
L.Joe you Pabo!

Eun Sun slowly reached out for the yellow sticky note, 'Kim Eun Sun', Eun Sun raised her eyebrow in interest her eyes followed to the pink sticky note stuck on the bathroom door. "Yah ahjumma, why did you fall asleep on my back yesterday? You should be thanking me, I thought I was carrying a whale yesterday. Meet me at the fountain in Myeongdong after school at 6pm, I need to talk to you about something." Eun Sun stared at the note for a while before she gasped as yesterday's scenes replayed in her mind. Eun Sun hit herself in the head. 'Pabo. How could you fall asleep on Ljoe's back after so many things happened yesterday?' Eun Sun contiued to stare at the note. "I wonder what Ljoe wants to talk about? Is he still angry at me?" Eun Sun thought aloud. She continued to stare at the note but realized a small print at the end of the note. Eun Sun squinted her eyes to talk a closer look. 'By the way, you're late you lazy pig.' Eun Sun gasped and glanced at the clock on the wall before sprinting upstairs to her room. "AISH! WHY DIDN'T HE WAKE ME UP!" Eun Sun panicked as she struggled to find her school tie.

"Miss.Kim, you're late" Ms.Kwon eyed the girl, who tried to sneak in without being noticed. "Sorry" Eun Sun flushed pink as she saw everyones eyes on her. "Hurry to your seat" Ms.Kwon averted her gaze and looked back at the laptop. "Neh" Eun Sun lowered her head as she rushed to her seat. "Pabo ahjumma" L.Joe chuckled as iddly drummed his fingers on the table. "Thanks for waking me up" Eun Sun shot him a death glare as she settled down and pulled out her books. Before L.Joe could even think about replying, Hyorin's high pitched voice hit his ear drums. "Oppa" Hyorin slightly twirled her hair around her finger. "I forgot you even existed" L.Joe muttered under his breath. "What was that?" Hyorin tilted her head to the side in an attempt to act cute. "Nothing" L.Joe rolled his eyes and turned back to face the front. "Myeongdong, fountain, 6pm" L.Joe didn't spare a glance. Eun Sun rolled her eyes and looked the other way to hide her smile. Somehow she just liked it.. a lot.
"Gyu Won-ah, go on without me" Hee Jin cried out in despair. "Can you just hurry up" Gyu Won twisted her lips, "B-But I don't think I can do this" Hee Jin whined, "It hurts a lot" Hee Jin made a face behind the door. "What did you eat this morning" Gyu Won asked as she raised an eyebrow. "I don't know, I just grabbed something from the table" Hee Jin clutched onto her stomach desperately. "You didn't check the expiry date did you" Gyu Won sighed as she leaned against the cubicle. "Just go, I don't want you to see me like this" Hee Jin groaned as she hit the wall beside her. "Fine, just call me if you need me" Gyu Won hesitantly left the restroom and made her way outside. On days like this, she loved eating her lunch outside, the sun was shining and the clouds made the blue sky look nice. "I wonder where Eun Sun is" Gyu Won puffed out her cheeks as she settled down on the grass, sitting under a tree. Gyu Won smiled in content as she prepared to take a bite from her sandwich, "Boo!" Gyu Won spun around in shock. "Surprised?" Chunji smirked as he took a seat. "Yah! You made me drop my lunch" Gyu Won frowned as she eyed her sandwich which was already being devoured by ants. "But look at what I have" Chunji flashed her a million dollar smile, holding up his home-made lunch. "I don't want to know" Gyu Won prepared to stand up, "You're not going anywhere" Chunji tugged on the hem of her shirt. Gyu Won instantly turned around and slapped his hand away from her, furrowing her brows. 'Look. What do you want pretty boy because I don't like to waste my time.' Chunji just smirked. 'Playing hard to get I see.' Gyu Won folded her arms as she glared at Chunji. "It's the first time I, the great Chunji made lunch for anyone" Gyu Won just shrugged her shoulders. "Nice to know" Gyu Won flipped her hair back and walked off. "Second time rejected" Chunji ruffled his hair in frustration, "Come to think of it, I don't even know her name" Chunji swiped across the bottom of his lip.
Gyu Won gulped, "No way" she stepped back with her eyes widened. "Yes way" Ji Young clapped her hands. "Get into partners and stretch" the P.E instructor ordered as he blew his whistle. "Ugh, soon this place will be filled with filthy sweating pigs, the whole year level is here" Hyorin shuddered in response. "Including you" Hee Jin poked out her tongue before prancing off to Eun Sun. "Partner?" Ji Young smiled as Gyu Won nodded and sat down. 
