He's gone

Puppy Love



Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiing Riiiiiiiiiiiiiing~ My alarm clock rang for the second time. Fine. I’ll stand up now. Aish. If that Lee Taemin just did well yesterday, I could enjoy long hours of sleep for today. I stood up reluctantly. I was almost dragging myself just to get to the bathroom.

After dressing up and doing my morning routines, I picked up my bag and headed outside. I don’t think the weather’s gonna be fine today. It’s cold and dark. And to add to that, I need to meet up with a storm named Lee Taemin.

I was about to walk to my destination when I found a cute little puppy right outside my gate. He seemed to be sleeping. Who could your owner be? Drizzle started to fall from the sky. Ottoke? I can’t let this poor being outside. So I carried the sleeping puppy and put him inside the house. “I’ll be back soon, ok? Sleep well. We’ll look for you owner.” I told him and went off.

I was already in front of SME’s building when my phone rang. “Yoboseyeo?” I answered. “Ms. Daeil, this is SHINee’s manager. Please go to the President’s office immediately. We have a big problem.” He said and hung up. With the tone of his voice, I can really say that there’s a problem.

“Good morning, Ms. Daeil.” President Lee greeted. “What’s good when we have a problem, sir?” I asked. I don’t want them to go on circles. Just give me what I need to know. I looked at SHINee and one of them is missing. “Where’s Taemin-ssi?” I asked. “We can’t find him.” Onew answered me.

With that answer, my heart dropped. What the f- “We drank last night and he said he’ll just go out for some fresh air. But he never came back.” Key explained to me. I can’t help but to watch the sadness in Minho oppa’s face. He must be really worried. Taemin is like a younger brother to him. Ah. Jinja. I’ll kill that guy if I come across him.

“Then we need to postpone the comeback.” I told them. “I think it would be rude if you continue this without a member.” I added. “Let’s have a press conference about this. Fans have the right to know. They could also help. Taem might have been kidnapped.” Jonghyun said. He seemed to be really serious.

“Ok. Please arrange for a press conference tomorrow. We need to find Taemin as soon as possible. Let’s just hope nothing bad has happened to him.” Mr. Soo Man told SHINee’s Manager. I gave a deep sigh. Taemin sure knows how to piss me off.



I opened my eyes slowly expecting to see my bed and my hyungs. Unfortunately, I was in a different place. I looked around and examined the things around me. Where am I? Why everything looks so small? Perhaps I’m still in dream land.

I got up from the couch and jumped to the ground. I wandered around and ended up banging my head on a glass door. WTH. It hurts. I rubbed my head and looked back at the glass to see my reflection. My eyes widened with what I saw. WTF! Why do I look like a beagle? I shook my head and the dog in the glass shook its head as well. No. Please. Somebody wake me up already!!!

The door suddenly opened and a familiar girl appeared. “Daeil?” I tried to say but instead of hearing my voice, I heard a bark. Oh God. Tell me that this is just a nightmare. “Hello!! You’re awake now?” she asked me cutely and carried me in her arms.

“YAH!!!! Don’t touch me there.” I tried to shout but everything that comes out of my mouth is dog sounds. OTL. Being with this girl makes think this is really a nightmare. “You don’t have a leash. Where are you owners, cute puppy?” she asked me waiting for an answer. I just glared at her.

“I guess I need to post some papers about you outside so your owners can find you.” She continued and put me on her lap. Uggh. This is my worst dream ever. “But for now, you need to stay with me, ok?” she smiled and my head. I shook my head to get rid of her hand.

I’m going. I’m not a puppy, ok? I’m SHINee’s Lee Taemin. I walked towards the door. I need to go back to the dorm. “Oh. Where are you going?” she asked and I just ignored her. I tried to open the door with my paw. MY PAW. I can’t. I want to cry already.

I heard a chuckle behind me and I was again lifted from the ground. “Just take a rest, ok? I’ll look for your owner.” She said and put me back on the couch. If this is a dream, maybe I need to go to sleep as a dog so when I wake up, I am a human again. Yes. I’ll sleep for now.



Oh. This puppy really sleeps very fast. Hahaha. So cute. I will look for your owners. It may sound wrong but I really want to keep you. I don’t want to return you. I’ve always wanted a dog since I was a kid. Aigoo~ if nobody claims you by the end of this week, you’re mine already.

As for Taemin, I hope he’s found already. Minho oppa is really worried. And the comeback is very much awaited by fan. Aish. Taemin-ssi is such a burden.


A/N: Sorry for the super duper late and short update. Hahaha. Forgive me. ;__; I'm really busy these days. Anyways, I need your help. Can you please suggest cute puppy names for our little beagle? Please also specify why you chose that name for Taemin the puppy. Thanks a lot!!! xoxo

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Chapter 10: hahahaha taemin~~~ pls update is nice!!!!!!
she's so crazy over minho. xD
lol. taemin thought her s were squishy. XD
Ahhhh taemin is worried! Or not? Hahaha he is so funny... Just imagining him like that makes me laugh... Keep the good marga! You're always awesome <3
I do hope Minho and her will be together, even if it's just for awhile :)
reading this is not boring, really! update soon ! jebaaal!
...A banana milk CF... LOOOOOOOOOOL XDDDDD
Taemin is so mischievous! He actually thought Daeil is Minho's stalker.
Just wait til he found out the truth between them.
Hey, it wasn't boring at all! I really found it adorable imagining Taemin like that. XD
Oh my, this is si cute! Sorry for only commenting now.
Taemin is so cute being helpless with those puppy stuffs. XD
Update soon!