Part 1

My Cupid Friend

At apartment……

Yoona: Hyu Mi ya~!!!! (shouting)

Hyu Mi: I’m here!!! (shouting too) at room….

Yoona: (open the door and sit beside Hyu Mi) Hyu Mi ya~ I have a veeeee~ry good news to you….. (sound excited)

Hyu Mi: Hmm~ (stop writing and look at Yoona) Waeyo? (what?)

Yoona: Donghae asked me to be his girlfriend~!!!!!!!!!!!

Hyu Mi: (shocked but pretending to be calm) Jinjjayo? (really?)

Yoona: eemm~ (nodded head) so, we’re officially lover now!!! (smile and excited)

Hyu Mi: congratz dear… I’m very happy for you…… (bitter smile)

Yoona: Yup, I can’t believe that he likes me…….

Hyu Mi: So, it’s miracle for you….

Yoona: yeah~

[ but, in fact, Hyu Mi’s heart were sad and broken…..]


In Shinhwa University….

Yoona: Hyu Mi ya~ I’m really sorry…. I can’t accompany you to that store.. I have promised with Donghae….

Hyu Mi: it’s ok… I’m fine…. It’s a common thing for a lover to go out together…. I don’t mind….

Yoona: But…..

Hyu Mi: Aigoo… don’t worry.. I used to it…. Gwenchana(it’s ok)…….

[ suddenly, a black car stopped in front of them]

Donghae: (come out from the car) Hi….. dear….. (while looking at Hyu Mi)

Yoona: Hi! (smile)

Donghae: Ready?

Yoona: Yup… (looking at Hyumi) gotta go… bye! (walking to the passanger seat)

Hyu Mi: Ne.. bye!

Donghae: (looking at Hyu Mi , looked sad) bye~

Hyu Mi: ne~

[ Donghae enter the car and the car start moving, leaving Hyu Mi watch them from behind. Then, she sigh and walked to the opposite way from the car. On the other side, Donghae watch Hyu Mi from the driver seat with sadness in his heart]

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Sweet story! <3
hahaha, please don't hate her.. she's my bias... hahaha! thanks... ^^
eatsunyeah #3
i thought i idnt like yoona..,but when i read this,,its like,,i love yoona!!hehe^^love your story
hahaha~ thanks.... ^^
cholahola #5
OMG this story is my fav. hehe . although it short but it fun and bestt ~ hehehehe
thanks for the idea.. i will try that.... :D
Good story , but try to make a poster request ^_^
well, kamsahamida....
Omg.the story was daebak~