First time

Another day, Another love

Seungri's POV

One day at hangku highschool, seungri was walking down the halls to get to his locker , but while doing so he saw a crowd of people. He was curious as to what they were looking at so he tried to go through the crowd to get a better view , once he did he was shocked of what he saw. His eyes were attached to this beautiful handsome guy , ' woah this guy is good looking' he thought , but that wasnt the only thing they were looking at apparently some girl had the guts to confess to the guy seungri was staring at the whole time. After looking at him he looked straight ahead and saw a girl glaring at the guy, '"looks like someones jealous haha" he chuckled, once he looked at the clock his eyes widened " I NEED TO GET TO CLASS NOW" he screamed, a lot of eyes were looking at him like ' what's up with you' and seungri felt embarrassed ' dammit why did i scream so loud ' he thought , but right now wasnt the time to be thinking , he had to get to class fast so he decided to just run across the scene, but once he did he tripped and fell on his and everyone started laughing at him." aish my " he said, while rubbing his the guy asked him " are you alright?" , seungri looked up and right away his face started turning red " y-yea im fine" he stuttered, he quickly got up and ran, ' looks like i embarrassed myself again' he thought while running, " that little guy was cute haha he reminds me of a panda" the guy said, and thats how seungri's day went.


The next day seungri had no intention of going to school, but since his mom yelled at him this morning he had no choice but to go. Once he got there a lot of people were giving him glares " looks like there's a rumor going around about yesterday huh" he said quitely to himself, when seungri got to his locker he had no idea that someone pranked him, so when he opened it a lot of trash came out and fell on him,"what the?!" all you could hear was a lot of laughter from behind " great now im gonna smell like crap for the whole day" he said angrily.

Three guys came up to him and asked him " are you alright little guy ? " seungri looked up to his right and was amazed at how these guys were good looking(oh my seungri you think every guy is good looking xD) "y-yea im fine" he said nervously. He got up and wipped himself "here we will help you clean this up" one of them said "oh uhh you dont have to " seungri said shyly " no i think they do" a voice came from down the hall, seungri looked to his left and saw a girl leaning against a locker" who are you?" seungri asked " my name is jun yunhae"  (okay i think thats a really bad name for this random girl so if you have suggestions please give me them thank you :D)

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cottonFinland #1
Chapter 5: Please continue to write this story. It's super interesting. Please!! I have to know who is that guy that Seungri met. And what are you saying about your writing skills at the bottom of the chapter? You are goood!! Never doubt that! Keep on writing! Fighting!
Chapter 5: update soon, i really want to know who the person is^^
Chapter 4: Yunhae ! :( But I'm glad JiYong and the rest are there for him! Update soon~!
tehsweety #4
i really hates yunhea too.just leave them alone
Bigbang06 #5
I really hate yunhae now..
Please someone help ri...
Update soon
i'll wait you~
update soon
and make sure it's GRI :D
An AU School fic is always a nice read. :) hope you update soon~
I like this so far. Update soon~~