
Someone I Hadn't Planned on Living With


kpoprox9764 [block] on 4-21-2012 23:15:12 says: I'm really enjoying this story right now :)
Lol at the defect skirt!

You know, at the start of the latest chapter I was beggining to ship SehunXNayong, but then soojin appeared. Despite that I still ship SehunXNayong!!!

Keep the good work up author-nim :D            @kpoprox9764 Thanks for commenting! D: I feel bad now. I was planning to get Se hun to be Na Young's close friend with Soo Jin. Kinda like the three musketeers. :D Maybe I'll use him to flare up some jealousy out of Lu Han. Heheh you gave me a goood ideaaaa ^^

xbluesujulove15 [block] on 4-21-2012 22:20:59 says: i ship soojin and sehun but poor nayoung feeling out of place....          @bluesujulove15 Sadly she's left out D: I feel bad now... 

xaNONAmous [block] on 4-21-2012 19:02:21 says: Soo jin!!<3 Her skirt defect! Lol! All the girls probably rolled up theirs or something... OMONA! I'm all for Soo jin and Sehun! Oh my Krisus, it'd be perfect! Luhan used to be so cute...=__= Update soon C:           @aNONAmous   LOL you're right they rolled it up! HEh. I agree with you- he used to be so cute! Now he's all rotten on the inside. I'm evil. I love Se Hun and Soo jin too! Hehe. 

xTheKpopfreak4life [block] on 4-21-2012 16:05:21 says: Wah! So Soo Jin's here!!!! Lol i see a couple coming! Lu Han blah! You confuse me!!! But i still love you~ please update soon! I love the little flashbacks!   @TheKpopFreak4life   :D I'm glad you like the flashbacks. I love them too! HEH. Love Soo Jin's badass attitude :)

xnell_santos [block] on 4-21-2012 13:37:29 says: Thanks for updating !!!=DDD
Today,you made happy...

Please update soon.....^^      @nell_santos I'm glad I did! ^^ Thanks for commenting! 

xJiaHuey [block] on 4-21-2012 12:40:37 says: Luhan, just confess already and be nice to her... she wont leave you again.. :) unless someone being evil... LOL.. joking.. xD
anyway i need to say this again... ur story is awesome.. ^^                  @JiaHuey I 'm glad you like the story! Things are so complicated, eh?

xmistydanes [block] on 4-21-2012 12:12:55 says: so sweet..^^ Luhan feed me too..hehe

Thank you for the update... excited for the next chapter...       @mistydanes   I wish Lu han would feed me too! :) Thanks for commenting! 

Soo Jin's P.O.V

I'm stupid. So. So. So. Stupid. 

I should've seen it. Na Young's practically dying inside because she has to sit at the same table as Lu Han. I'm a horrible friend for dragging her here. I should've noticed...

And that skunk sack that's with him? Who does she think she is? She was cute, I had to admit. But I knew that Na Young was different. Mina was... cute... but Na Young had a thing called 'natural beauty'. He skin glowed constantly- I had no idea how, though. She just said that she drank a lot of water. Either way, she had that 'I'm seventeen but I look like a fourteen year old' look. 

Se Hun and I chat about things. His life is really interesting. His parents are divorced, he likes the color blue, and he is currently single. And no, I did not ask him about the last one. It was a voluntary response. Voluntary, I tell you.

He's cute. He has that boy-ish charm that just melts my insides... 

No. No focusing on boys. 

I have to figure out this whole thing with Lu Han. If they were living together, why didn't they make up and go back to their lovey- dovey ways? 

"Oh, I forgot. I should introduce you to the rest of Exo." Se Hun stands. 

Exo? Is that their gang name?

"That's Kai over there," a slightly tanned boy winks, I scoff. "That's D.O, Chanyeol," The two of them wave. "That's Baekhyun, call him Bacon if you'd like,"

Got it.

"That's Suho, Kris, Xiumin, Chen and Lay-" They don't even bother to look at me. Well.

"And that's Tao, and Lu Han, and his girlfriend, Mina."

I froze. Oh no. No, no, no. I took a glance at Na Young, who froze as well. She continued to poke at her food as if nothing was wrong, but I could see through it. I was her best friend fro crying out loud.

Lu Han glances over the lunch table at Na Young, studying her movements. I guess he wanted to see if she was jealous or not. Good thing she had a talent in acting.

I try to change subjects. "Hey Na Young, why do you wear your skirt like that?" I asked. 

It was oddly long. I mean, I pinned mine. That's what everyone did if they didn't want to end up looking like a raddish. 

"I think I got a defect. It's longer than everyone else's." She mutters. I can tell that she's trying her best not to look at the sickening couple in the corner.

"You do realize that everyone pinned theirs...right?" I ask. My voice sounded unexpectedly loud, catching the attention of everyone at the table.

She looks down. I could tell that she was blushing a bit. "Are you serious?" 

"How cute," Kai exclaims. "She actually isn't a ."

I glare at him.

"Just saying," He puts his hands up.

Lu Han continues to stare at her. Mina grabs onto his arm, trying to direct his attention away. She seems like a . A classy one at that. 

"Duh," I laugh. "Here. Take these." I hand her some safety pins. 

"Thanks," She smiles a bit. She doesn't look up, but says, "I think I'm going to go. I want to be alone." She whispers the last part.

I nod. I knew that it wasn't the right time to talk to her. 

Everyone stares at walking figure. Some of the guys mutter, "Is she okay?" "She's really quiet."

Lu Han seems like he wants to go after her, but that cursed Mina keeps talking to him. That oblivious . Her skirt was pinned way too high, by the way. What, was she trying to flash her underwear to the whole world? 

Se Hun glances at me with curiosity but waves it off when we start talking again. I hoped that things would work out between them two. I didn't want her getting hurt again.


Lu Han's P.O.V.

I glanced at Na Young. She didn't seem to care that Mina was my girlfriend or whatever. She just stared at her food, expressionless. 

So she didn't care?

I knew it. I was the one who was hanging on to the past. I had to freaking let go. I didn't want to though, because I'm an idiot.

"Oppa, what do you want to do today?" Mina asks me. 

"What would you like to do?" 

"Hm..." she puts a finger to her pouty lips in a failing attempt to look cute. "Let's go to the park after school."

"Alright," I wink. I wrap an arm around her petite shoulders. Maybe Mina could fill the emptiness inside me. None of the other girls were able to do that so far. She's actually the first one to seem like a decent replacement for Na Young. 


If only I could have the real thing.


Hey guys! I'm sorry for all of this angst D: I'ts going to continue for a few chapters, if you don't mind *^^* It's going to get a bit awkward and funny once again. 

Thanks for all of my new subbies and commenters! 

I was freaking out. It's like record.

Love y'all.

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E on word :)


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AtifaJB #1
Chapter 61: Whaaaat? A dream all along...great story and thanks for the effort
snsd4ever2524 #2
how old is kai ????????? cuz it's srsly confusing me
Chapter 61: Just woah... Wow
Chapter 3: I'm reading this again, and I just realized that Lu Han wouldn't be Lu Han in America lol. He'd be Han Lu hahaha
vicky1999 #5
Chapter 19: woah......~
Chapter 60: dang it, just a dream :(
ChempakaCameliaa #7
Chapter 19: jikai is just so perfect hahahahahha bu seriously though jinah is just 13 years old but i guess when it comes to love, age is just a number so yeah and btw out of so many couples i love jikai the most like seriously ! it's a good story author him, i enjoy reading it !
wonderland3210 #8
Chapter 61: Such a great fic!! :)