Arete: Korea Kingpin

The maids managed to bring her into her room under an hour. It was a wondrous first class room themed on the revival of Victorian aristocracy.

 "You simply do not understand," Ara said in a slurry voice, "I am my own woman."

"If you will allow me to be honest, madam, you may be your own woman in privacy. Drinking and disgracing yourself in such a place is very negative." The first maid replied, fixing up her bed sheets.

Alcohol lingered under her breath And she looked like a beggar, almost. She was dishiveled and acted like she had no manners at all. But did it really matter to the distressed young woman? Ara noticed a shadow speed through the sitting room. Her heart quickened its pace and she dropped to the floor. 

Kims, Kangs, Ahns, Bongs...  Ara counted the names.

Over thirty surnames came up in her mind like a list. These people were their rivals, and at least one person in the families of these people were affected critically by the Cho empire. 

Ara saw the shadow again.

This time she felt a touch on her shoulder. The mere feeling that another thing-human could possibly be in her presence... it felt as overwhelming as death itself. With her belly completely flat on the wooden floor, she tried to dig her nails and bring herself safely outside. The shadow seemed to be disappearing. Ara rolled over to see nothing in her view. Nothing ghastly, at least.

Maybe it was the drink working on her. How could it be possible? No, my head isn't whirring with any extraodairnary thoughts. Could it be that Seung Il is speaking to me?  Ara got up to her knees yet the fear in her voice was too clear. The last time she had ever felt the same croak and uneasiness was... When was it, really? 

"Forget about university when the answer has come to you like this!" 

"What answer, mother?" Ara placed a hairpin only to notice her scalp had begun to bleed. The frustration got to her at times.

"Haven't you always told me, one day a ship would sail you to America and you would see a moving picture?" Mrs. Cho stood over her before the dresser. "

There are times like this," she grunted as she yanked the hair pin off Ara, "when an oppurtunity for you to find love at its most vulnerable position, you must take it!"

"What is his name? I'd like to know."

"Seung Il. His name is Seung Il."

Hello! This chapter is pretty short. I hope you understand why, I don't want to put Kyuhyun nor Jisun into this chapter because it would ruin the feels. I have school now and I'm too busy! Anyway I'm grateful for your time! AND because people waited this long, here's a gif from Romeo and Juliet.

He was such a babe.

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I like your style of writing; not too complex, not too rudimentary.
Lol, this story wasn't boring. I'm guessing Kyuhyun got the ship named Asinine, huh? He sounds arrogant and asinine indeed. I've never watched Titanic. Could it be that you have an interest for ships?? I most definitely wanna see where this is going, so I'll take a glance at chap. 2. Good work, keep it up, ADVERTISE MORE! <<Yuumu>>
I've seen Titanic, and it was so sad. I cried after Jack died. Will Sunny be in this fanfic? It would be an awesome pairing. Teehee. I think almost everyone knows I ship KyuSun now. Update soon!
well i havent seen titanic....i thik i did but i was really small that time and i fell asleep......soo uhhhh yea but i heard bout it from other ppl ._.
meh idc i still wanna see the first update^^