It's really hard to ignore him......

Which should i pick?

Zhoumi rested his head on the pillow. He's wondering about what happened days ago...

"Why i confessed with hyung? Im such a stupid human being. What if he ask hangeng hyung what it mean? Im probably will be dead after he knew it." It's just, nobody seems be able to help him. he's just hopeless, regretting what he said to Heechul before.

He tried to calm himself down, when he heard a knock from outside the room to his door. He didnt say anything to respond, so the one who knocked; opened the door and stepped inside. "Hyuuuuung!"

Definitely, Henry. Zhoumi thinks his whine was cute but he resist to call it, annoying. "What?"

"Why did you let me sleep on the couch yesterday? I'm not comfortable!!" Henry said, whining even more. Its a little bit childish but, its Henry. And his childish behavior really match with his face.

Zhoumi really wanted to answer 'awww my poor baby, im sorry. Come here sleep beside me so i can cuddle you' but his mind was too far away from that right there. So instead he's just rolled his eyes and replied. "Sorry, Henry. I'm not your babysitter"

"Ahh! Ill just go to sleep. Wake me up at 11 am okay hyung, amber asked me to have lunch with her" he said like he doesnt care Zhoumi's careless words. Henry jumped to his bed, hugged his favorite chipmunk plushie that his 'Strings' gave to him and closed his eyes shut. Zhoumi stared at his some-kind-of-little-brother Which is sleeping peacefully, and zhoumi realise that he's been smiling. He quickly turn back to his usual 'cool-not caring' face.

Zhoumi started to close his eyes too. but when he want to go to his dreamland, his phone which he placed beside his ear on the pillow rang, making him shocked. But cool, Henry didnt woke up from his sleep although he's just went to sleep seconds ago. Zhoumi groaned, get up and took the phone. didnt look out the caller's name, he pressed the dial button and stick his phone to his ear. "Im trying to sleep here!!" He said, angrily.

"Eh? Mi? Are you there? I'm sorry to bother you but" Zhoumi realized. It's Song Qian a.k.a. Victoria Song, his best friend since he;s in China. he slapped himself, and put a soft tone to his voice.

"Aish, song qian. sorry i thought you're somebody. anything to do?" He said in Chinese.

"Nickhun and i want to invite you to the barbeque restaurant at lunch time.. want to come? Because tomorrow khunnie will go to Thailand so he wanted to meet you"

Oh, Nickhun’. Zhoumi and Nickhun are friends. but not a really good friends. They're friends because of Victoria. "Oh, okay. anyone else other than me there or just the 3 of us?:

"There will be f(x) members also. they said they want to invite their friends so i agree. And don’t ask me if youre invited because they invited their friends and I have to, too. It’s Khunnie.” But, Zhoumi expected there will be 2pm members too, but its not really a problem for him, though. He agreed and hung up the phone, lied on his bed and closed his eyes, without thinking what exactly a ‘problem’ (he might think it as a problem) will happen right after he woke up.


“Zhoumi gege!! Hyuuuung!” Zhoumi was shocked, he heard someone called him with whining voice. Ah it must be henry.

He opened his eyes, scanning the whole room and found a pouting boy hugging a chipmunk plushie. “Hyuung why you didn’t wake me up, its 11:05.”

“Sorry, I didn’t say yes before and I fell asleep because I’m tired.” Well, he had to say sorry even if he thinks that its not really his fault.

Zhoumi didn’t feel guilty AT ALL. He’s just left the room and went to the bathroom, leave Henry alone in there.

After done showering, he put on his clothes, a fedora, and shades. He went outside and took his Gucci bag on the living room table. When he turned back, to the place he hung his car key but he didn’t find it there. He started to panicked when he ran to outside the basement and he didn’t spot his car. He groaned, that means he has to walk there. Fixed his shoe laces, he stood up and started walking…

On the ¼ way to the restaurant, he met someone familiar wearing a red jacket and a cap in front of a flower shop. Is it for amber? He pretended to not care. The guy that no other than Henry called him and waved from the place. “Hyuuuuuuuuungie!!”. He rolled his eyes when Henry ran to him and hugged him tightly. He felt something sharp touched his left arm; he looked down and saw red roses that Henry holds. “What are you doing here?”

“That supposed to be my line, Mochi. What are you doing here? Hyungs might be searching for you” Zhoumi already knew he was going to the restaurant to hang out with Amber.

Henry giggled and hide the roses to his back, making Zhoumi looked at him weirdly. “I’m going to the restaurant, remember? Amber said there will be other f(x) members there.. it’s actually Victoria noona’s event.”

Zhoumi noticed something. ‘Oh.. wait.. that means you’ll going to the barbeque restaurant?”

“How do you know, hyung?!?! Did you spy on me?” Henry said, grinned and hopped, like he’s so excited if Zhoumi really spy on him, the truth was not.

“No I didn’t. song qian ask me to go there too. So that means I have to go with you……….” Zhoumi lowered the last words, but Henry gets more excited and pulled Zhoumi’s hand and started walking together to the restaurant.

