Be with you.

'Unmovable' Feelings

“Look Mi Yeo-ssi, I’m halfway done in finishing my self-composed song,” I showed the music sheet to the life-size doll standing beside the couch of our living room. Yep, I named her Mi Yeo-ssi, pretty lame huh? Actually, I got her name from a TV series with a main character named Mi Nam, meaning beautiful man. But since she’s a girl, I named her Mi Yeo; a beautiful girl. It’s been 11 years since we bought her; my mom cleaning it thrice a week. Mi Yeo-ssi is still the same; still wearing that pink dress and her hair never loses its curls and the light shade of pink on her lips never fades. Still beautiful. “You know what, Mi Yeo-ssi? It’s my birthday tomorrow! I’m already turning 21, getting old I guess,” I talked to it again, as if she can hear and understand me. My parents didn’t find it weird though: me talking to a doll. But hey, she’s the only one I can tell my problems to, including how I got rejected by a girl in school when I confessed to her. Though her face don’t show any reaction when I tell her about that.

            - Mi Yeo-ssi’s POV -

It’s his 21st birthday tomorrow? I almost forgot. But I can do nothing though, I’m just a life-size doll and a non-talking friend to him right? Gah, he’s growing up really fast. One day he was just a little kid staring at me at the garage sale and now he’s turning 21? He grew up handsomely too. He colors his hair like every year, but I think he looks best when his hair is dyed black, complementing his oh-so-milky-white complexion. I like his fashion sense, even though he looks good in every clothes he wears. He’s perfect, I must say. And look, he named me Mi Yeo-ssi. When he gave me that name, he immediately explained its meaning afterwards. So thoughtful of him, if I could just put a smile on for him or touch his hands.

You might be surprised I have my own point of view when I’m just a doll. I don’t know the whole story, but all I understand is that when a man kissed me on his 21st birthday, I’ll be free from this I-don’t-even-know-if-it’s-a-curse-or-whatever. I know it’s impossible for Jaejoong to do that, he doesn’t even know my story and the key to free me. And another reason; he likes somebody else. He told me that story, when he got rejected by a girl he likes. I mean, why would that girl turn him down? He’s almost perfect, see?

He’s working hard to finish that song he is composing. I wonder who that is for. Oh please not for that ungrateful girl who rejected him.

            - Jaejoong’s POV -

I got back to work on composing a song. My mom’s currently working in the kitchen while my dad is still at his office. I wonder if she’s looking at me. I smiled as I thought about that. She’s been with me through all times, and I’m planning to pay back with a self-composed song. Yes, you can say that this song is dedicated for her. I’m crazy? I’m planning to sing it to her on my birthday tomorrow. I know I’m the one with the birthday yet I’m going to give her a present. I wonder if she’s gonna hear it.

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Chapter 4: this is so cute and sweet!^^
Awww.. That's such a sweet story.. <3 that's why they love garage sale.. Lol
What a awesome story. I bet only you have the only story like that.
awww so cute and creative! <3
so jae's mom's a doll too? cute
love your story,, <3
i love how magical yet simple it is,, :)))
ixiajane #7