Arete: Korea Kingpin

To Kyuhyun felt as though the only light of the world was in the seaport. The fresh paint on the ships illuminated like new pennies would. Multitudes of people from different social classes crowded in the place, carrying their bags and rushing to the health inspection queue while some others said their last regards.

"In any case an emergency occurs, stay at your destination and ask a family friend to contact us right away." Kyuhyun still felt he was obligated to help his siblings. "Watch out for anything."

"Your belongings are inside your rooms. Have a wonderful time." the chauffer handed the three some envelopes. "You've also been given five hundred American dollars each. Find a currency converter and you all should be alright."

"We're only staying at the ship, aren't we?" Ji Sun masked his puzzled face with a bowing of the head. "We don't need the money because it's all paid for."

Both Kyuhyun and Ara looked at the chauffer. He raised his shoulders in confusion. "Wherever we're going, I'm almost certain security is following us. Afterall, we're never really alone," Ara hissed.

"Better get going now, shall we?" Kyuhyun hit her arm with his. The other two nodded.

They looked like dots in the chauffer's sight; the ships still looked grand as ever while he drove off. Warmth came from the sun by that time of the day and the coming weeks when he'd be back at this place seemed very far away.

"May there be comfort in knowing that these three may never be forgotten," the man gravely said as he saw the siblings go.

Tasteful scents filled the air with much delight. Kyuhyun laid his kerchief on the table and sat lonely in the place filled with upscale passengers. The dining area was in the color scheme of mahogany brown and red velvet; seat cushions, napkins, and curtains were colored in the luxury of the latter colour while the carpet looked of dark blue with floral etchings.

"Good morning, sir, would you like some lamb?" A servant in the typical french maid uniform leaned over to him. She filled his glass with some water and held a menu with a leather cover in her arm.

"Some fruits would be nice," he replied nonchalantly. "thank you." Kyuhyun felt so far away from his family already, considering the boat had only set asail a quarter-hour ago. His eyes fell to the empty china.

"Your request will be served in a couple of minutes. Enjoy the Arete and have a wonderful day."

I'm very tired, he thought. Kyuhyun Cho stood almost six feet tall and walked the way a gentleman would, three steps ahead of a woman with the right foot always first. I'm the son of an unabashed man and I like to say it a lot, his appearance looked like it was saying. The servant asked a question he hadn't paid attention to.

"Excuse me?" he faced her. She shook a nevermind. His reflection in the plate looking back at him once again, he remembered overhearing the maids at home talking about something going on with the family fortune.  The whole Cho clan would suffer with the situation given and would crumble of days, a week at most.
Maybe dad is going abroad with all of it, with some flapper girl.

Conversations around him sank deep into his mind and he felt like dozing off. More mindless chatter about the latest hat trends and flowers of the season. Finally his dish came, carried by a waiter this time. "Your fruits, sir. Maybe syrup would do you some good." Kyuhyun now looked at the view from outside the windows near the end of the place. Ripples of the ocean danced while the sun was almost overhead.

Room ten bed four, room ten bed four, room ten bed four, room ten bed four.

Ji Sun's repetition caused him a loss of focus as he walked through the long hallway. Families crowded the cramped space and air was barely breathable. About twenty plain white doors stretched across the level of the deck and five fold of that, the number of people in the place. He stretched out his arm, pulled himself to the doorknob and pushed in. The room was small, maybe ten square meters of area in total. Two bunk beds were provided and a person was resting on the bottom bunk.

"Hello!" he said to the sleeping body, enthralled by his newfound cabin mate for the remaining trip. The person was covered in a moth-eaten wool blanket and had rag clothes in a pile near them. The young man chose to call for the person again. "Hello!"
Clearly a reply was not given. He pressed his hands on the matress and sat. Just across his bed was a round window with thick glass. Ji Sun leaned over the bed railing and spread his arms out.

HUWA! Ten days is a long time to wait! I might be going on with this routine until forever! If you want to make the time pass as I think of an actual story line, consider going here (A titanic confessions blog I love!) here (the greatest song on the internet--tell me what you think!) and here
(jokes with Einstein, pretty cute)!

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I like your style of writing; not too complex, not too rudimentary.
Lol, this story wasn't boring. I'm guessing Kyuhyun got the ship named Asinine, huh? He sounds arrogant and asinine indeed. I've never watched Titanic. Could it be that you have an interest for ships?? I most definitely wanna see where this is going, so I'll take a glance at chap. 2. Good work, keep it up, ADVERTISE MORE! <<Yuumu>>
I've seen Titanic, and it was so sad. I cried after Jack died. Will Sunny be in this fanfic? It would be an awesome pairing. Teehee. I think almost everyone knows I ship KyuSun now. Update soon!
well i havent seen titanic....i thik i did but i was really small that time and i fell asleep......soo uhhhh yea but i heard bout it from other ppl ._.
meh idc i still wanna see the first update^^