
It’s as clear as crystal that Moon Jongup’s attracted to this girl. She doesn’t come with wealthy background like the others do. She didn’t drool over them, heck she didn’t ever care about them while the other girls were dying to swap place with her. It’s not hard to observe her since they’re in same grade and most of their classes were same. She’s always alone, spending most her times with sleeping through classes. But fortunately for her, she’s gifted with brain that’s par with Youngjae’s.

It’s one day when Jongup’s just got back from his P.E class and found her being bullied behind the gymnasium by some A-class girls. She’s injured with cuts on her face and arms but she didn’t even try to fight back, although by knowing her for months, Jongup knows she could beat them with ease despite her petite figure. She just showing the girls her usual half-smile, coolly shrugged the hand that grab her collar. She blinked her eyes for a moment before raising her hand and pinned the girl whose hand grabbed her to the wall. Her half-smile slowly turned to be a wickest smirk Jongup ever seen

           “ ,”

She didn’t yell, instead her voice’s so low it almost sounded deathly. “ You’re lucky because I didn’t get enough sleep last night, or else I’ll make you sure that your lovely B.A.P, especially that Jongup guy will end between these bony legs. Understand? Good.” She shoved the girls out of her way and wiped her bloods. She didn’t notice Jongup until the latter decided to show himself in front of her. She has never been surprised though.

          “ Uh.” She raised her hand. 

Jongup just flashed his bright smile as usual. He’s the only in B.A.P who almost never ordered her doing anything. They rarely interacted, even Daehyun seemed to talk with her more than him.

         “ Where are you going? Infirmary is that way,” Jongup pointed the other way. The girl showed him her another half-smile.

          “ No,” she simply answered.

         Jongup shook his head. “ No,” he repeated the same word. He looked at her hesitantly at first before taking her hand in his, walking her to the infirmary. The fact that she didn’t take her hand back made Jongup’s heart somehow beat a little faster in his chest.

The infirmary was empty like any other times. Jongup released his hold.

          “ I’ll get the plaster-“

          “ I can find it myself,”

         Jongup waited the girl cleaning her cuts on a chair. Since there’s no mirror in the room, she got most of the plasters at wrong places.

           “ Let me help you,” He took the plasters and moved it to the right spots. He found the plasters made her look even cuter than usual and tried to hold his laugh. His small eyes couldn’t help but notice a of pink shades on her pale cheeks. He stunned.

           “ You…blushed,” his eyes widened realizing the fact.

           “ N-no,” the blush became more visible. Jongup never seen this side of her. Another smile appeared across Jongup’s face without he himself knowing.

           The girl raised her hands and covered . Her eyes widened unusually.

           “ Wh-what’s wrong?” Jongup’s taken aback. The girl just shook her head fast. She got up all of a sudden, rushing out of the room.


           Things went awkward after that. Interaction between the two completely gone to the thin winter cold.

           Jongup spared a glance. She tore it. She caught a glimpse of him. He turned away.

           It’s another boring day when Daehyun took a seat beside Jongup. There’s no one else in the headquarters that time. The two oldest were nowhere to be seen, the main vocalist were going to toilet and the youngest were doing God knows what.

           “ Hello, hyung,”

           “ Jonguppie,” The older called, eyes looking straight to the front. “ Have you ever fallen in love?” He asked out of the blue.

          “ Love?” Jongup repeated. He pushed the pause button on his console. “ I don’t know. How do you know you’re in love with someone by the way?”

          “ You know you’re in love with her when…. You can’t get her out of your mind. Your heart beat faster than usual whenever you see, you talk with her. You can notice her presence even from far. You can’t pass a day without seeing her. You laugh at her silly mistakes. You don’t care anything else as long as you can spend more times with her…”

         Jongup looked at the older’s sparkling eyes. All of those things he said…they sounds so familiar to Jongup.

         “ Hyung?”

         “ Hm?”

         “ Are you falling in love with someone?” Daehyun nodded once.

         “ With who?”

         The door cracked open. “ Eh,”

         “ Her.”

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alwaysdreaming #1
oh how sweet and kind of scary of Jongup, but i like the story it was really cute
MinjiLee #2
aww soo sweet Jongup ~
miszchlahiie766 #3
awwww... cute...
waaaahhh!! so sweet.. Jongup oppa.. >3<
thatkpopthingy #5
UlzzangsLover #6
This fanfic is so sweet! Jongup is so cute ♥♡♥♡♥♡
choheex33 #7
Cute story ;)