

this should be oneshoot but yeah.



Things couldn’t get worse for Jongup, now he'd realized what’s wrong with him after all this time. He doodled on his book unknowingly as his mind suddenly went blank. An arm wrapped around his shoulder made him back to his own feet. He turned his head only to find his commander not looking at him but instead at his doodle.

“ Jonguppie, I never know you- oh my. “ He stopped his words, then took a look at the younger one.

“ What-?” Jongup looked at his own doodle. His heart sank. He immediately closed his book. “ I-don’t. Thi-this is not like what you think,” He stuttered. Himchan dragged a nearest chair and sat next to him.

“ What do you think I think, eh?” Himchan said with amused smile. Jongup’s panic mode immediately . His face started heating.

“ I-I-I…”

“ You like her,” It’s not a question, it’s a statement.

“ N-no!” He shook his head fast. Himchan’s smile changed to be a warm one.

“ It’s okay, I won’t tell anyone. “ He patted the younger’s shoulder understandingly. “ So how is it?”

“ What?”

“ Have you confessed to her?” Jongup shook his head. “ Why?” 

“ I…can’t.” He hung his head low before slowly continued. “ Daehyun-hyung likes her too. She’ll definitely choose him. He’s fun and handsome and all….”

Himchan stared at his loyal maknae and pulled him into a hug. “ But at least you’ve told her your feelings.”

“ Do you think so? Ahh….okay,”


            Jongup’s steps stopped together with the time, with his heartbeat, with his rushing blood.

            They’re kissing.

            “ I like you,”

Jongup could hear his hyung’s soft voice after the kiss that felt like forever. He shut his eyes tight. He couldn’t. He just couldn’t.

            Jongup found himself running out of the room the next second.  


            Days passed. Things went on as if nothing happened. Well, actually nothing happened to the others, but not for Jongup. There’s something wrong. He didn’t know what exactly that was though.

            “ Hyung,” He tugged Himchan’s sleeve.

            “ Hm?” Jongup didn’t respond. He just pointed the lead vocalist then the only girl in the room with his eyes and that’s all Himchan needed.

            “ You don’t know?” He turned his head to face the dancer.

            “ What?”

            “ She rejected him.” A spark appeared before Jongup’s widened eyes.

            “ What? How?”

Himchan shrugged. “ Have you confessed to her?” Jongup shook his head. “ Confess, Jonguppie. You may have the chance, she rejected Daehyun because she said she likes someone else,”


Spring was on its way. Sun’s shining brightly among the white clean cloud in the blue sky. The weather went warmer it’s nice. Birds’re chirping here and there and flowers’re blossoming everywhere.

It’s a good day, Jongup reminded himself. He started it with a smile as his steps taking him to his school. Well, the smile disappeared fast enough as an unwanted scene welcomed his vision in front of the gate.

She didn’t do anything. She just let her body dragged by two men to no one knows. Jongup followed them silently, the hell with school.

They stopped at an empty typical alley with bad kids hanging around. Jongup noticed there’re more people there and surprisingly, he knew some of them.

“ You think you’ll scared me with all of this,”

Her voice was still as flat as ever. And it’s always a statement. 

“ This !”

“ Hang on, Yeonnie. Let’s tie her first, uh? Suk Pil,” one of the girls ordered another gangster-like man to tie the victim to a pole.

“ Don’t you ever dare to do that,” The victim warned. The man didn’t care. After got two punches landed on his face and a kick on his knee, he finished his task with the help of other men. “ ,”

“ ,” Jongup repeated her word before stepped forward into the sight.

“ Yeo- it’s Moon Jongup!” The girls gasped. Jongup’s eyes caught a glimpse of new expression on the victim’s face.

“ What are you guys doing? Not going to school?” He asked nonchalantly with a smile plastered across his face as usual.

“ Oh, school’s boring. We just got a new fun activity here. Want to join, Jonguppie?”

