
No Love

Here's an update!~ It's uneditted so please ignore all the spelling errors and whatsnot. ;u;

Hope you will enjoy this letter as much as I enjoyed writing it! - Ohblackroses.

The moment you opened your eyes when your alarm rang, you rushed up to your computer and impatiently screaming for it to start up quickly.

You wanted to read the comments left behind by your supporters, if any.

Every time you uploaded a new song, you were always eager to check them because most of them are positive, it makes you feel a little better inside. For those negative ones, you would always have a quick brief look then scroll past them.

“Since when did unnir know about something call teaser? TT TT”

“Please upload the whole song soon, I can’t wait already!!!!!!!”

“Not the best, but it’s nice! Hwaiting noonar!”


Reading positive comments after comments, you smiled. You were glad there are people who like your music and you for your music instead of some other reasons. Till now, the person behind “MSW017”, not even Kwon Jiyong or him.

Still happily reading the comments, you nonchalantly glanced at the time at the bottom right of the screen.


“!” you shouted.

You rushed into the bathroom after collecting your clothes and had a very short shower. You didn’t even have the chance to make yourself breakfast and rushed out after grabbing your bag.

When you reached the gate, it was already 8.24AM.

You ran to the locker away, pulled it open and grabbed whatever you needed for your class. You turned and were about to rush off but instead, you bumped into someone and all your books dropped with a loud sound and scattered on the floor.


You looked up to see a face smirking back at you.

“Well well, what do we have here?” the one smirking at you, Minjung, the queenka of the school, taunted.

“I’m sorry I banged into you,” you apologized and bowed to the leader and her followers sincerely, hoping they would just let you off.

You collected your scattered books from the floor and tried to walk away. After all, you’ve already apologize, what more do they want?

“Not so fast,” another queenka, Suyeon, yanked you back to the position you were standing previously.

Now, you were getting irritated. You looked at your watch to see that you were left with 2 minutes before the bell rings.

And you didn’t want to be late.

“Can’t you deal with me later? I don’t want to be late,” you said with a hint of annoyance in it, though you were showing your pokerface.

“That’s fine,” Minjung stopped Suyeon and said. “We’ll let her off for now.”

I bowed slightly and whispered my thanks. The whole time, Suyeon was piercing me with her stares.

My speedwalking turned into full-time running. Mr. Tan, my English teacher, was already in class, writing the objectives for the day on the board. I stood at the door and caught my breath before knocking on the door and went in. Right then, the bell rang. I heaved a sigh of relief.

Everyone became silent when the bell rang and looked at you as you walked to your seat.

Zico was already in his seat, with his textbook out. When he saw your approaching, he pulled out your chair and looked up and smiled at you.

You returned the smile for a moment before returning back to your pokerface.


*Lunch time*

As usual, you swiftly packed your things and went over to the oak tree.

You leaned against the tree trunk and closed your eyes, enjoying the serenity.

Suddenly, you felt a kick. Someone just kicked your leg. You opened your eyes to see Minjung, Suyeon and Mihyeon staring at you.

“Yah Woo Minshik!” Minjung kicked your leg again, this time a little harder.

“Get up!” Suyeon shouted.

You stood up slowly, taking your time to dust your clothes clean, then turned to them, “Yes?”

That moment, your actions angered them. It makes them feel like you’re not afraid of them and they felt offended. Not to mention, they already had an issue with you regarding him previously.

Minjung was fuming; everyone could see it from her face right now. She turned and walked towards the main building, where everyone was. Suyeon followed right behind her and Mihyeon pulled you with them by your wrist.

You winced. She was gripping onto your wrist tightly, as if afraid you might run away.

Along the corridor, everyone was looking at the four of you as you walked past them. People were whispering, talking to people next to them, gossiping, no doubt.

Mihyeon tugged you violently, signalling you to walk faster, as you walked up the stairs. Soon, you arrived at the girls toilet located at the 3rd floor.

Suyeon pushed you against the wall and stepped back, allowing Minjung to move closer.

