I Miss You**




(** by Klymaxx)


Present time...


More! More!!!!!”


The crowd had been uber excited and full of spirit that night. The drummer kept saying his thanks and that indeed, the band will be playing another song.


He was about strike the splash cymbal when the lead guitarist stopped him. The latter called in s and told them what song to play.


Chincha? Aish, hyung, why didn't you say so? We could have played something special for her!” said the bassist in disgust. Had they known earlier that the lead's girlfriend was somewhere, they wouldn't have played some happy songs.


Mian, Bong Go-ah...I...I just had seen her a while ago. Now, jebal? Just this once, just for her...”


The girl wondered what was being said behind the crowd. Even she felt that they had been so impolite talking to themselves when they should be facing their audience. And now, some high school girls where taking pictures of the band. One was making an “announcement” that their teacher and his band are doing a street performance. “They are so daebak!!!!” she said.


And then came the sound. The lady tilted her head, wondering in her mind what that song was. All the melodies came rushing forth her head, unable to identify it correctly. Until he sang..


Thought I heard your voice yesterday
Then I turned around to say that I loved you 
then I realized 
that it was just my mind 
playing tricks on me....

It seems colder lately at night
and I try to sleep with the lights on
Every time the phone rings
I pray to God it's you
I just can't believe
That we're through... 


His stare pierce thru her sunglasses, yet again. And she couldn't help but tear up once more. As much as she wanted to move away from that place, she couldn't. The song..that song...she had sang it once. But not in front of him, not anyway. The song immobilized her like cement on her shoes. There's no turning back..the song haunted her.


I miss you
There's no other way to say it
And I, And I can't deny it.
I miss you
It's so easy to see 
I miss you and me........

Is it done and over this time?
Have we really change our minds?
About each others love...
All the feelings that we used to share...
I refuse to believe that you don't care.


I know it's you. I could feel you near me. I didn't wish for you to come back to me. I didn't want to see you again. But why? Why did fate have to bring you back to me?” he thought.


I miss you
There's no other way to say it
And I,And I can't deny it.
I miss you
It's so easy to see 
I miss you and me........

I've got to gather my senses together
I've been through worse kinds of weather
If it's over now
be strong
I can't believe that you're gone...
I've got to carry on.


"What have i done? You are like a ghost coming out from the grave, standing there steps away from me, staring back at me even with your sunglasses on. I should not have driven you away, mianhe...I should have listened to your reasons. What am I to do? Tell me!" he thought once more..

I miss you
It's driving me crazy
I don't want to live without you.
I miss you
It's so easy to see
I miss you and me...........

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Malapascua Island in Cebu, Philippines... kyaaaaaaa!!!! Ginatilan ta toh!
"Jung Yong Hwa, CN Blue’s frontman, was outside, drinking his vodka with his girlfriend Park Shin Hye."

KYAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Dooley Couple! ^_^
shizukasenshi #3
xsnmae: im glad you asked for another g-minor ff...im going to find another material for that though...anyway, i made this ff bcoz i had experienced some of parts of the story in my life, so i had written it in quite a rush too so that i won't forget...thanks for liking.
Another GMinor fic, please! ^^
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! hulmigas ug sunggo sa ilong!
bwahahah.... jiyeon meets herself. basaha na lagi to akong mga one shot ba.
shizukasenshi #7
@hitomi: it's just like the scen e(ep16) where Yang Jin Man met JYP on the audition! ahahahaha!!!
ah...parang HBH and NHJ of GOS lang naman, kekekek
asked Soon Dong, prying like a witch talking to her minions.--ngwahahaha.... soon dong, my fave chara sa dream high 2
"She had idolized Ham Eun Jung and Park Jiyeon," bwahahahah.... Jiyeon idolizing herself, kekekekek