You Were Not Alone

My Guardian Angel

Your POV

Finally she left. I can't stand it. I know she's tired, yet she's so stubborn to drive me home. I walked for a few minutes to the bus stop. I thought I will just catch a bus.

I waited for a few minutes, but there was no bus at all. I wonder what's wrong with the bus schedule. It's never been this late before.

While waiting for the bus, I decided to call Joongki, "Just a shot, If he doesn't answer I’ll leave him alone.”

One ring, two rings, you lost counted. “Yeah he’s busy. “ you told yourself. 

“Where is the bus?” you started to get impatient. You looked at your watch; it’s already 11.30 PM. “I guess I’ll just walk.”

Your college and your house is not that far. It’s about 30 minutes walk.  Exercise, you thought.

You walked and got mesmerized by the sparkling Seoul. You never knew that it's so beautiful. Looks like you missed it everyday.

After a while, you realized that you were not alone.

There was somebody behind you.. Walking to the same direction as you.

"Who's that?"




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fa6o0om #1
Chapter 5: at first it was creepy but then it was cute, <3
It was pretty scary, but th ending is so cute and sweet! :)
Keep writing! ;D