“Lets go hyung! We’ll be late its 12:05 now!” That makes Zhoumi shocked, glanced at his watch on his right hand (that brought his Gucci bag) if its right, and Henry was right. He pulled Henry’s hand with his left hand and started ran while Henry just giggled happily.


“Hey yo my boy, Henry!” The two of them are arrived and Henry has been greeted by Amber when they’re outside the restaurant. Looks like Amber has been waiting for Henry. Zhoumi shivered by the way Amber called Henry. “My boy.” but don’t think that it’s a problem for him.

“Hey Amber pretty baby!” Henry said making Zhoumi shivered even more. Is this what you get while Americans talk with each other? But the way he called her,..its too lovey dovey… but they didn’t hug or kiss or something. They’re dating, no?

 “Come on lets get in!” she didn’t saw Zhoumi beside Henry, but when she glanced at him, the male smiled sweetly as he took off his shades. Amber noticed that its Zhoumi. “Ah! Mimi oppa, I didn’t see you there. Girls and Khun oppa has been waiting for you!”

They get in and been greeted by all of those people. And Nickhun seems so nice to Zhoumi. He asked what will Zhoumi eat, and talked everything together. Sometimes Zhoumi glanced at his ‘little brother’ who feed each other with a Tenderloin Steak and giggled sometimes. Zhoumi used to feed him like that at the dorm. Victoria said that her and Nickhun will be married in a few months and Zhoumi seemed so happy about it.
Secretly, Zhoumi been liking that girl before he debuted. But when he heard that Victoria and Nickhun are dating, He stopped. Too much heartache but its slowly gone since he take care of the mochi. Seeing Victoria and Nickhun together was not much problem for him now, but why he felt so uncomfortable?

After a few hours there full of chit chatting for Zhoumi and Victoria and playing random things for Henry and other f(x) members, they decided to go home. Zhoumi didn’t think of asking Henry to go with him because..well.. he’s already with Amber. Maybe he will take Amber home and then go home alone. He bid goodbye to them and go outside the restaurant. Walk his way home, someone grabbed his hand. He turned around and saw Henry bringing his Gucci Bag. “Hyung! You forgot this!”

“Oh sorry… thank you Henry” Zhoumi didn’t smile at him. He saw Henry’s still holding the red roses. Isnt it for Amber? Taking his favorite bag from henry’s hand, he continue to walk but he felt that Henry’s following him.

“Uhh.. henry. Wht are you doing?”

“Going home… we went there together, so it means we have to go home together too!” Henry pouted childishly and grabbed Zhoumi’s right hand with his free left hand. Zhoumi didn’t really care, he continued walking with the baby of SJ to the dorm.

But then when they’re near the dorm, Zhoumi thought, why am I holding his hand? He’s Ambers! He Immediately took off his hand from henry’s, but Henry didn’t cmment at all. Zhoumi begin to walk a little more distant from Henry.

When they reached the dorm, Zhoumi found out that Donghae’s the one who ‘borrow’ his car. Didn’t really care about it, he went to his room and hopped to the bed. “Tiring day” 

Someone opened the door and closed it. Zhoumi put his head up to see who it is even though he already knew its Henry. Henry was pouting right there. Maybe he’s sad about it?

“Henry, sorry..” Zhoumi said simply as he got up and sat on the corner of the bed. Henry just smiled weakly.

“Henry, I’m really sorry of what I did if I really hurts you.”

“It’s okay hyung. I’m not sad because of you.. its just something you didn’t want to know.” Zhoumi just nodded at henry, understanding his position.

“Hyung… do you want this?” Henry handed the red roses he hold to Zhoumi. Zoumi confused, its for him? But for what?

“For what, henry?”

“To say that youre my greatest hyung in the world?” Henry giggled. He suddenly turning good mood.

“Xie xie, Liu”






*sorry for making you confused of the day, I forgot to make zhoury.. so sorry >< hope you understand the story line :> if you don’t just ask^^


Yah, maybe Kyuhyun just making fun of me, right? He’s already with Sungmin, or Seohyun.. well I don’t know,. But I never saw him doing lovey dovey things with  one of them. Ah, maybe they hide it because they didn’t want the media knows that they had a relationship each other? It could be, Kyuhyun is so fragile.

But who knows, I still love that evil dongsaeng of mine. He’s gorgeous okay! Well.. umm. Not quite that kind of gorgeous.. I’m still think of him as brothers, yes brothers. Because I’m gorgeous, so he’s gorgeous too. That’s why.

And I know he’s joking before. He’s just an evil brat okay.

It’s not that I’m scared of everybody because I locked myself in my room since Hankyung went somewhere that I don’t really want to know. But I want to know, a little.

Heechul, Stop it.


Why my saengs are weird? I know they respect me as their hyung but… they acted so nice to me. Too nice than before. Sungmin even asked me to wash my clothes, (even though there’s a cleaner noona in the dorm who comes to take our laundry, still) and Henry borrowed his violin to me! Well I asked him when he’s still asleep on the couch but, still counted!


