
Someone I Hadn't Planned on Living With


pradivtatas [block] on 4-24-2012 12:32:31 says: New reader here~ love your story btw, keep update :D  @pradivtatas glad you like it! :)

xBoyTeenFinite [block] on 4-24-2012 03:54:37 says: GAASSHHH!!!! LUHAN!! WAEEEE ARE YOU DOING THIS????

UPDATE SOON!          @BoyTeenFinite LOL Oh, the drama! :)

xjasarana16 [block] on 4-24-2012 03:45:19 says: Poor Na Young... DDDDx But I think Mina is more poor because Lu Han is just using her! I'm so evil! >:D Update soon! :))       @jasarana16 I feel bad for Mina, too. But trust me, you won't anymore... SOON. :}

xnell_santos [block] on 4-24-2012 01:58:52 says: I really feel sorry for Na Young ...
Se Hun and Soojin planning on getting Na Young and Lu Han together ...
Uhhhmmm ...... Sounds interesting..

Please update soon...=DDD                @nell_santos   Love the two. Heh. thanks for commenting :)

xbluesujulove15 [block] on 4-24-2012 01:57:37 says: i hope soojin and sehun can come up with a good plan to bring the two together....           @bluesujulove15 Yeah! They're going to be the matchmakers in this fic... WHOOP!

xiLoveExo12 [block] on 4-23-2012 23:01:31 says: woah!!! Sehun & Soojin are so cute talking like that!!!
update soon :))        @iLoveExo12 I love Sejin :D That's their couple name. They're soo cuuttee

xmsSimple101 [block] on 4-23-2012 22:19:45 says: Aish... Just get back together! Hehehe is it too fast? Of course this needs a lot of drama before a happy ending, right? Hahaha! Update soon, i'll wait :">      @msSimple101 LOL a bit. :) I love the drama! Who doesn't ^^

xxafxsjx [block] on 4-23-2012 21:57:48 says: Luhan.. I hope you know Na Young was there.. And heard her heart breaking into pieces.            @xafxsjx D: sadly, he didn't. But there's going to be a huge surprise. And a lot of jealously. They'll be even. :D

xelleirbag_15 [block] on 4-23-2012 21:42:50 says: aww... :((          @ellirbag_15 I'M so sad, too. D:

xNinjiPandi [block] on 4-23-2012 21:33:35 says: Luhan man up and confess to her D:
Poor Na Young, she still loves him   @NinjiPandi LOL she does, even though in the future she's going to be talking crap about him. :D

xYooniqueB2UTY [block] on 4-23-2012 20:27:56 says: :3 Sobs* T_T 

poor Nayoung. . .           @YooniqueB2UTY I'm dying, too. :} 

xlovemelovemebaby [block] on 4-23-2012 19:51:47 says: I wannnnt Suho to be Luhan's rival! Or maybe Bacon! XD@lovemelovemebaby I'm thinking about Bacon. LOL this is gon' be good :}

xaNONAmous [block] on 4-23-2012 19:06:58 says: C: So much drama, I love it!!! Lol! Luhan's a jerk! I hope Bacon or someone comes just to make Luhan jealous! I can't wait to see jealous Luhan!!!!>:D LOL! Update soon~    @aNONAmous Glad you like the drama! LOL. I love it too! Jelly Lu Han is comin up real soon :) evil laughter...

xAffxtionateCassie [block] on 4-23-2012 18:21:29 says: Oh my god! Na young! I hope they can just admit they love each other! LOL, awesome story <3 update soon!      @AffxtionateCassieLOL, they should! Sigh. Communication can lead to so many things...

xg_chunjae [block] on 4-23-2012 17:50:21 says: ihateyou.
i got so excited because of your update that i almost spilled grape juice on the laptop.

LUHAN<3  @G_chunjae LOL Good thing it didn't :D

xkpoprox9764 [block] on 4-23-2012 17:38:29 says: One of the teachers at my school was dressed exactly how you described Na Young to be when she arrived at Lu Han's house. It was freaky!! @kpoprox9764 Whoah. that's so cool! Hehe. I'm freaking out right now. :)

"You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching, love like you'll never be hurt, sing like no one's listening, and live like it's Heaven on Earth."

-William W. Purkey


Na Young's P.O.V

My feet thud against the soft grass, like a metronome. There's no emotion. They're just steps. Empty ones.

The beautiful garden and fresh looking flowers did nothing to lift my spirits. They seemed gray, not pink or yellow. It was like my life was black and white. Like when he left. 

"I hate you," I mumble under my breath, wiping away any fallen tears.

I take a seat in the soft grass, right in the middle of the garden. 