Minjung grabbed your face, closely observing every features of yours and her grip became tighter and tighter.

She suddenly released your face and *slap!*

"I have been wanting to do this for a long time already," she smirked.

You felt pain at the corner of your lips but you ignored it. Until you tasted blood in your mouth, you touched your lips and realize it's bleeding.

"You couldn't get him, so this is what you do?" you said while touching your wound, without even looking up at her.

Minjung's smirk fell. She lifted her hand and slapped you on the other cheek. Hard.

You touched your cheek and stayed in that position for awhile before you turned your head to look at her and smirked.

Before you knew it, another slap came.

"Previously that was for getting him away from me," Minjung roared with anger. "And this, was for this morning when you banged into me."

You smirked.

*Slap!* "And this is for those times he dissed me because of you."

*Slap!* "This is for the times I saw you with him."

*Slap!* "This is for kissing him!"

*Slap!* "This is for knowing everything I don't know about him."


*Slap!" "AND THIS IS FOR..... FOR....."

Guess she ran out of things to say, huh?

Minjung got more and more agitated as she slapped you. Mihyeon and Suyeon were just standing behind her and looking, not even a hint of shocked in them. Guess they were used to it?

"Tch" and you slightly smirked as you made your way into the toilet located just beside the four of you. They didn't bother to come after you. Instead, they just looked as you slowly made your way in.

You looked at yourself in the mirror and got a shocked. Your face was swollen and red and both side of your lips were busted. You couldn't even open your mouth too widely nor could you smile.

You grabbed hell loads of tissue from one of the cubicle and wet it, then dabbed it on your wound to clean the dried blood.

After cleaning yourself up, you made your way back to your class. Since it's still lunch, there isn't a single soul in there.

You laid your head on the table and accidentally fell asleep.


*After lunch*

The bell rang and students were already filling the room but you heard nothing and were too deeply asleep. Zico, as usual, came in, didn't bother you at all and just sat in his seat.

It was Math, Ms Yoon Mirae's class. When she walked in, her eyes lay on your sleeping figure immediately.

"Woo Minshik!" she called out. 

"Woo Minshik!"

Everyone turned to look at you but none saw your swollen face since it was buried.

"Woo Jiho, can you please wake her up please," she rubbed her temper and sighed.

Zico did what he was told. He shook you and called your name, each time harder than the previous but it was no use. Were you that tired?

One last time, he called your name but instead of shaking you, he pulled your hand out from under your head. Your head jerked up immediately from the sudden movement.

You have forgotten about your face and your wound. You rubbed your eyes and lazily yawned, which hurts and brought you back into reality, which made you realize the state you are in.

Everyone stared at you when Zico was waking you up, even Ms Yoon. Now, everyone was staring you in shocked because of your face. Even Zico too.

"Ms Woo, what happened to you?"

"Oh.. It was nothing."

You tried to smile, but failed because of the wound and Ms Yoon seemed to see that and sighed once more.

"Zico, can you bring her to the nurse please? I'll write a exemption note for the both of you," Ms Yoon said while looking for paper from her piles of files and worksheets and paper.

Zico nodded and the both of us stood up from our seat. The medical room is one block away and throughout the whole journey, no conversation was exchanged. It was awkward.



Zico knocked onto the door of the medical room before heading in. He looked around for the nurse while you were seated but she wasn’t there.

Sighing, Zico fumbled around with the bottles and bottles of liquid on top of the cabinet and searched for the antiseptic liquid.

He sat himself on the chair right beside you and dipped the cotton bud into the liquid and held it next to your wound.

You winced each time he dabbed onto your wound, even if he’s doing it gently. He seemed to notice because he gets gentler and gentler each time.

“Who did this to you?” Zico asked suddenly.

You couldn’t answer because it’s painful whenever you open your mouth. And you didn’t want to answer either.

“It’s Minjung right?” Zico continued, “I saw Mihyeon pulling you during lunch.”

He stopped and sighed when he realized you weren’t going to say anything. He was about to continue when the door suddenly flew open and the nurse came in.

