It's when you sing and dance on the street that...






Jung Bong Go, Yoo Jin's cousin and bassist shouted out his thanks to their small audience.


This will be our first street performance as an indie rock band, so we very much appreciate y'all coming in here tonight! Kamsahamnida!” he continued as he kept bowing to almost everybody in the perimeter of the small stage. Then all the members went to their respective places on stage and began to play some of their songs.


Meanwhile, Jae Hee, Si Woo and Ji Kyung had just finished watching a movie when they saw the crowd and the band. Curiosity filled them, so they decided to take a look.


Omo! It's Yoo Jin-ah!” Jae Hee happily said, jabbing Ji Kyung's elbow.


Yah, cut it out!” Ji Kyung muttered.


Omomomomomo? Yah, Ji Kyung-ah,” Si Woo said as he moved closer to Ji Kyung, placed an arm around her and whispered. “Do you like Jin Yoo Jin?” He asked as a silly grin was plastered on his lips. He looked at Jae Hee too and smirked. Jae Hee's teasing eyebrows and grin made Ji Kyung cringe.


Si Woo Oppa, jebal?? Don't let Yoo Jin know, ara? I'd be dead meat if he comes to know my secret..pleeaaaasssseeee....” Ji Kyung pleaded to Si Woo as she gave him that puppy-eyed look and pouting lips. Si Woo wanted to pinch her cheeks since she looked so cute and she reminded him of his dongsaeng.


Guiyuwoon Ji Kyung! Don't make me feel guilty! I had my many shares of guilt already with your very cute cousin Jae Hee. She makes me SSSSSOOOOOO guilty every day I wanted to give her cappuccino just to please her,” Si Woo joked as he looked lovingly at his girlfriend.


(Jae Hee and Ji Kyung are 1st degree cousins, but Ji Kyung and Si Woo aren't related in anyway – Author's note)


And so, they got near the scene. When they arrived, Yoo Jin was already singing one of his original compositions. It was a rather heartbreaking song that Ji Kyung felt he might be singing for her. She felt uneasy again; her chest felt the pain of the song. As she clutched her shirt, she suddenly felt numb. She felt that time froze, and that, at that instant, it was only her and Yoo Jin standing on the street. She felt like a statue gazing upon a very bright star in front of her. And her eyes got misty. Why am I crying? You see me walking towards you. Yet why can't I even reach you? Why are you so far? Every time I see your face, it hurts my eyes. You are so bright, high up in the heavens, up in that small stage, while I'm down here, just a nobody, a loser...


The song ended without her realizing it. Neither did she notice that Yoo Jin stepped down the stage and approached them. Ji Kyung was in a trance, and in her absentminded state, she was staring at Yoo Jin. The lad stepped in front of her, waved his hand in front of her eyes, and gave Si Woo a puzzled look.


Hyung, why did you bring a statue here?”


Si Woo burst into laughter. It startled Ji Kyung that she finally came to her senses and clumsily tucked at the back of her ears some stray bits of hair. She was flushed and was blinking uneasily. Yoo Jin looked at her with concern, and placed an arm on her shoulders. He could feel she was trembling.


Yah, Gwaenchanha? Are you hungry, Ji Kyung-ah? You're trembling pretty bad...”


Nan gwaenchanha...gomawo...” the girl whispered.


Hyung, why don't you let Ji Kyung rest for a bit. There are benches over there. I shall return to you once our gig is done, okay?” the guitarist told Si Woo.


Arasseo. But Yoo Jin, Jae Hee and I will be going off shortly because we still have some important things to do. I just can't let Ji Kyung be by herself here for a period of time-- “


I'll be all right, Oppa. You can go with Jae need to worry about me.”




Ji Kyung hugged herself tight. The jacket she was wearing didn't do any good, and her pants were too thin for comfort too. Her hands were freezing, and she couldn't help but blow on them. Her teeth gritted in agony over the cold, and her breath was forming vapors every time she exhales. She hated this time of the year, yet it wasn't even winter yet. And so, she just focused her attention on people passing by her just so that she'll forget feeling too cold.


Just then, Yoo Jin then approached her with some hot packs. He got hold of her hands and wrapped the packs around them.


Feeling better?”


Neh...” she answered while still looking at his hands covering hers.


Aren't you feeling cold too, Yoo Jin-ah?”


I am..but I guess you needed these more than I do. That's how I care for my friends.”


Upon hearing that he cared for her too, Ji Kyung smiled and thanked him profusely. She couldn't have felt any better than what she's feeling now: hot packs to warm her hands, and his words to warm her heart.


They were walking back to the dormitory, both speechless and not in the mood for conversation. In Yoo Jin's mind, he was always wondering why Ji Kyung had her odd behavior. In his analysis, it seemed like of all people, he, Jin Yoo Jin, looked like a police man trying to apprehend a criminal. Meanwhile, Ji Kyung was still tongue-tied. Her dilemma was making her claustrophobic. Her crush was just beside her, but he seemed so distant.


She continued walking along when she stopped. She looked back and  noticed that Yoo Jin was standing still, staring in space like he was looking for a shooting star.


Yoo Jin-ah, gwaenchanha?”


Yoo Jin smiled. Then his gaze shifted from the sky back to her, his eyes smiling too.


I love this song...”


Mwoh? What song?” Ji Kyung asked, puzzled. She looked left and right, wondering what song Yoo Jin meant. When she finally heard the song from a nearby cafe, she was all the more surprised to see Yoo Jin standing in front of her, offering his left hand to her.


Shall we dance?”


Ji Kyung's eyes brightened in delight. Yes, of course, the music had a ¾ time signature. And it was a perfect song to practice for their dance. No, it was the perfect moment for them both, she thought. And so, she placed her hand on his waiting one, her left hand on his shoulder, his other hand holding her waist. Ji Kyung looked at Yoo Jin with that cute smile on her face, her eyes giving some look Yoo Jin couldn't grasp nor decipher what that meant. And he also gave her a smile, causing her heart to flutter. They both giggled when they made their mistakes while doing that waltz. But for Ji Kyung, it didn't matter. For her, it was one romantic night she will never forget and will always treasure in her innocent heart. 

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Malapascua Island in Cebu, Philippines... kyaaaaaaa!!!! Ginatilan ta toh!
"Jung Yong Hwa, CN Blue’s frontman, was outside, drinking his vodka with his girlfriend Park Shin Hye."

KYAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Dooley Couple! ^_^
shizukasenshi #3
xsnmae: im glad you asked for another g-minor going to find another material for that though...anyway, i made this ff bcoz i had experienced some of parts of the story in my life, so i had written it in quite a rush too so that i won't forget...thanks for liking.
Another GMinor fic, please! ^^
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! hulmigas ug sunggo sa ilong!
bwahahah.... jiyeon meets herself. basaha na lagi to akong mga one shot ba.
shizukasenshi #7
@hitomi: it's just like the scen e(ep16) where Yang Jin Man met JYP on the audition! ahahahaha!!!
ah...parang HBH and NHJ of GOS lang naman, kekekek
asked Soon Dong, prying like a witch talking to her minions.--ngwahahaha.... soon dong, my fave chara sa dream high 2
"She had idolized Ham Eun Jung and Park Jiyeon," bwahahahah.... Jiyeon idolizing herself, kekekekek