Meeting for the first time

Circus Life

This is an old story that I am re-writing. It will take me a while to do this because of school and everything else...  I will try and update regularly!



Blue and green lights filtered its way through the carnival grounds along with the screams and laughing from the children and parents enjoying themselves in the crisp autumn afternoon. A tall blonde haired adult strolled through one of the larger tents, weaving his way through the masses of loud and happy people sitting excitedly in the stands and others still searching for their seats. The light haired male jumped easily over the barrier onto the sandy surface on the other side, he quickly walked across the middle of the arena and ducked under a low wooden bar that lead into the back of the show grounds, where the entertainers where running around frantically before show time. The male rolled his gold eyes as he watched his best friend throw a bucket of water on the newbie, the young man jolted awake and pulled his dripping hair out of his eyes as he looked up at the older male before scurrying to his feet and bowing in apology for falling asleep.  The male with the gold eyes silently walked over to the drenched teenager and put his hand on the teenagers shoulder as he looked up into his friend’s eyes.


“What was that for Kiseop hyung” the blonde asked angrily


“Look who’s finally decided to show up and make his presence known. The infamous Eli Kim has turned up for once, instead of leaving us to watch the children enjoy themselves.” Kiseop spat back with a sly smirk playing on his lips.


“And look who’s being a complete to the new kid” Eli hissed back, as his eye colour changing to a deep blue.


“This isn’t my fault; the kid was asleep on the job. We aren’t paying him to do nothing around here Eli, he was hired to work not to sleep.”


“So you decided to teach the kid a lesson?  Do I have to remind you that you were once in the same position as he is right now?  Do you remember how nice we all treated you and now your treating this kid as a piece of trash?”  Eli growled as he grabbed for the kids wrist and pulling him away from Kiseop before he had a chance to reply.  The shorter male tried to pull out of the elders grip but in return Eli just held on tighter to the small wrist, trying to ignore the small whimpers coming from the boy’s lips.  Eli sighed softly as they walked into another tent that was almost empty and pitch black due to the lack of lighting, the blonde snapped his fingers together as a small dull light slowly began to make the tent lighter.


“I’m not going to hurt you kid” Eli whispered as the young male fell onto his knees as tears poured out of his small chocolate brown eyes that showed how young and innocent this kid was.


“What’s your name?” Eli asked as he kneeled down in front of the boy


“Dongho… Shin Dongho” he whispered into his hands, afraid to look up into the older male’s golden coloured eyes.


“I promise I won’t hurt you, Dongho. I’m also sorry for the way Kiseop acted, he normally isn’t like that” Eli said slowly as he reached out and touched the side of the boy’s face before smiling softly. 

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heechulismylove #1
cant wait for next chapter! :D