
Forever Loved, never Appreciated

It was the night before the graduation of Minho and ~~~~. ~~~~ went to a party.

It was already midnight that their mother was so worried where ~~~~ could be now.

Their mother cant sleep, so Minho told her mother that he will be the one to wait for ~~~~ in the living room. Their mother was already asleep, while Minho was still awke waiting for her sibling.

At exactly 2:00 in the morning Minho received a call.

when he answered the phone it was a man asking " Are you the parent of ~~~~?"

he replied " no, but i'm his sibling... but, why? where is ~~~~ ? did anything bad happened to her? answer me now."

the man said "~~~~ is in a hospital, she had car accident. I am her boyfriend. it was all my fault because i let her drove even though she was drunk"

Minho, without getting her mother up, immediately went to the hospital.

When he arrived he rushed to the room where ~~~~ stayed.

A doctor approached him and asked : " are you the sibling of ~~~~?

Minho immediately replied: "yes, i am"

the doctor said : "she needs a heart transplant"

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Chapter 5: *crying forever* ;A;
I'm crying right now , god .. the message .. *wipes my tears* I was crying silently though .. my parents would hear me xD
At first I told myself not to cry but when I read the letter Minho wrote I started tearing up....
Your stories are always so touching
It's always so touching. My tears rolled down my cheek again because of your story. Hope to see more from you.<3
I'm balling again. You stories... i love! I hope you keep wirting your stories. FIGHTING!!!!!! I'm cryimg like when I was watching Koizara.
pikachu16 #6
I liked it soo much. Your stories always make me burst into tears !!!
Wow that was sad I liked it though awesome job for being a first timer
4everanELF #8
Jonghyun was her boyfriend...
Hope you will like my story!
xxkpopxx #9
who was her boyfriend?