
Forever Loved, never Appreciated

Minho immediately said “ I would give her my heart”

The doctor, Onew,  gave Minho a funky look and then brought him into the room to test him. 

He stared at Minho and said you’re a perfect match.

 Minho then called his mom and she rushed over in tears.

His mother asked:" Are you sure you want to do this? She was hasn't been very nice lately."

Minho said: "I'm positive mom she may have not been lately but those days when we were kids were the best few years of my life and I will never get those years back."

She hugged Minho with all her might and he could feel her tears running down her face.

Minho said:" I have one wish when I'm gone don't tell her it was me bring her to my tomb. Also can you bury me by the swings down by the lake?"

His mom nodded and walked with him into her room. He gave her a kiss then sat down and wrote her a note.

It was the day. The day Minho would give his life to her sister who was his only true friend.

~~~~ was still sleeping hanging on by a thread, he kissed her one more time hugged his mom and then started to cry.

He lied down on the bed and they wheeled him and her into the operating room.

Their mom took a picture to show ~~~~when she recovered.

He was put into sleep and that was it.


After a few days ~~~~ finally woke up.

~~~~ said: “mom what happened?”

Her mother replied: “You were in a car accident and you needed a heart transplant”

~~~~ said: When can I go home? I need to go home.

Mother:  it will be a few weeks. But Jonghyun is here to accompany you.


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Chapter 5: *crying forever* ;A;
I'm crying right now , god .. the message .. *wipes my tears* I was crying silently though .. my parents would hear me xD
At first I told myself not to cry but when I read the letter Minho wrote I started tearing up....
Your stories are always so touching
It's always so touching. My tears rolled down my cheek again because of your story. Hope to see more from you.<3
I'm balling again. You stories... i love! I hope you keep wirting your stories. FIGHTING!!!!!! I'm cryimg like when I was watching Koizara.
pikachu16 #6
I liked it soo much. Your stories always make me burst into tears !!!
Wow that was sad I liked it though awesome job for being a first timer
4everanELF #8
Jonghyun was her boyfriend...
Hope you will like my story!
xxkpopxx #9
who was her boyfriend?