Singing Your Song

Silence That Speaks

Clutching the sheet music from Suchin, I waited after our recording session for her to show up. I heard her before I saw her.

The tune she titled 'My Song' drifted through the building, leading me to a different room than before. It was actually a totally different floor than before.

I ended up wandering into what seemed to be a small auditorium or rehersal hall. There whe was; sitting at a grand piano playing the hell out of the song. I jumped up onto the stage to join her.

"Hi Suchin" I greeted, placing the other half of the music with the rest. She didn't even need it, having the piece memorizd. Guess it was her way of inviting me back to sing with her.

It was quite dark in the medium sized room, the only light being the one over top the music. I got up to look for a switch, but was tapped on the shoulder. Suchin shook her head, and put her finger to her lips, implying we were to be quiet and invisible. We weren't suppose to be up here. I had to smirk, it felt good to be a little rebellious once in a while.

She went back to playing the piece, shyly sliding down the bench for me to sit. I gladly took to the spot, and sang along like yesterday.

Never have I given out love

Unable to recieve it in return

Always I am hoping

That someone will one day learn

I helped her edit her work; fixing up incomplete phrases of lyrics and notes. She didn't say anything though, just nodding and writing down whatever I had suggested. The only time I got a different action was when I sang with her, this earned me a sweet smile.

"Why don't you sing with me?" I asked

She scrunched up her face and gave me a definite no, with the wag of her finger.

"I'm sure you have a lovely voice. This is your song after all, it won't matter if you mess up" I encouraged, flashing her a friendly smile

Again I got her cute finger wag, but this one included her sticking out her tongue. She seemed embarassed,  hiding behind clenched hands.

I whispered, "It's ok; I was never a natural singer. Promise me you'll sing for me one day though"

Suchin pondered, ticking her finger. After her deep thought, she gave me a shrug that said 'maybe yes, maybe no'. At least it was better than a definite never. She had no idea how much more intriguing this made her to me.

I didn't bring up the request again that day, seeing how uncomfortable it made her. Did she know that I was a musician, and thought she wasn't very good? Is that why she was so reserved and nervous to sing for me? Maybe she was shy because she had a crush on me. Ya right; that was just you Khun you hopeless romantic. I scolded myself all day over that.

Suddenly, we heard a door being opened. Suchin eyes stared at the entrance in terror, afraid of being caught. She grabbed my hand out of surprise.

"It's ok" I mouthed, rubbing my thumb on her hand hovering above the keys. Stealthily I flicked off the piano light, plunging us into darkness.

"Grandpa Khun? Nichkhun? Mr. Hoervejkul!" called the recognizable voice of Wooyoung

I could see Suchin's sapphire eyes gleaming in the dark. Giving her the sign to stay put, I got up to meet Wooyoung.

"Aish hyung! Where have you been, and what are you doing here?" hissed Wooyung

"Playing the piano" I non-chalantly answered. It was true.

"Ok, well we've been ready to leave for half an hour. I better see you in the van in five or else Chan is going to eat you, or me. He's really hungry" Wooyoung threatened, already bounding back out the door and down the stairs.

I headed back up onto the stage to tell Suchin it was a false alarm.

"It was just my fr-"

She was gone.

Disappointed, I slumped on to the bench while plunking out random notes. Then I saw half of music, waiting on the piano for me. I smiled, thinking of what we would do tomorrow.

The only thing that made me happier, was the thought of when she took my hand.

The following day I had off; no schedule at all. I waited anxiously in the auditorium for her to arrive. Last night, and this moringing I had been preparing sometihng for Suchin, I think she'd really like it.

She floated in from the back of the room, coming up to the piano like yesterday. I got a gentle wave and bow before Suchin leaned on the piano's body. Oops, I kind of was taking up the entire bench.

Excited to show her what I had prepared, I glided over to her.

"I have something to show you" I laced my fingers in hers, leading her to the keys. My hands were probably realy sweaty with how nervous I was, "So we can sing"

She took the copy of music and read it carefully. I had written her a part, so it was a duet. I did it in hopes she would finally sing for me.

Then the unpredictable happened, she began to cry. I had never made a women cry before, especailly one that I really liked.

"Suchin, I'm sorry If I offended you" My words came out quick, so surprised by her reaction, "I just wanted to give you something nice"

It was odd seeing her cry, even then she didn't make a sound. Her quiet tears just plopped on to the floor. Still holding her hand, pulled her into a small hug, unsure what else I was to do. My heart felt like it was going to pop out of my chest with how fast it was beating form being so close to her.

For a month we would come here and perform together in the afternoon. No screaming fans or produces; just us. What started as a crush developed into a strong liking, and now was evolving further into a longing love. I told her the biggest of dreams to the smallest of worries. She wouldn't judge, she wouldn't laugh; she would understand. Even though she wouldn't speak to me, her actions, expressions, and eyes made up for it. One time I had brought her some of 2PM's music, which she played ten times better than the original. Her ear and style was impecible.

It was a Saturday, so it meant I would be meeting Suchin. Skipping to the piano I became confused, she hadn't shown up. Suchin hadn't missed a meeting ever.

I looked around and spotted a sticky note, like the first one she had given me. I didn't know what to feel when I read it, my emotions were a mixed cocktail; happiness, love, worry... Mostly, I was curious. What was written in her loopy cursive made me speechless,

Tomorrow night at 8:30 I'll sing for you 

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congrats c:
Congratulations on the random feature! ^^
watermelonjuice #3
This gave me SO MUCH FEELS JFC
The girl looks like amber! XD NICE
And C ON G RA TS!!
HottestBlackjack #5
OMG I'm glad 2PM fics got featured..hehe sick of all those EXO this fic was created 2 years ago hah
Congratulations tho ♡
The girl is so pretty! What's her name?