Part 3

My Cupid Friend

[Even though Hyu Mi hold the pen, but she never write anything, it’s because she still think about what Donghae have said yesterday]

Hyu Mi: Huh~ (sigh and put the pen on the table) ottoekae? (what to do?) how he found out about that?


Donghae: I know… you love me~

Hyu Mi: (shocked) B-bo? (pardon?) well… hahaha, I don’t understand…. Why you~

Donghae: Stop pretending, Kim Hyu Mi! (shout)

Hyu Mi: …………………..( silent)…………………

Donghae: (hold Hyu Mi’s shoulders) why you have to do this? Why you have to sacrifice your feeling just because you want Yoona make happy? Why?

Hyu Mi: I….. I didn’t love you… ( trying to let Donghae’s hands go to her shoulder)

Donghae: (tighten his hand) Liar~

Hyu Mi: I’M NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( scream and manage to let herself go) I don’t love you… seriously…. Please, don’t make me like this! (began to shed tears)

Donghae: (sigh) Mianhei…. I didn’t mean to… it’s just….. ( looking somewhere).. it’s just i.. love you too….

Hyu Mi: B-bo?

Donghae: (looking at Hyu Mi and wipe Hyu Mi’s tears with his thumb).. yup… jeongmal sarang~

Hyu Mi: But, how about Yoona? You didn’t….

Donghae: (nodded his head) yup…

Hyu Mi: But…..

Donghae: I’ve try to love her, but it seems like I always reminds you more…..

Hyu Mi: (sit at the chair) since when?

Donghae: huh~ since…… we enter in the same university… (sitting besides Hyu Mi) that time, we’re freshman, but you are too far from me… I’ve trying to get closer with you, but you didn’t realized me…….

Hyu Mi:………………………… (silent)……………………………

Donghae: Hyu Mi…. I….

Hyu Mi: I… I gotta go~! ( standing and run away, leaving Donghae behind)

End of flashback…..

Hyu Mi: Arghhh, what I gonna do~? (rubbing her face with hands)

[ then, her handphone ringing]

Hyu Mi: Ne, yeoboseyo? Ne, I’m Kim Hyu Mi…. Ne…. Bo???? (shocked).. ok, Kamsahamida coz tell me about that~!!!

[ then she press red button on her phone, and immediately grab her coat and ran out from her room]

Hyu Mi: Please, Yoona.. don’t scared me~! (muttering)

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Sweet story! <3
hahaha, please don't hate her.. she's my bias... hahaha! thanks... ^^
eatsunyeah #3
i thought i idnt like yoona..,but when i read this,,its like,,i love yoona!!hehe^^love your story
hahaha~ thanks.... ^^
cholahola #5
OMG this story is my fav. hehe . although it short but it fun and bestt ~ hehehehe
thanks for the idea.. i will try that.... :D
Good story , but try to make a poster request ^_^
well, kamsahamida....
Omg.the story was daebak~