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L.Joe you Pabo!


^_^ ENJOY!
No one's POV-
Eun Sun and Ljoe were now waiting for the bus. The girls near Ljoe were swooning over Ljoe's looks while Ljoe was ignoring them and if they got louder, he would glare at them from time to time. As usual, whenever Eun Sun hears girls screaming or swooning over Ljoe, she would roll her eyes. Today the bus was late so Eun Sun ended up fiddling with her fingers, bored, while Ljoe glares more at the girls. Finally the bus arrvived 10 minutes late. The bus was packed and Eun Sun followed Ljoe to the bus.
Eun Sun's POV-
Today the bus was late D: so when the bus arrived, it was packed with passengers. I followed Ljoe to the bus. We squished in. I tried to squish in to the middle, far away from Ljoe but instead, failed. I ended up near the window in front of Ljoe, while Ljoe was holding onto one of the poles. I worried since I always fall on the bus whenever I was standing up. I looked around, looking for something to support my balance but nothing was there except for Ljoe. =.= The bus started to move slowly, but then when the U turn came, I lost my balance and fell onto Ljoe. Ljoe quickly grabbed me in an instant. I blushed and stood up again looking down trying not to show my red face. Ljoe saw me looking down and leaned to my level. He saw my red cheeks and smirked and stood up again. Suddenly the bus stopped, making me lose my balance. I held onto Ljoe's arm. I gained my balance and looked at Ljoe. He was staring at me wide eyed. I looked at him. Then I realized I was still holding onto his arm. I whispered to him 'Can I hold onto your arm until it's our stop?'
He rolled his eyes and continued standing. I took it as a yes and smiled.
Ljoe's POV-
'Can I hold onto your arm until it's our stop?' She whispered.
I wanted to smile like a maniac but hid it by rolling my eyes. I saw Eun Sun smile and continued holding onto my arm. I wanted to smile so badly. :) Suddenly warmth came up into my cheeks. 'Am I blushing?' I thought.
Eun Sun POV-
I was walking to my locker, Ljoe behind me was walking as slowly as possible so it doesn't seem like he was walking to school with me. I walked to my locker and opened it, getting my books for my first and second class. I heard Ljoe walking to his locker too, opening it and getting his books. I suddenly heard Woohyun's voice shouting out Ljoe's name. I saw Ljoe wave and continued what he was doing. Woohyun then saw me and waved, beaming. I smiled back and waved. He came over, passing Ljoe, giving Ljoe a pat on the back and coming towards me. I smiled as he greeted me.
'Annyeong Eun Sun!' He grinned.
'Anneyeong Oppa!' I responded smiling.
He then took something out of his bag and handed it to me. I gasped. It was the clip Ljoe bought for me!
'OMO! How did you find it?!' I exclaimed.
He laughed while clipping it on my hair. I blushed. ' Yesterday, when you ran off to class, you dropped your clip on the floor.' He explained smiling.
I smiled. 'T....thankyou o...oppa!' I stuttered.
He smiled, ruffling my hair. 'Gotta go. See you at lunch?' He asked waving.
I nodded and waved.
'I can't wait to tell Ljoe I found the clip!' I thought happily.
Eun Sun POV-
After me and Ljoe got off the bus, we walked home.
'Ljoe, notice anything different about me?' I asked smiling.
'That you look more goofy?' He asked not looking at me. He then giggled at his own joke.
I glared at him. 'No!' I said pointing to my head. 'Does this ring a bell?'
He looked at me and then widened his eyes. I giggled.
'I found the clip today!' I exclaimed happily, clapping my hands in delight.
'Where did you find it?' He asked smiling abit.
'Well, I didn't find it.' I pointed out. 'Woohyun oppa did.'
Ljoe then stopped walking and looked at me. I stopped walking too and looked at him, confused.
'How come he had it?' He asked.
'Well, umm... I was eating lunch with him yesterday, but when I was rushing to my class, I didn't realized I dropped the clip and Woohyun found it while he was walking to class.' I explained.
He then started walking again.
'Yah! Ljoe! WAIT!' I shouted, running up to him. 'What with his sudden change of mood?' I thought as I caught up with him.
Ljoe POV-
'Well, umm... I was eating lunch with him yesterday, but when I was rushing to my class, I didn't realized I dropped the clip and Woohyun found it while he was walking to class.' She explained.
Suddenly anger shot up to me. I frowned. I started walking away.
'Yah! Ljoe! WAIT!' Eun Sun shouted.
I continued walking, thinking about Eun Sun and Woohyun.
'Oppa? Eun Sun called Woohyun 'Oppa' ? They had lunch together? Are they really getting that close?' I thought.
'Why am I angry though? AISHHH I THINK I'M GOING CRAZY! I thought ruffling my hair.
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[L.Joe You Pabo] Sequel is in the making! - dreamcatcherx & fairycakes


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Cheesecake143 #1
Chapter 51: Wow i really like this story (*^o^*) most of the time I thought that ljoe's really a pabo u.u
i really rememmber this story as the first fic and espical story to my heart ^^
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 19: chappie 19: hahaha.....
jealous l.joe came out~ ..............!!
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 16: chappie 16: T^T
i really thought that both of them will get sick and 'cuddling' with each other........
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 15: chappie 15: what will happen when they both get sick at the same time????
hahaha.... that must be funny when it really happen......
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 5: chappie 5: is woohyun really likes eun sun ?????
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 4: chappie 4: it must be really embarrassing when someone you like read your love letter that you write to him loudly..........
poor eun sun......
uchafrida #8
Chapter 51: its awsome fanfic authornim...
Oh my goodness!!! I miss this story!!!
khantsandi #10
Chapter 51: I cant wait the sequel.Plz update soon...