Unfortunate Situation

My Guardian Angel


Looks like you weren't alone.
You looked to your left and right. Nobody.
You looked carefully to your back and there was it. There was somebody walking behind you. You couldn't see his face. He wore all dark clothes and a cap that covers his face too.
You were worried. What if that's a stalker? A kidnapper? A serial killer?
You walked faster. But he increase his pace too. You turned left, he did too. You took a detour, he did too.
"Aish, why is he following me?" your voice was shaking.
"Ah maybe we just going to the same direction," you calmed yourself.
But your worries getting deeper and deeper.
"If he's my neighbor, he would greet me."
But nothing, the misterious person just following you in silence. Who could it be?

Unfortunately, you had to walk through dark aisle to reach your home. It's always deserted, specially in the night.
"Stupid apartment!" you cursed.
You couldnt afford better location just yet. So that's all you can rent.

"I better walk faster," you thought. But the faster you walk, the faster you follower walk too. You getting more and more worried. You reached for your cell phone to call Joongki again. He didin't answer. "!" you cursed again.

Finally, the footsteps behind you getting closer. "OMG, he's getting closer," you thought.

And without warning, the stalker grabbed you from behind and slammed you against the wall. You tried to attack him too but you could't. He's much much stronger than you. He started to rubbed your back. You screamed on top of your lung for help, only to hear him said, "There's no use for screaming, nobody is here. Just di what I told you to do and you'll be save."




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fa6o0om #1
Chapter 5: at first it was creepy but then it was cute, <3
It was pretty scary, but th ending is so cute and sweet! :)
Keep writing! ;D