Roller Coaster

Roller Coaster

"I told you guys, I don't wanna go ride it!" Lee Sungmin said, shouting at his friends because he got fed up for their constant nagging.

If Lee Sungmin doesn't wanna do it, he won't do it.
"I shouldn't even have came anyway," Sungmin said. "It's obvious I'll feel out of place since you guys are on a date." 
It's not that Sungmin isn't used to it yet. It's just that it happens a lot now. 
Two hours before Sungmin and his friends had gone to the carnival, Sungmin already told them-Eunhyuk, Donghae, Yesung, and Ryeowook-that all they're gonna do is leave him and go on with their lives. But they promised they're gonna stick with him till the end. What happened to that promise now? 
Sungmin can't really blame them. Who wouldn't want to spend time with their lovers?
Sungmin is still not sure why he went with them. Now, they want him to ride the roller coaster without anyone sitting beside him, or worse, some erted stranger will come and molest him while they're on the ride. 
"Come on gus! Even the clowns know I'm scared of riding by myself," Sungmin said.
"It's gonna be fun!" his friends Eunhyuk exclaimed. 
"Yeah! You need to get over your fear of riding by yourself," his friend Ryeowook said.
In the end, Sungmin's friends were able to persuade him. 
Meanwhile, near the 'Kiss Me for a Dollar' booth, seven friends were arguing.
"Shut up! Before we even came here, I already said I was sitting beside Siwon on the roller coaster!" Kibum yelled.
"Just because you like my cousin, doesn't mean you get to sit beside him!" Kyuhyun yelled back.
Siwon and Kibum were practically dating already, it's just that Kyuhyun can't bear to see his favorite cousin with the guy he used to like. 
"How about this, we'll each draw a straw and whoever gets the shortest will have to sit by himself," Heechul suggested. 
"DEAL!" they all agreed in unison. 
Too bad Kyuhyun's luck wasn't on his side tonight. He was the one who got the shortest straw. Although, he still thinks Leeteuk cheated when he said he meant to pick the white straw, not the blue one.
"Sorry Kyu, I guess you're gonna have to sit by yourself," Kang In said, earning a loud chuckle from Kibum. 
They went to stand in line for the roller coaster. 
Kyuhyun wasn't that nervous. If anything, he's mad that he's probably gonna have to sit beside a stranger. At the same time, Sungmin just wants to get it over with and go home. 
Before they knew it, it was their turn to get on the roller coaster. 
"Well would you look at that, I guess you won't be sitting by yourself Kyu," Hangeng said.
Kyuhyun turned to see what Hangeng was talking about. Kyuhyun felt something in his stomach. It was either he was nervous about riding the roller coaster, or he was nervous riding the roller coaster with the cutest guy he's ever seen.
Kyuhyun quickly walked next to where the cute guy was standing; waiting for the roller coaster to arrive. 
"Hi," Kyuhyun said, with a hint of flirting in his tone. "I'm Kyuhyun." 
"And I want to get out of here," the cute guy responded.
"Why is that?" Kyuhyun asked.
"My stupid friends over there are on a date and I'm their freaking bodyguard!" the cute guy snapped, not even caring that he's complaining to a complete stranger. 
"No kidding! My friends are on a date too!" Kyuhyun replied enthusiastically.
"After this ride, I'm leaving them and I'm going home!" the cute guy said, while the roller coaster had arrived. 
The cute guy sat at the left side, and Kyuhyun gladly took the seat next to him.
The cute guy started fiddling and fidgeting with the seatbelt. Kyuhyun noticed this so he helped him put it on for him. After putting the seatbelt for him, he also saw that the guy was holding on to the handlebars so tightly.
"What's your name?" Kyuhyun asked, hoping he'll fnally get a decent answer this time. 
"Sungmin," Sungmin answered. 
"Well Sungmin, are you scared of riding the roller coaster?" Kyuhyun asked and he was shocked when the latter nodded his head without hesitation.
"It's just... I've never rode roller coasters without someone I know beside me," Sungmin explained. "I scream way too loud. I'm scared I might break your ear drums."
Kyuhyun reached out for Sungmin's hand and squeezed it reassuringly. "Don't worry. I'm here. I'll protect you. And if you're worried about my ear drums, don't. I scream like a girl. It can be considered as shrieking." 
Sungmin laughed. He felt comfortable with Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun couldn't help but blush at the sound of Sungmin's laugh. 
It can't be love, Kyuhyun thought. But it was definitely something. Something that actually can lead to love. 
As they rode the roller coaster, both of them were screaming their lungs out; without a care in the world. 
After riding the roller coaster, they both ditched their friends and had fun together. 
It was a beginning of a roller coaster of love. 
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Mingsshi #1
Chapter 1: so hard for not liking it . It was loveable and light , make you smile while reading it .
sjkya13 #2
Chapter 1: Little short but love it.>3
fygaeming #3
Chapter 1: it's already end?? :(
i think you should make it longer than this kkkk
but this fic so awesome ;;;;
love it <333
reread this again.... still short but sooooo adorable~~ ^^
PearlCassiELF #5
Chapter 1: Short and sweet! :D
Chapter 1: Waaaah toooo cuuuute
I love your style in writing ,, but it's too short !!
I think if you complet it ,, it's gonna be PIRFECT $_$
Gonna check ur fanfics :)
Thanks ~
i guess going out with couples but not for these two! ^__<
thanks for the oneshot
kinbari15 #8
If stories like this actually happen when you go to the amusement park without a date.
Oh. . . And while I'm at it, I hope it would be Kyuhyun or Sungmin sitting beside me on the roller coaster. ^____^
aw! adorable!! ^^
Sequel please!! :)