Hear My Voice

Silence That Speaks

The guys always poke fun at me for spending so much time with Suchin. They think I am wasting my time, and that she is too polite to turn me down. Today i was proving them wrong.

I spent extra time getting dressed for the evening. I wondered what she would like, a casual natural look or a edgy chic vibe. Did girls even care about that type of thing, did Suchin? I doubt she did, but I always noticed what she wore. I really liked it when she wore a colourful scarves and cropped jeans.

A royal blue blazer over top a striped dress shirt did the trick. It said cool and casual, but serious and suave at the same time. On the way there I bought a small. Inch of flowers to give after her little performance. I could tell this had taken her a lot of preparation and courage, so she deserved a token of acknowledgement.

I paced up and down the rows of seats, anxious to for Suchin to show up. I had come early, so I had just made the wait longer for myself. Too distracted with my boyish attraction towards Suchin, I didn't hear her come in.

She waltzed towards me, her dress swirling around her legs like fog. With a shaky smile and hand pat, she gestured for me to sit.

Suchin took her place at the piano, taking a few deep breathes before putting her hands on the keys. Even though I had heard her music countless times, I never tired of it.

The notes of her piece soared, filling the air completely with their sound. I had to stop myself from singing the opening words, having done it so many times. I leaned forward in the chair, ready to hear her voice. The first bar of words didn't come, neither did the verse, and then the chorus didn't either. She hadn't sang a word. I sat back straight, confused and disappointed. Regardless, this song was gorgeous, so I kept listening intently. Too quickly, the music came to an end with the final chord progression.

I clapped obnoxiously loud, giving her a standing ovation. I was still very proud of her performance, even though she hadn't sung like she had said. Why did she bring me here, if she just played the piano like normal?

I ran up on to the stage, the flower tucked behind my back.

"Wonderul Suchin" I congratulated, sweeping her up in a hug. I pulled back to see her infamous neutral expression. The sweet smile had to be somewhere close by.

"I was really looking forward to your singing" I held her hand softly in mine, "Will you do it with me, sing the duet?"

To my surprise, she actually agreed.

Hear the words, hear the song
It is much too quiet with you gone
My voice is drowning from all the worry
I'll be gone too if you don't hurry
So please; hear my words
Hear my song

I sighed slightly, in disappointment and defeat,

" Why aren't you singi-"

Suchin was singing; in sign language.

I felt my thoughts travel back, back to all the times it seemed Suchin was going to say something. Those moments when I thought she felt something too. I vividly remember when I told her about not having a girlfriend, and how sad I was when she didn't say anything back. Now I knew she couldn't have, even if she'd wanted to.

"It's not that you wont sing, it's that you can't" I focused back on her face, "Am I right?"

Instead of the usual nod and eye twinkle, she mouthed the word yes along with a hand gesture.

I didn't know what else to say. We stood there in the loudest silence I've ever experienced. I could see in her eyes that she was ashamed, embarrassed, scared even.

I had to throw my mind back into work as Suchin got out if her daze and started to leave.

"No, no. Don't go" I pleaded, taking back her shaking hands.

With the other i presented her the flowers. Shyly, Suchin accepted them, placing them on the piano. Again she tried to leave, so I took both of her hands and held them right against my chest.

"You have a lovely voice; the best I've ever heard" I stammered, making sure we had eye contact

I continued to spill out my thoughts,

"It's because your words are honest, kind, your own."

Her body language softened, her eyes not as wide and surprised. She took out a small pad of paper and pen, jotting down something before handing it to me. I read the short sentence

But I'm mute

I let the slip of paper flutter to the ground. Slowly, I tipped her chin up and kissed her softly on the cheek. I swallowed the lump in my throat, finally letting her know how I feel.

"Yes, but you're still beautiful"

At first I thought Suchin was trying to push past me, but then I opened my eyes to see her hugging me tightly. Before letting go, she kissed me on the cheek. My face tingled and blushed,

"I love you" she mouthed, her pinky, index finger, and thumb raised while the middle two bent down.

Making the same shape with my hand, in Thai I whispered back, "I love you too my beautiful thought"

The prince found the princess, and they lived happily ever after.

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congrats c:
Congratulations on the random feature! ^^
watermelonjuice #3
This gave me SO MUCH FEELS JFC
The girl looks like amber! XD NICE
And C ON G RA TS!!
HottestBlackjack #5
OMG I'm glad 2PM fics got featured..hehe sick of all those EXO actually...lol this fic was created 2 years ago hah
Congratulations tho ♡
The girl is so pretty! What's her name?