After Treat...

Born Relationship

"Wow! The dinner was just awesome! Thanks for the treat!",said Amber


"No Problem!",said Henry.


They both came out of the restaurent.They decided that they would walk and go home.While walking Amber realised a old man

who was trying to cross the road.While that old man was walking the cars were coming in between,so it found him difficult for him to

cross the road.

"Henry,I'll Be Right Back! Wait Here!",said Amber


"Wait! But where are you going?",asked Henry


"I'll come fast!"


Amber ran to help that old man.She pulled that man from crossing the road.That man was blind.Henry too ran behind Amber.


“Amber, WAIT!”


She saved that old man from meeting up with an accident.That man got a jerk.


"What just actually happened child?",asked that old man.


"Sorry Grandpa,but you were going to meet with an accident.Please do be careful!",said Amber to that old man.


"Oh Sorry child.I cannot see anything actually.I just feel you as my daughter whom I had lost 2 years ago.You just remind me of her.She also used to be the same as you do..",said the old man.Henry too joined with their conversation.

"Lets go the park Grandpa as here it is quite crowded",said Amber.



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Wolfram_iflameu #2
Chapter 4:
AHHHHH! HENRY ARRIVES! HENRY ARRIVES! That is so awesome! He finally arrived! And in sucha lovely manner! Aww, they bumped into each other and her books fell down. SOO, SOO CUTE! <3

It's so awesome that Henry just jumped into the story in such an adorable manner! And Amber's reaction! Good Lord, soo epic!

'"YOU!!!",Amber got shocked when she saw Henry.' <--- This line was so funny! It was like she was accusing him or something! XD SO AWESOME! :D

AWW, HENRY ASKED HER OUT! SO CUTE! His style of asking is also so adorable! I would have said an instant yes, if I were Amber! <3

Why Amber no say yes? LOL. But, here again it's really awesome that you're keeping with her character. I mean, she's sort of hesitating to go out with Henry and that's really good, because it's not like she's those stoopid plastic girls who just jump on an opportunity to go out with our very own 'chocolate boy'. <--God, I love that description of him! <3 :*

JONGHYUN IS BEHIND SULLI? :O At least it's not Taemin. Hehee. XD

Wow, it's awesome how you incorporated f(x) into a project! That's really innovative! Wowwowowoww! :O

YAYAY! AMBER'S GOING WITH HIM ON A DATE! Wow, are Krystal and Sulli really going to do her make up and hairdo? Then she'll look super awesome! <3

Yesung's a restaurateur? That is soo cool! I can't wait for the next chapter! I'm sure it'll be super awesome! Update soon, yes? :D
Wolfram_iflameu #3
Chapter 3:
Wow, your chapters just seem to be getting longer and longer, yes?
That's really good! More awesomeness to read! :DD

Ohoo! Henry's the handsome chocolate boy, eh? Your description of him is soo accurate! :D

I think it's really interesting that Amber is not all excited that Henry likes her rather she's more shocked and astonished! XD That makes for a really funny as well as original reaction! :D

Ahahahhaa! Amber's reaction when Donghae told her that Henry wanted to go on a date with her was SOO EPIC! :D I love this girl! <3

God, Donghae is soo cutely sarcastic! He's congratulating Amber that someone likes her at the very least! GOSH, THAT IS SOO CUTE AND HILARIOUS! XD

Donghae teasing is so cute. He's like a girl in such matters. <3

Honestly yaa, Amber is like effing awesome here! It's soo cute that she's not into the whole, 'handsome popular' guy but rather she's lamenting over the fact that he likes her!

srinivasjanani7 #4
@SHINee_fanatic : LOL! xD
Wolfram_iflameu #6
Wow, this chapter is longer! :D That's cool!

The 'atleast some guy likes her' part made me laugh so bad! XD LOLOL

I love Amberrr. ;_; Amber, forget Henry, come marry me! LOLOL
:) HENBER <3
srinivasjanani7 #8
Guys Sorry my Second Chapter will be completed tomorrow pakka! :)
Wolfram_iflameu #9
Moar! Moarrr! Next chapter! I want. <3 Plus a longer one! :D