Part 4

My Cupid Friend

At Seoul Hospital…

[Hyu Mi go at the counter]

Hyu Mi: May I know where is Ms. Im Yoona ward?

Nurse: Ohh, she at the ward no.501…

Hyu Mi: kamsahamida.. ( immediately went to the ward) Yoona!!!!! (open the ward door)

Donghae: Hyu Mi~

Hyu Mi: How is she?

Donghae: She’s…. I don’t know what to say……

Hyu Mi: what do you mean?

Donghae: A doctor said… her cancer was in final stage…. Even though we done for a surgery, but the success only 20%.........

Yoona: (Open her eyes)

Hyu Mi: Yoona ya~

Yoona: (looking at Hyu Mi and smile) Hyu…… Mi ya……

Hyu Mi: ne~

Yoona: there’s something I want to ask your favor….. I hope you won’t disagree about that…

Hyu Mi: Waeyo? (holding Yoona’s hands)

Yoona: Be Donghae side forever for me…

Hyu Mi: B-bo?(looking at Donghae) But, I don’t love him…

Yoona: Liar~ I have read your diary last week…. It’s really hurt me when I know you have to sacrifice your feelings only for me who going to die any soon…

Hyu Mi: Anniya(no)…. Don’t you said that!!! It’s gonna be alright ok?

Yoona: No!!! it’s not…… (touch Hyu Mi face) please… ( suddenly hard to breathe)

Hyu Mi: (crying) no!!! Yoona ya! Doctor!!!!!!!

[doctor came in with a nurse to check Yoona. Donghae have to hold Hyu Mi who seems uncontrolled]

Doctor: mianhei~ Ms. Yoona can’t be save anymore….

Hyu Mi: Andwae!!!!!!!!!!!!!!( screaming while crying)

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Sweet story! <3
hahaha, please don't hate her.. she's my bias... hahaha! thanks... ^^
eatsunyeah #3
i thought i idnt like yoona..,but when i read this,,its like,,i love yoona!!hehe^^love your story
hahaha~ thanks.... ^^
cholahola #5
OMG this story is my fav. hehe . although it short but it fun and bestt ~ hehehehe
thanks for the idea.. i will try that.... :D
Good story , but try to make a poster request ^_^
well, kamsahamida....
Omg.the story was daebak~