



I would very much want to keep this moment plastered in my mind, or make time stand still. There is nothing I wanted so much than be with the one I like...or love. But I fear that when this all over, we'd go back to the way we were: acting like nothing had happened between us.


The melodies dancing in this room fill my senses, to the point that I want to take it like a drug. Music is what I want so badly to cure the pains I have been through, to give me solace when everything is not what I wanted them to be. The notes knock at my heart, beckoning all my fears, my angst, and my restlessness out of me. I'm here in this state of paradise, drowning myself to what I call beautiful music.


If I have one wish right now, I wish that I could stop the hands of time. May this moment be mine. Make it mine...

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Malapascua Island in Cebu, Philippines... kyaaaaaaa!!!! Ginatilan ta toh!
"Jung Yong Hwa, CN Blue’s frontman, was outside, drinking his vodka with his girlfriend Park Shin Hye."

KYAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Dooley Couple! ^_^
shizukasenshi #3
xsnmae: im glad you asked for another g-minor going to find another material for that though...anyway, i made this ff bcoz i had experienced some of parts of the story in my life, so i had written it in quite a rush too so that i won't forget...thanks for liking.
Another GMinor fic, please! ^^
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! hulmigas ug sunggo sa ilong!
bwahahah.... jiyeon meets herself. basaha na lagi to akong mga one shot ba.
shizukasenshi #7
@hitomi: it's just like the scen e(ep16) where Yang Jin Man met JYP on the audition! ahahahaha!!!
ah...parang HBH and NHJ of GOS lang naman, kekekek
asked Soon Dong, prying like a witch talking to her minions.--ngwahahaha.... soon dong, my fave chara sa dream high 2
"She had idolized Ham Eun Jung and Park Jiyeon," bwahahahah.... Jiyeon idolizing herself, kekekekek