"Hate is a very strong word," A man turns the corner.

I blink a few times. Well, that was unexpected.

"I-I'm sorry- I didn't mean- that's not- I'm just not in the-" I sputter and bow my head.

The middle aged man walks up to me. All I can see are his fancy shoes and the hem of his tailored pants. From what I see, it seems like he works at some big corporation.

I wondered why he was strolling around in the middle of a neighborhood garden.

"What brings you here?" The man asks. His voice is soothing. I guess he could tell that something was wrong from my puffy and bloodshot eyes.

"I was... taking a walk." I say.

"Did you come across any onions?" He says, his face serious. I pause to think.


He laughs, his laugh lines stretching. "Honey, I'm joking."

"Oh," I laugh a bit. I start to feel a bit better.

"Would you like to talk about it? Young ladies should certainly not be crying. Especially on a day like this," He says with a smile.

"It's alright Sir..." I trail, looking at my feet.

He laughs. "Don't call me Sir. It makes me feel old," He waves a hand. "Call me Uncle."

"Okay," I smile. "My name is Na Young." I take a sideways glance at him. He doesn't seem threatening in any way. I should be careful though, I didn't want to deal with another whole 'surprise stab' attack.

He takes a seat next to me on the grass.

"Not to be rude, Uncle... But why are you in a park?" I whisper.

He laughs.

"I like your straightforwardness." He pauses to think.

I study his middle aged face with laugh lines to prove it. He has a friendly aura, something that I needed right now.

"I'm just getting away from it all. Work stress and whatnot. Everyone seems to be concerned about fame these days..." He laughs humorlessly.

All I can say is, "Oh." I wish I had something clever or comforting to say.

"Life is hard, eh?" He asks.

I nod, listening to the light sound of birds chirping in the trees.

"Were you upset over a boy?" He asks, seeming like a father. His eyes seem to speak, 'you can tell me anything. Don't worry, I'm not a judger.'

I look down. "I don't know why they call it a heartbreak. It feels like every part of my body is broken," I mutter.

He looks at me with care. "Oh, Honey. Don't say that. Although love is good... it's supposed to come at the right time. Maybe now's not the best time."

I nod. "I guess so..."

"You seem like a quiet one." he observes.

"I'm usually not. Just today..."

"Hm. Alrighty then. Do you play?" He suddenly changes the subject. I glance back at my guitar, my hair blowing in the wind.

"Yes, I do. I even compose my own songs... sometimes."

"Really?" He seems pleasantly surprised. "Well then, Na Young, would you like to play a bit for me?"


I clear my throat as I search my brain for a decent song. I pick something that's reflecting my current feelings: The One That Got Away- Katy Perry. It was always a favorite.

I glance at him while he nods. I begin.

Summer after high school, when we first met,

We hang out in your mustang to Radio Head,

and on my eighteenth birthday, we got matching tattoos.

I strum the chords and listen to my voice echoing throughout the garden. Strangely, I wasn't nervous singing in front of him. I usually would be- I mean- I never sang in front of my parents due to embarrassment. I didn't see what was different here. I did notice that he was studying me though, almost like he was judging me. 

We used to steal a bunch of blankets, and climb to the roof, talk about our future, like we had a clue,

I never thought that one day, I'd be losing you...

An image of Lu Han's smiling face flashed through my mind. My heart dropped like a sack of stones.

In another life, I would be your girl and we'd keep all our promises, be us against the world.

In another life, I would make you stay, so I won't have to say that you were the one that got away.

The one that got away.

Each word reminded me of him. Him. 

"Were you singing that to someone?" He asks.

"I... suppose so." I smile half heartedly.

"I can tell. So much emotion. Bravo, bravo."

"Thank you," I bow my head.

We both stay quiet for awhile while I fumble with my guitar, wiping away the invisible dust that had seemed to collect at the edges of the neck.

"By any chance..." He starts, reaching into his inner pocket. "Would you like to train and SM entertainment?"

I froze. "Y-you mean the SM Entertainment? Like the Girls' Generation, SHINee, and Super Junior- SM Entertainment?" I squeak.

"Well, yes, that's what I said, didn't I?" He gives me a quizzical look. I'm feeling ecstatic on the inside.

"I would love to," I smile. A thousand thoughts ran across my head. "Wait, is this actually happening?" I mutter.

"Here. No audition required. Special acceptance." He hands me a laminated business card.

"Wow.. you have to ability to do that? You must be a high ranking person." I laugh a bit.

"Of course I am," He proudly says. 

"Thank you so much," I grasped his hand. "This means so much to me."

I finally had something to live for.

