Chapter t h r e e.

No Love

Just so you know, this chapter is uneditted. I apologise for all the mistakes made in this chapter~ If you don't get any part of the story, feel free to ask me~ ^__^

Sitting in my worst subject – Mathematics, I tried to pay attention, listening to the different formulas and their uses and trying to memorize them but everything just seemed to go slower when it’s Math lesson. Since young, I couldn’t look at anything Math-related for long without falling into slumber but one thing I love about Math is that no matter how much I sleep during Math lessons, I will always easily obtain a B.

God must have loved me a lot.

I picked up my pen and began doodling on my notebook while trying my best not to fall asleep. Miss Yoon looked over a few times, probably pleased that I am noting down important points from the board instead of dozing off like usual.

While doodling with my left hand supporting my head, my mind began to wander off and my eyes unknowingly fell on Zico, who was, unfortunately, siting next to me. He was busy copying down notes from board, totally oblivious of my gaze.

And the images of what happened earlier flowed into my mind suddenly.



“You should get to your class, it has already started for almost 30 minutes,” I said with a straight nonchalant expression.

Zico caught my hand as I turned to walk away.

“Sorry, I’m new here, can you bring me to my class?” he rubbed the back of his neck and sheepishly said.


The moment I stepped into the class with Zico, it was already 9.15 AM. No doubt, Miss Yoon was already burning me with her stares and the fact that I still had more than a hour remaining of Math lesson with her certainly did not help a single bit.

“Why were you late?” Even though she didn’t state name, everyone knows it was directed to me. Her voice, though sounded calm, there’s a hint of fierceness in it; it made me shook in fear.

Towards her questions, I was speechless. Should I tell her the truth that I overslept?

“Sorry for being late, madam. It’s my first day here and the lady at the administration office asked Minshik to tour me around the school.”

That familiar voice broke my train of thoughts and snapped out of my daze to see Miss Yoon and Zico staring at me, waiting for my response.

I nodded, “sorry Miss Yoon, I should have informed you before showing Zico around the campus.”

She nodded and asked us to head back to our seats. Zico, of course, conveniently took the empty seat beside me; the seat which no one dared to take ever since I shredded off the image of the old Woo Minshik.

*end of flashback*


After an hour, Math class finally ended.

I picked up my Math textbook, preparing to head off to the school garden where the big oak tree was located.

Walking through the corridor and the locker area, I couldn’t help but to notice the stares that I got were more than the usual. Why? Was it because the goody Woo Minshik was late for the first time day? I hoped not.

As I approached the big oak tree, the shadow that casted by the blazing sun was long and nearly opaque. I also realize, other than my shadow, there was someone else’s too.

I was being followed.

I turned around suddenly, taking the follower by surprised. I thought it was one of those lame schoolmates that wanted to pull a prank on me or ignorant juniors who are interested in him and want to get information about him through me but no.

It was Zico.

“Why are you following me?” I positioned myself comfortably under the oak tree, with generous amount of coverage from the huge yellow monster above.

“Why are those people staring at you when you walked past them?”

His question certainly took me by surprised.

Trying not to show my emotion, I rolled my eyes.

“So it was because of you.”

He pointed at himself, shocked, as if he thought I was blaming him for something bad he didn’t know he did.

Ignoring him, I laid back and took a nap.


*Zico’s POV*

When the class ended, I saw Minshik packing her things hurriedly and I followed her out. Along the corridor, everyone had their eyes on me, then it moved to Minshik.

Why was everyone staring at the both of us? Is she famous?

Or was it I am too handsome?

I followed her to the school garden, where the big oak tree was.

Why did she come here?

Oh .

She suddenly turned back and gave me a shock.

“Why are you following me?” she asked as she sat under the shade.

Should I ask her?

“Why are those people staring at you when you walked past them?”

Oh wait, is that...? Did I see her surprised just a minute ago?

“So it was because of you.” She rolled her eyes.

Me? I pointed to myself. What did I do wrong this time? Did I do anything?

She ignored me and closed her eyes. Seconds later, I could hear a faint snore. I walked towards her and sat somewhere under the shade, keeping myself a safe distance from her.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but the heat was too overwhelming. How did she manage to sleep in such weather anyway? The heat might cook her alive anytime!

Speaking of food, I’m hungry already.

I walked up to Minshik’s side and hovered my hand in front of her eyes, hoping it might wake her up and show me the cafeteria but she didn’t. I guess she’s too tired.

I walked away from the oak tree and Minshik and headed towards the main building.

“Excuse me, can you show me where the cafeteria is?” I grabbed the first passing person I saw.


Minutes later, I was sitting together with that kind helper, whose name is Kyung, and his friends, Jaehyo, Taeil and P.O, at lunch. They were talking about the basketball game last night, which I had no total interest in.



Just like that, my train of thoughts was broken.

“What were you thinking?” Kyung asked, “you were in a daze and I called you a few times and even screamed at you.”

“Nah, I was just thinking about some stuff. Not that important actually.” I brushed it off when a smile.

“Girls eh?” P.O nudged me gently and wriggled his eyebrows.

“Nah,” I said nonchalantly as I slipped on my carbonated drink, “just wondering why were everyone staring at Minshik and I when we walked past the corridor just now.”