I’m starving right now… can somebody give me foods or something? I wish someone can knock the door and give me food or ELF can read my mind and give me tasty foods..

And Suddenly someone knocked my door. Bingo! Dream come true. It’s Ryeowook, the food maker. He surely can make a good wife.. ermm.. well, not for me.. But surprisingly he didn’t brought any foods, hopeless.

“Ummm.. hyung.. do I bother you?” He said while peeking from outside my room.

“Yes, because you didn’t bring any foods here! Kidding. Come in. whats up Wook?” At least I can behave lke the normal me when I’m with Ryeowook. You know, without acting cool.

He came inside my room and sat on the corner of the bed and face me. I’m lying on my bed right now. “Can I talk to you, hyung?”

“Sure? What happened with you and jongwoon?” I said jokingly, but seriously I mean it. I’m not in mood of joking, I still have a serious problem right now to solve. Finding someone for me is hard you know!

I can see his face turning to red. What a cute eternal magnae~ “no.. hyung, I want to tell you something.. What do you think if I like someone but he doesn’t like me back because he already in love with someone else?” Wait, is the question is familiar with Sungmin’s? And I’m doubting that Yesung’s the one he talks about. Because I know Yesung will never like female and males, except Ryeowook maybe.


“Aww wookie, Who’s that special guy you like? I never thought that you’ll be falling in love with anyone~” Wait am I going to far? “Anyways. It depends of the one he loves, love him back or not. Then you still have a chance to make hm in love with you. Try to seduce him, that my style”

“….Well I think the one that he loves already love someone else. Ummm.. okay hyung.” He nodded in understanding. The Almighty Kim Heechul rules! You guys just don’t know that I’m a master of seducing.

“That’s what i want! Get him, Wook!” But who’s the guy.. “Wookie, you didn’t answer me before. Who’s that guy you like?”


Just when he heard my question, his grin turning to a nervous smile and said. “Ummm hyung, I’m going to make foods for you, you must be hungry. Wait for me, bye!”

Yah, this kid. Same like Sungmin, ran first after I asked who’s the guy he likes. Oh well. “Don’t forget to bring milk too okay!”


But I’ve been thinking. If Kyuhyun likes me (back to reality), why did Sungmin asked me that? It’s impossible for Sungmin to love somebody who doesn’t love him back, I know that. It’s not Kyuhyun.

But if its not Kyuhyun. Who else? Ryeowook? Naahh, the two of them are the same. Their height are almost the same, and although they’re a little bit short, they still have abs. and act like a baby. (henry and donghae too). It’s not Ryeowook alright.

It’s impossible for everyone to make him love them. Or maybe girls? Or maybe, me….

Wait, Do Sungmin like me? But its impossible.

Why I kept asking all weird questions to myself that just making me feel worse all the time?



Omg its been more than a month. Without an update. Ehehe sorry-_- so many excuses, I wont use it now.

My English is turning bad! I don’t know, is it because my English teacher just blabbering with English language in my class all the time that she forgot to teach us? asjfbsdwJWAEFNFEafh9w, I need to study, maam. Or maybe because too many engrish stuck in my head? Lol.

Just like EunHae’s engrish in mnet countdown *maybe

EH: Are you SPY?

EH: I’m no-

DH: Are you sure?

EH: I’m nat! Twust me!



@hebteuk: yep hehe you're right about that^^ their will be forever kangteuk B) *hug and kiss back*

@Aki_Hikari: well its a little bit complicated for me, so >< sorry... haha thank you^^ already know, huh xD

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Aki_Hikari #1
What the...? ... This guy who left was Kyu, right? Kyuhyunnie fighting! Han is not worth for Heechul. You are!
Aki_Hikari #2
I actually don't like the fact that they turns away from Heechul, but hmm... Nevermind... I enjoyed KyuChul's moment ^.^
hebteuk #3
hey u again :)...well i liked kangteuk's part so much not because they r my favorite,but because leeteuk started to realize the luv isn't about the beauty or the charming it's about caring and the attention...i hope kangin starts to feel more toward teukie and show him more ..i think it will a while and they will be fine ;)*hug* *kiss*
hebteuk #4
subscribtion babe...the story is good i liked kangteukchul's parts <3 guys move on and forget heechul :P ...upload plz :)
Stupid author too many typos and mistakes ><
sorry for that XD
Aki_Hikari #6
Hahahahaha. Troll Heechul <3
He really like making fun of them
I like it! <#
Aki_Hikari #7
I'm glad that it won't be Han xD Yeah, it was a littje boring (xD) But that's okay. It was needed ;)
Aki_Hikari #8
Oh I see... That's good idea ;) Yeah, he math with all of them... But I really don't want him end with Han again xD
Aki_Hikari #9
Yay! Yesung is soo cute *.*

So now, they're know that the're rivals...
I'm curious how they'll be act with each other xD
Aki_Hikari #10
Of course : I like it like it like it~
Next paring... YeChul maybe...?