
Four Season Time Machine

Taeyeon- One, Two, Three.. He still hasen't come. I promised him that I'll be waiting, so I will. Siwon told me not to wait anymore, but I never listen. A promise was a promise, I'll keep holding unto it till the end. Spring flowers are now in full bloom. Will he be here soon?



One.. Two.. Three.. It's been an hour but he still isn't here. It's been three hours since I last recieved a messagefrom him. He told me not to wait anymore. I know.. I don't listen to him that much.. Who do he think he is, just to order me around like that?! I wasn't called Kid Leader for nothing.. ^^

I'm still here, waiting calmly.. Singing to myself.. Looking at how our flowers had bloom..

"I can't find a flower as beautiful as you, will you accept this?" I would giggle as he would come up with a wonderful rose just for me. I would take it from him and smile gratefully. He would just grab my hand and entwine our fingers. This is our secret garden. The place that only that two of us knew. This place is filled with different kinds of flowers, different dreams, different wishes.. but made with same hearts.

"I could never compare you to a flower that is in full bloom." he would whisper into my ear.

"Wae?" I would turn to him, breaking our hug.

"Because when I look into your eyes.. I am at loss for words.." that makes my day. He would carefully plant soft kisses on my lips and smile.

This place was like a time capsule. A time machine that would bring me back to the very first day that we met, the day he confessed, the first time we kissed..

This was our safe haven. A little piece of heaven here on land.

Everything was different now..

Am I losing him?

Should I have accepted his offer to announce that we are actually dating?

Did he lost faith in me?

But when I look at this place..

It reminds me of our beautiful dreams..

Just me and him..

"A house.. Our family.. Wait.. Should we adopt a pet?" we would laugh as we would discuss such matters.

Promises and dreams.. Under the pale blue sky..

From time to time, we would come here and share our dreams. Plant seeds. Wait for it to bloom.

Now here it is.. The flowers are in full bloom..

Where are you Siwon? You might miss this rare moment..

Four.. Five..

The clock is ticking away. I'm not giving up.. It was my decision to stay.. It doesn't matter if I wait till April or May.. I'm still not going away..

"Live your life to the fullest. No regrets." We would tell each other..

But now.. Where is he? Is he regretting that he chose me? To love someone like me?

Six.. Seven..

All good girls go to heaven..

But what do you call the serene and complete feeing when I'm with him?

That would be the heaven that I prefer.

If that's not heaven.. Then what do you call it?

Slowly.. I'm getting tired of waiting.. wanting.. hoping..

Will he keep his promise?

Don't cry Taenggoo.. He hates it when you cry.. I keep on telling myself.



Eight.. Nine..

I wonder if you're still mine. I should at least give out a proper goodbye.

With a heavy heart.. I take one last look..

With heavy footsteps.. I start to walk away from what I used to call "Our Haven"



"KIM TAEYEON!" a voice called out. I turned to see who it was.

"Oh, You came.." I said in a small voice.

"I told you not to wait.." he started.

"Yeah. I know. I know. You're breaking up with me and --"

" Who said anything about breaking up?" His eyes met mine.

"You told me not to wait.." I said in confused tone.

"It's because I wanted to surprise you!" he placed his hands over his head.

"Why don't you ever listen to me?" He continued.

"You should've told me.." I smiled as a tear escaped my eyes.

"Aish.. It won't be a surprise anymore if I told you.." he wiped my tears away..

"You're not regretting that you chose me.. right?" I asked with a little hope in my heart.

"Of course.. Because I will exchange anything in my possesion just to be with you.. Because.. I love you.."

They say good things never last..

But this love.. is for us to keep..

He is mine.. I am his..

"Sorry.." we said in unison and laughed awkwardly..

"Let's go home.." he said, holding out his hand to hold.

Hello, heaven.. I have found you again.. This time, no more doubts.. Our love has bloomed.. In spring..

A season in our hearts that will never change..

- Taeyeon




Ooooooooooooooooooooh~ I I just love the last gif~ What do you think guys? ;) Lots of love! <3 Saranghae!

Taewon.. I ship them so badly.. :D They look adorable together.. d ^^ b

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138Jin #1
Chapter 10: Could you go back to updating your First Kiss story pleaaase! I need more chapters for it!
F1e_4pple #3
Chapter 9: sweet minyul,
i don't really like this pair but your writing and story are just daebak! :)
Chapter 2: Onfany and Jongsica are forever and always my favorite<33333333
heesica10 #5
Chapter 8: more onfany or onsica <3
megabytes #6
Chapter 9: kyaah! SNSD!
rockettoyou #7
Chapter 7: uwaah! onfany! <3
heesica10 #8
onfany sooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited<3
luhanhoney #9
Chapter 7: tifanny!! ^^