Genie – Girls’ Generation (YeChul)

10 Songs, 10 Drabbles (2)

Genre: Romance

Word Count: 203

Warning: Implied


Heechul crossed his legs on the luxurious love seat, awaiting his meal.  Or whatever one wished to call it.  He’d chosen blindly and hoped that this new one wouldn’t be a retard.  Like his last few had been.  He just needed a good .  He didn’t need hopeless little that got too clingy.

“You called, Master?”

And Heechul bites back every single negative thought he had before.  In walks in a nimble little body that could only be described as on legs.  He had eyes of smouldering hotness and a smile that screamed ‘ me into the sheets, you know you want to’.

“What do I call you, little one?”

Heechul has his hands entangled in the other’s hair, scraping with his nails, ravishing his lips with all the vigour he can.  The smaller male was talented to say the least.  His tongue was able but obedient and his hands would wander in the best way possible.  He swore those little fingers were resting on his belt buckle a little too suggestively.

“I’m your genie, Heechul-ssi.  I’ll listen to your every wish.”

And Heechul immediately asks him to him off.  He wants to have that skilful tongue around something.  Now.


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406 streak #1
Chapter 10: Aaaaaaw, thanks goodness, you end the chapter with a lovely and sweet one d >___< b
406 streak #2
Chapter 9: one sided huh? T^T
406 streak #3
Chapter 8: Wuaaaah, that's heavy T^T
406 streak #4
Chapter 7: Park Yesung, why this sounds really lovely *______________*
406 streak #5
Chapter 6: Well, that's really cruel, dearest Sungie!!!
406 streak #6
Chapter 5: Eeeeh, I don't know how to feel with this chapter u___u
406 streak #7
Chapter 4: *_________________*

We need more than this, yechul <3333
406 streak #8
Chapter 3: yemin <3 I truly miss Sungmin T^T
406 streak #9
Chapter 2: This chapter needs more!!!! >____<
406 streak #10
Chapter 1: Ugh... I really REALLY can't with angst T^T always breaks my heart