"Eun--" L.Joe paused as he saw Hee Jin embrace Eun Sun with a tight hug. "Oppa, I'm free" Hyorin seductively waved him over. He grunted as he quickly looked the other way scanning the area for any other possible candidates. "Oh look we're the only ones left" Hyorin sauntered over to L.Joe's side. 'Oh no you don't' L.Joe mentally cursed before he grabbed onto a nearby classmate. "H-Hyung" Jae Hyuk gulped, "You don't have a partner right?" L.Joe grinned in triumph. "Mianhae Hyung.. Dasom is my partner" Jae Hyuk dashed off to the said girl. "Yay!" Hyorin squealed as she clasped her hands together. "Hurry up and stretch" L.Joe sent her the coldest glare he could pull off. "He's amazing" Hyorin giggled as she started to stretch. 
"Fifty-One" Chunji looked up to see Gyu Won with Ji Young. "Fifty two" from a far distance Chunji saw Gyu Won firmly hold onto Ji Young's legs, her eyes widened as she met eyes with Chunji before furrowing her eyebrows. "Hey" Gyu Won staggered backwards as Chunji appeared by her side. "W-What do you want" Gyu Won frowned as she fixed her posture. 'Hey oppa!' Jiyoung smiled as she gave a little wave. Chunji nodded at Jiyoung and smirked at Gyu Won's direction. 'Hey cutie. Do you want to go out this afterno-' Gyu Won stood up annoyed, not listening to his rants. 'Are you here to say sorry about the incident earlier or annoy me again?' Chunji seemed suprised for a moment but before he could say something, Gyu Won stalked off towards the oval. 'Come on Jiyoung! We need to run around the oval.' Jiyoung stared at Chunji confused, before running off to her friend. Chunji ruffled his hair annoyed as he stared at Gyu Won by the distance. Darn, he sure knew how to make a girl pissed.
'Hey Gyu Won. You seem a little upset today.' Jiyoung scruntinized her friend as the latter grabbed her water bottle from her locker. Eun Sun frowned upon seeing her friend's cold exterior. 'What's up Gyu Won? Is something upsetting you?' 'Do you want to eat afterschool today? Maybe that would take your mind off somethings. Plus, there's a new cafe opening up oppsite our school.' Heejin butted in. Gyu Won gave her friends a lop sided smile. 'Thanks guys but I have to go to my part time job today. Maybe next time.' Gyu Won shut her locker and left, her foot steps echoing down the hallway as she made a run towards the school gates. Eun Sun sighed as she watched her friend running towards distance.
'Aish stupid Chunji. Making my mood go all down today.' Gyu Won muttered to herself as she walked down the street. She past by the convienience store and walked past a small icecream shop as she made a right turn towards a cafe. Gyu Won was about to step in the cafe when suddenly someone pulled her arm. "Yah!" Gyu Won gasped as she turned around. 
Author Note: hey everyone! Sorry for the late update, been having writer's block. But for sure, for the next update, there will be more Eun Sun and Ljoe moments! :D thank you for all your support. ~chocolover56 and luluwifeyxoxo!
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[L.Joe You Pabo] Sequel is in the making! - dreamcatcherx & fairycakes


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Cheesecake143 #1
Chapter 51: Wow i really like this story (*^o^*) most of the time I thought that ljoe's really a pabo u.u
i really rememmber this story as the first fic and espical story to my heart ^^
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 19: chappie 19: hahaha.....
jealous l.joe came out~ ..............!!
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 16: chappie 16: T^T
i really thought that both of them will get sick and 'cuddling' with each other........
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 15: chappie 15: what will happen when they both get sick at the same time????
hahaha.... that must be funny when it really happen......
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 5: chappie 5: is woohyun really likes eun sun ?????
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 4: chappie 4: it must be really embarrassing when someone you like read your love letter that you write to him loudly..........
poor eun sun......
uchafrida #8
Chapter 51: its awsome fanfic authornim...
Oh my goodness!!! I miss this story!!!
khantsandi #10
Chapter 51: I cant wait the sequel.Plz update soon...