Breath stealer.

Just Be Friends

JBF scenario 2

A/N: my goal for this one is too mute gender voices. To the point where the reader doesn't know who is speaking. :3


I wake up to a wave of pain,

of throbbing head

and hurting chest

and I miss you.

I miss you in an honest,

graceless way.

In such force

that my body could not contain it,

in such violence that my head begins to hurt.

The memories of you or of me

when you and me was still a we

tortures me until I break.

Who does these memories belong to?

Are they mine?

Are they yours?

Are they ours even if there is no longer a we?

Does it matter if I still love you?

What is truth if I could still taste your sincerity

when you promised me forever?

What is the truth when I want to believe

those eyes that had told of love

rather than the same ones

more recent that had said goodbye?

I can see it as clear as yesterday.

Your face.

Your form.

That mild drawing of breath

when you had first saw me.

In congruence to how I felt.

Breath taker.

That was who you are.

Who I was to you, too.

Now in the collapse of the we,

what am I to you?

Return my breath,

breath stealer,

I can't breathe.

Or maybe I don't want to ...

I love you in a way that

we can't be friends,

we can't.

A you that is not mine

is not a you I want to be with.

That is the truth.

If you are not mine

and a we that are just friend,

that would be a lie.

So you

and off.

Go away.

Go away.

I love you.

I love you.

Good bye.

Who are these memories of?

Is it yours?

Is it mine?

I close my eyes to the burn of tears,

is it okay to live in these memories?

Your face, your touch, your breath.

Down with the reality of a me that is not with you.

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JBF: Break up scenarios. Not really connected with each other. LOL


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adelaide_m #1
Chapter 3: Heartfelt story
Lina90 #2
Chapter 3: I hate that it has to be so short.. It's oddly beautiful..
msdeathstalker #3
Chapter 3: heartfelt...
Chapter 3: omg.. <333 this is so lovely! thank you for this <3
Chapter 3: I agree with your author's note but it doesn't change the fact that your story was well played.
Chapter 3: I don't know why I love that part where she clings to Seunghyun when Taeyeon call him. Gah!
deneira #7
Chapter 2: seven, i sympathize with the loneliness thanks for sharing...
deneira #8
Chapter 1: its a fine to have a shot of misery once in a while... being melancholic keeps you sane in this crazy world... not everything you wish would be granted... heartaches would make you stronger... misery would woke you up from dream... like a knock on a door... /random me...
Chapter 3: i know its bad to cheat but wahhh when it comes to them, i don't find it bad, aigoo i'm so bad also ... well there's always a saying that you can only see how important someone if he/she is already gone, w/c was happened to dara, good thing that seunghyun still loves her & take her back ... thanks sevvy ... looking forward for more.
Just a random update while I procrastinate. This is crappy. I just wanted to write. LOL. I dunno what it is. Forgive me I think I forgot how to write! Have I ever known how to write? /cries.