“Oh, hi! Sorry I went to the toilet!~ what’s the problem?” the nurse cheerful said but when her eyes landed on you, it widened.

“Oh my oh my, what happened to you?” she said as she shuffled around the room to get the required equipment.

She handed you an ice pack to hold it against your cheeks. The redness had already gone away but the swell was still as horrible as ever.

She dipped a cotton bud into a bottle of liquid and wanted to dab it on your wound but Zico stopped her.

“I cleansed it with antiseptic already,” Zico smiled at you, knowing you wouldn’t want to go through the pain once again.

“Alright then,” the nurse dumped the cotton bud away into the bin. “Take the ice pack with you, it will reduce the swelling.”

“Oh and you can take it home. Bring it back to me when your cheeks are better,” she added.

Zico thanked her and the both of you bowed and left the room, heading back to the classroom.


Soon, it was the end of school. You have been looking forward to the dismissal bell ever since the day started.

Walking towards the gate alone, you realize a group of people formed around the gate area. Especially girls. And most of them were whispering excitedly among themselves.

“Is he here for a fight?”
“Oh my God he’s so handsome!!!!”

“Is he Minjung unnir’s boyfriend? Is he waiting for her?”
“Who is he waiting for? His girlfriend?”

Ignoring them, you approached the gate and squeezed your way out. You looked back at them and frowned and didn’t realize someone was approaching you.

“Why is he approaching Minshik?”
“Did the unnirs ask him to beat her up? I heard they don’t quite like her.”
“I heard the unnirs beat her up today!”
“There is no way Minshik would know him anyway.”

Hearing those comments, you turned and looked at that person.


“Hey babygirl,” Jiyong smiled but it instantly turned into a frown.

“What the happened to your face? Were you beaten up or did you drink all the water in the world yesterday night before sleeping?!”

Jiyong looked up and glared at all the students standing around. All of them either quickly went back into the school or continued with their journey home.

You were happy to see him that you had forgotten about your face and the that happened.

“Nothing oppa!” you forced out smile. “Why are you here anyway?”

When you smile, he saw your busted lips. Immediately, he knew you got into some trouble in school.

“Can’t I see my favourite girl?” he pulled you into a hug. An are-you-okay one.

You chuckled.

“Of course you can oppa! Are you bringing me out somewhere?”

That wasn’t on Jiyong’s agenda, to be honest. His purpose of fetching you was to ask you to a party, but seeing you like this, he didn’t want to leave you alone.

“Of course~ Do you want ice cream? Or waffles?”

“Hmmmm…” you tapped your chin, “Can’t I have waffles with ice cream, oppa?”

You showed him your puppy eyes, those that he couldn’t resist, since the place that served your favorite waffles with ice cream was pretty far away.

“Arraso. Let’s go baby girl.”

You beamed, without a thought about your busted lips and danced internally. He took your schoolbag and opened the door for you as you went into his car.

The both of you were talking about random things, as usual, and you were getting sleepy. You have no idea why though, since you had a nap during lunch just now.


“Arraso, just bring your laptop to me, I’ll find the program and install it for you.” Jiyong said with his eyes on the road.

“Anyway baby, I have this party coming up, do you want to go?” He added, since he sensed that you weren’t talking.

“Baby girl?”


From the corner of his eyes, he couldn’t see that you were asleep, since you were sitting straight like how you were when you first got into the car.

Luckily for him, there was a red light. He quickly looked over and realized you were sleeping.

“Aish this girl,” he frowned and at the same time, amused at your ability to sleep anywhere.

You softly snored as he placed his jacket on you.

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aww jiyong <3
and zico <3
HMPH MAKE HER FIGHT BACK. who just gets slapped like that .____. Kick their ies
ohblackroses #4
kangnam: I wrote it as title already~ I thought it was pretty obvious ㅋㅋㅋ
kangnam #5
thanks for updating!
wonder who the anonymous is kekeke
kangnam #6
woah, yoon mirae! asdfghjkl;
please update soon! ;A;