“Woo Minshik?” I heard Jaehyo asked and I nodded.

“Why were you walking with her anyways?”

“You guys know her? I bumped into her this morning and she brought me to class, that’s all. Why?”

“Ah, it’s nothing. It’s just that she rarely talks to anyone. I guess they’re just surprised she has friends.”

Kyung and Taeil were going on and on about Minshik but I wasn’t. What do they mean by they were surprised she has friends? Doesn’t everyone has friends?


After lunch, I headed to my next class with the help of the guys. Coincidentally, P.O is in my class too and I don’t have any classes with Minshik for the rest of the day.

Through P.O, I knew a few of his friends that were in that class with us – Minhyuk and Yukwon. They were really nice guys and I’m glad I made so many friends on my first day of school.

After school, I met up with the 6 of them and walked home together, except for Taeil, who went off earlier on his ride.


*Back to Minshik’s POV*


As usual, I rushed home after school to prepare myself for work. After enjoying a long shower with my iPod blasting off in the bathroom, I got out of the house and started walking towards the mall.

Work from 5 to 10.30. What’s new?

Being at work was always boring and time always passes slowly while I’m here. Like usual, there wasn’t much customers. I groaned when I looked up at the clock, knowing that there’s still 6 hours to the end of my shift. To make the matter worse, there wasn’t a single thing for me to do, since I have already packed the stocks and record them, which were all I had to do today.

“Why not compose?” I sat up and retrieved a piece of blank paper from the drawer.

I always feel happy whenever I compose; it was as if I’m transferring all my pains and misery into that piece of paper. I have been told I did a good job in composing despite the fact that I didn’t take up any lesson on music composing before.

While I closed my eyes to visualize a certain memory to aid me in writing more realistic lyrics, a sudden thunder came and shocked my ears.




I closed my eyes and clenched my fist, while the other fumbled around my bag to search for my iPod.

“I did bring it today right?!” I panicked a little when I couldn’t find it and actions became larger.

“Bam!” something dropped onto the floor and I unwillingly opened my eyes.

It was my iPod.

I quickly got down from the stool and grabbed it, then plugged in the earpiece.

My mind and heart finally felt ease when I heard the familiar beat blasting into my ears.

Flashes of lightning came, and I got reminded of that one event that happened on a thunderous night years ago. With the music still flooding my ears, I closed my eyes and tried to visualize that painful moment.


You said you would love me for 5-ever because 5 is more than four
But everything ended before you could even say those three words
What is this? Am I just a lie for you to pass the filthy time of your life
And to think that all I saw in your eyes were future and sincerity

All those times when we laugh together and love each other
All those times when I fed you with my love mouth by mouth
All those bull that you said I believed them all without doubting
Your lies are so cool why aren’t you electing for president yet

On that one painful night with thunder that keeps coming
I crawled to your side and begged for your comfort while crying
Instead I went to you to have my heart breaking
Right now I’d love to wash those ing lies off my mind


I wrote without stopping, as those memories washed me into the world of inspiration. I didn’t realize I was already crying until a tear dropped onto the paper and smudged a part of the lyrics.

I wiped it away and took a few deep breaths to calm myself down, then continued writing.


By the time I ended my shift, I had already finished the whole song, even the melody, with the help of my phone application, though it wasn’t very well done.


The moment I reached home, I rushed up to my room and dumped my bag aside. I had a rush of adrenaline to record the song immediately. Normally I would wait for a few days to double check the song and add a few things here and there to make it better, never once I recorded the song immediately I composed it; it was a first. Not to mention, the beat and melody was made from my phone. But today, I just feel like uploading a teaser of the song I just made.

I shuffled around my room to retrieve the required equipment while I loaded the melody into the computer and set them up. As soon as they’re done, I began going through the entire song a few times; taking necessary notes occasionally and marking places I have to improve on when I edit the song in the future.

I closed my eyes to recall that scene as I waited for the familiar melody to play. When it starts, I sang the lyrics, putting all the pain, hurt and brokenhearted into the song, conveying all the emotions I’ve felt into it.

Halfway through the song, I couldn’t contain my emotions anymore and allowed my tears to fall. However, I tried to remain calm despite the overwhelming emotions so that I wouldn’t have to record the song from the start again.

When I’m done, I quickly converted the file and uploaded it, together with the lyrics, onto my site.

Hi everyone,

Finally a new chapter is up! Sorry for the delay, school just started and everything has been hectic. I tried writing a bit in class but I couldn't risk my facilitator or new classmates catching me writing a story during lesson so I had to be careful.

Anyway I hope this is a long chapter for you (bcus I think it is :b)~ It's my way of apologising for updating so late! This chapter was suppose to be up on the 21st T__T

As usual, hope you enjoyed reading as much as i enjoyed writing it!


Till the next time I see you again, stay gorgeous!

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aww jiyong <3
and zico <3
HMPH MAKE HER FIGHT BACK. who just gets slapped like that .____. Kick their ies
ohblackroses #4
kangnam: I wrote it as title already~ I thought it was pretty obvious ㅋㅋㅋ
kangnam #5
thanks for updating!
wonder who the anonymous is kekeke
kangnam #6
woah, yoon mirae! asdfghjkl;
please update soon! ;A;