The days seemed to pass by that I don’t really think of the coming Saturday. As YoungBae promised, every day he picks us up in the morning and also after the shift. At night he would spend dinner with us. He said he is here for a family errand but when I ask how long he is staying he seemed to avoid the question. Oh well, as long as everyone is happy. But I know I can’t escape the reality. Just like before he came in, and just by his mere presence overwhelmed me. I nudge CL to do my job, but she ignored me.


“Thanks” I eyed her.


“How are you today?” I greeted him with a little reservation.


He beamed. “You seem very fine now, I’m glad”


“Thank you” Why does he always do this to me? I don’t know what emotion I would show anymore.


“Oh, same as before” He smiled. Why does he always smile! Stop smiling!


“Ok, one jasmine tea coming up” I turn around.


And just the whole time whenever I passed by he would smile and I can’t breathe. My heart wanted to jump of my chest just every time he would gaze at me. I tried. I really tried to avoid him. But I keep failing. How brilliant Dara? You might as well start digging your own grave now. So when he stood up ready to leave, I feel a sudden relief. He slowly walked to the counter and placed a small blue box. Then he left. CL beats me first and took it.


“Dara-unnie it’s for you. Oh, chocolates!” 


Why would he give me chocolates? Is he courting me now? What? I want to go after him and confront him. I want to ask everything that has been my constant frustration since. But what would I say? “You are courting me now?” That would be the lamest question.


Hours passed and another guy came in. I recognized him quickly. The freak guy! What is his name again? Seohyun? Sooyoung, a girl’s name? Seunghyun? I tried avoiding his eyes but to my dismay he sat near the counter.


“Dara, come here”


“What?”  I yelled annoyingly and CL pushed me forward.


“Sir, anything you need?”


“Yes, I need to talk to you” 


“Only official business”


I was about to leave when he grabbed my wrist. “Wait”


“Leave me alone, I don’t know you” I turned around.


“It’s Jiyong, I know you know him.” That just made me stopped.


“I’m Jiyong’s friend and he is in an accident just by now and he is looking for you, come with me quick”


Acting on impulse, I look for CL.


“CL, emergency, just tell boss, okay?” CL nodded.


“What happened, he is just here this morning?” I ask him.


“Traffic accident, just come with me”


He led me to his car. I rode without hesitation. I now feel really really terrible. Why did I treat him so cold this morning? I feel so bad..


“Can you drive faster?”


“Ok, ok, just relax”


He kept glancing to me smirking amused with my worried face. Really what is wrong with him? Is he not concerned with his friend? I forgot I’m with the freak guy.


I noticed we are going on the wrong way. I know this way. This will lead us to the mountains.


“What are we doing here?”


“Would you like to help me?”


“No!” I put my head out of the car window and screamed


“Someone help me! This guy is trying to kidnap me”


“Hey, take it easy woman. Please don’t put your head out and stop acting funny”


“Do you think this is funny?” I screamed more.


“Please! Someone help me!”


“Would you please stop screaming, I don’t feel good too, I’m betraying my friend here, well, not exactly, because I’m just trying to help.” He said it like he was trying to convince himself.


And just in time we arrived in our destination, a grave site. What is he planning to do with me? Wah! I must run or call someone but I forgot my phone in a hurry come with him.


“Come follow me”


I daren’t move.


“Don’t worry I don’t plan anything on you, you’re not my type anyway.” And that just pissed me off. I calmed myself and followed him. I don’t want to shed blood here.


I followed him quietly. Suddenly we stopped in one grave and I can’t help but read the dedication “To the one whom I always loved, you will always remain in my heart forever” Seunghyun took something out from his coat, a pink rose. I don’t know how the hell he kept that inside his coat but he kissed it softly and laid it beside the grave. I noticed something that made me stop breathing.


“Do you recognize these flowers?”


Who wouldn't recognize the bouquet of pink roses that you always see every week and I always wonder to whom he would give it.


He touched the grave and turned to me “I would like you to meet Jiyong’s girlfriend”


And everything started sinking in.

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Rumbaka #1
Chapter 18: Hey i love your story would you like to continue this story?
chen_free #2
I hope you decide to continue this story.
Chapter 18: Lmaooo seunghyun and bommie are gonna be a good match I can feel it in my bones xD
meneth #4
Chapter 18: i love seunghyun's character here . hihihihi. the little devil.
thetruthe #5
Chapter 1: new reader!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love your daragon story
I hope you can update this. I want to see how Ji and Dara's story will become. If Ji is really slowly moving on. Please don't forget this authornim.
Chapter 18: I just started reading it today and I thoroughly enjoyed every chapter.
The length on how Seunghyun would go to bring Dara and Jiyong closer together were pretty drastic, but it's funny how it's actually working.
I hope you can update soon. ^.^
Chapter 18: Seunghyun schemes.... hahaha... i love it... thanks for the update...^^
lowhigh #9
Chapter 18: wow....awesome!!! I love it!!
really really i wish they will be happy! lovely story.
lowhigh #10
Chapter 1: oh oh!! very cute story...!!! Iloveit.