"We should be thanking you." He smiles.

"Don't scouts look for... 'good looking' people?" I say softly. "I'm just a face... in a multi-colored sea." My shoulders hunch.

He pauses to think. "Well, it's not just about that. We look for faces that you can remember. That leave an impression."

"Oh," I mutter. 

 "That includes you," he laughs. "You have a very original face- if I must say."

I smile. "Thank you, again."

"No problem- Now, tomorrow you should report to the main building- adress is on the card- and pick up a contract. Tell them your name, they'll know who you are, don't worry, and get it signed from a legal guardian, and then you'll start training."

I couldn't stop smiling. "Alright."

"Oh, and you should prepare for the tradition," He adds.


"Why, yes." 

He stays silent.

"Can you tell me what it is?"

"Oh, of course!"

I smile.

"You just preform a short song infront of the other trainees, like you did just now." He says simply.

My heart rate skyrocheted when I heard him say that. Me. Singing. Other. People. Watch. Laugh. Judge.

"I-I don't know if I can do that. I mean, I haven't even sung in front of my parents- ever- and-"

He shushes me. 

"You can do it. If you did it in front of me, you can do it in front of the whole world." He mutters.

The butterflies in my stomach weren't comforted by that.


"Well, I must leave now. Best of luck, Miss. Na Young." He smiles. 

"Thank you," I wave to his retreating back.

I stretch my hands in happiness. I don't need Lu Han to be happy. I couldn't wait to tell Soo Jin. 

I don't need you.

Go ahead and run off with that Mina girl. I'll famous soon, and where will you be?

Here. Living a boring life. 


Lu Han's P.O.V

I walk out of the park with Mina. She blabbers on and on about school and her friends. I occasionally talk back also. Mina wasn't that bad of a person. I bet if I had never met Na Young, then Mina would be my first love.

She thought that we were in love, but truth is that I only see Mina as a friend. I was comfortable with her. Maybe I was forgetting... forgetting about Na Young. It was bound to happen.

On our way out, we spot someone coming from the inner garden. Mina waves. "Hello, Uncle Lee Soo Man,"

He lips form into a thin line. "Yes, hmm, please don't call me that."

"Oh." Mina looks down. 

"Hello Mr. Lee, what brings you here?" I ask.

"Well, Lu Ham, I'm just relaxing and taking a break."

"It's Lu Han, Sir."

"Ah, yes, yes." He glances at his watch. "I must ge going now. I have a meeting," He smiles a bit. "Train well, okay you two? Especially you-" he points to me. "How's the first prolouge song going?"

"Fine, Sir," I reply.

"Good, good. I'll get going now." He says shortly before walking away.

We both bow. I cast my arm around Mina's petite shoulder.

"I'll walk you home."


AHHHHHHH. Are you guys freaking out like I am?

She's going to be a trainee! Bring on da drama!


Thanks to all of my new lovely subbies <3 and commenters :) You make me happy :D

Love Y'all.


Did you guys see the poster? It's so cute :) That's not the girl I chose, though. I originally had a picture of a girl who looked more natural and less 'flawless' and 'ulzzangy' If ya know what I mean- like a normally cute girl. But, I guess the quality wasn't great so it was replaced. D: Oh well, I don't mind. Heh.

Check out some stories that I found that were good! Some are my friends'- LOL. But seriously, they're good.


If you're into Suju.... This one's a hiliarious genderbender story! It's good, even if it just came out. LOL. I'm totally lovin' it.


Other good Exo stories....

This one's about Exo and their superior magical powers! I love Sehun in this- he's just too cute.

Heh. This one's a cute Baekhyun story~ Who doesn't love their Bacon? Yell at her to update faster. LOL she's so slow.

Okay I'm done. Byeee~

Love y'all to death it's not even funny. 

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E on word :)


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AtifaJB #1
Chapter 61: Whaaaat? A dream all along...great story and thanks for the effort
snsd4ever2524 #2
how old is kai ????????? cuz it's srsly confusing me
Chapter 61: Just woah... Wow
Chapter 3: I'm reading this again, and I just realized that Lu Han wouldn't be Lu Han in America lol. He'd be Han Lu hahaha
vicky1999 #5
Chapter 19: woah......~
Chapter 60: dang it, just a dream :(
ChempakaCameliaa #7
Chapter 19: jikai is just so perfect hahahahahha bu seriously though jinah is just 13 years old but i guess when it comes to love, age is just a number so yeah and btw out of so many couples i love jikai the most like seriously ! it's a good story author him, i enjoy reading it !
wonderland3210 #8
Chapter 61: Such a great fic!! :)