn't be Lu Han in America lol. He'd be Han Lu hahaha
vicky1999 #5
Chapter 19: woah......~
Chapter 60: dang it, just a dream :(
ChempakaCameliaa #7
Chapter 19: jikai is just so perfect hahahahahha bu seriously though jinah is just 13 years old but i guess when it comes to love, age is just a number so yeah and btw out of so many couples i love jikai the most like seriously ! it's a good story author him, i enjoy reading it !
wonderland3210 #8
Chapter 61: Such a great fic!! :)