Things I’ll Never Say – Avril Lavigne (YeWon)

10 Songs, 10 Drabbles (2)

Genre: Fluff, Genderswap (girl!Yesung), Romance

Word Count: 199


Jongwoon can’t help but blush.  She’s got red tainted cheeks like a bride.  And she’s stupidly hiding behind her locker door to peek shyly at her all time crush.  Oh, how she could just stare at him all day long.  Him and his sculpted biceps.  Him and his dimples.  Him and his hearty laugh.  Him and his overall perfection.  She could never get enough. 

As he walked by, she immediately shoved her heavy books in front of her blushing face, partially reprimanding herself for thinking he would actually take a simple glance a school nerd like her.  She slammed her head against her locker, feeling ridiculously stupid.  So much for being the top of the school academically.

“Are you okay?”

And Jongwoon mentally curses for tripping over air right as he walked by.  The student council ing president was walking by and all she wanted to appear was perfect.  And yet she’d stumbled over her feet and slammed right on her face.  How embarrassing.

“Y-Yes.  I-I’m fine.  I-I’m totally fine! F-Fine!”

And Siwon could only coo as the cute senior ran off, prettiest blush intact, unable to say things properly.  How he wished he could witness it more often.


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405 streak #1
Chapter 10: Aaaaaaw, thanks goodness, you end the chapter with a lovely and sweet one d >___< b
405 streak #2
Chapter 9: one sided huh? T^T
405 streak #3
Chapter 8: Wuaaaah, that's heavy T^T
405 streak #4
Chapter 7: Park Yesung, why this sounds really lovely *______________*
405 streak #5
Chapter 6: Well, that's really cruel, dearest Sungie!!!
405 streak #6
Chapter 5: Eeeeh, I don't know how to feel with this chapter u___u
405 streak #7
Chapter 4: *_________________*

We need more than this, yechul <3333
405 streak #8
Chapter 3: yemin <3 I truly miss Sungmin T^T
405 streak #9
Chapter 2: This chapter needs more!!!! >____<
405 streak #10
Chapter 1: Ugh... I really REALLY can't with angst T^T always breaks my heart