“ Oh sure, what is it?”

“ Playing with her,” the leader of the girls pointed the tied victim proudly. Jongup’s smile’s replaced with a smirk.

“ Is there any rule?”

The leader shook her head. “ You can do anything to her,” Jongup nodded his head understandingly. He walked towards the victim.

“ Moon Jongup,”

His heart skipped a beat. She never called his name before. His smirk disappeared. He stopped right in front of her then bent his back. No one made a move, everything’s silent, waiting for his action.

Jongup raised his hand, leaning forward then lifted her face. He pressed his lips gently onto hers.

It’s short but undescribable. The kiss. It’s nothing but sweet and heavenly.

Her face was as red as tomato. Her eyes got huge it’s scary it’d fall out of its socket. agape. Jongup tried his best to ignore all the butterflies in his stomach. He successfully untied the victim even before the others back from their shock.

“ Yah, Moon Jongup! What are you doing?!” He helped the stunned victim back on her feet, ignoring the complaints.

“ Moon Jongup!” The leader grabbed his sleeve and turned him harshly. A smile came back on Jongup’s face.

“ I’m taking her with me.” He said innocently.

The leader snorted. “ You’re kidding right?”

“ Do I look like I’m kidding?” He raised his brows. “ I’m not ing kidding, nuna. Just don’t even ever dare to lay your fingers again on her or else I’ll make sure you’ll end without you assets anymore. Get it? Good.”

He flashed his smirk once again before taking the victim’s hand in his, leaving the area.


They both sat on a bench at Han River Park. They had been late so there’s no use going back to school. They’d only get detention. They enjoyed the scenery in complete silence until the girl finally broke it.

“ Thank you,” she said.

“ Uh-yeah, it’s nothing,” Jongup grinned sheepishly. “ Oh yeah and about uh…that…before, I-“

This time it’s Jongup’s eyes that got huge. He could see fireworks, stars, and everything’s beautiful before his eyes. He could hear angels’ choir in his mind. He could feel the butterflies in his stomach, the faster heartbeats, the blood rushing, and those delicate lips on his. Right when he wanted to deepen the kiss, the girl tore it. Her face was blushing hard and so was his.

“ I…like you,” she said, barely audible but Jongup somehow just managed to hear it.

His mind exploded. His heart exploded. His body felt weak all of a sudden, it’s like melting into water. He leaned his back on the bench support.

“ I…whoa,” he shook his head. He didn’t know what to say. His brain’s not as bright as Youngjae’s so he needed some time to process everything.

“ It’s okay. I just want to tell you,” She suddenly stood up.

“ W-wait,” Jongup followed her, stopping her. He walked in front of her then turned. He inhaled some air and trying to gather all his courage.

“ Ilikeyoutoo. I LIKE YOU TOO!” He shouted, shutting his eyes tight. He didn’t dare to open it. He expect anything else but not a hesitate hug. He blinked cluelessly.

“ I thought you hate me.” The girl whispered. Jongup gasped, then bit his lower lip to prevent him from freaking out.

“ I- no way. I-I like you,” he raised his hands and wrapped the girl into his embrace.

“ You seemed so distant,”

“ I thought you’re dating hyung,”

The girl chuckled. “ Babo.”

Jongup smiled, leaning back so he could face her.“ But you like this babo, right?”

Before she could even respond, Jongup already crushed her lips again for the third time that day and succeeded in deepening it.

“ Do you want to be my girlfriend?”

“ Of course, you babo.”

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alwaysdreaming #1
oh how sweet and kind of scary of Jongup, but i like the story it was really cute
MinjiLee #2
aww soo sweet Jongup ~
miszchlahiie766 #3
awwww... cute...
waaaahhh!! so sweet.. Jongup oppa.. >3<
thatkpopthingy #5
UlzzangsLover #6
This fanfic is so sweet! Jongup is so cute ♥♡♥♡♥♡
choheex33 #7
Cute story ;)