♥ Jonghyun's Juliette ♥

You can be my Juliette [APPLY CLOSED FOR NOW]

Note to BooJen/Jenny

Hey~ Here’s your fanfic, I changed some minor things (actually I don’t know if they’re considered minor. The things I changed were…

  • You don’t have a godbrother, it’s an adopted brother
  • I don’t mention KiKwang, but you can still have him as your brother~
  • I didn’t mention your umma and appa’s names because it was unnecessary, but again you can use them if you want~
  • You don’t like going to a café, you work there~

Mianhe BooJen/Jenny, I hope you like the story anyway~ *Bows respectively*


Jenny's POV

I swore to never to trust men again. Not after how Jaesun treated me. No, he wasn't my ex-boyfriend or anything. He's my adopted brother, the adopted brother that tried to keep me in the dark, he abused me physically and mentally. Because of him I suffered from depression for months, no I still suffer from it, its just not as serious… during this time was the darkest time of the 15 years of my life.


But, I'm thankful of him. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have reunited with my biological parents… But the nightmares, they still haunt me at night especially when the lights go out. I feel as though I'm alone and that I could be under Jaesun’s traps again. This is when my nightmares come and haunt me. They feel so real that my umma has to wake me up to tell me it was only a dream….


Two years later, I'm still haunted by these nightmares. But of course I don't tell umma and appa. I don't want them worried for me. Mostly during day I'm very cheery and happy, I work at a café as a part time and I've made much improvement on my depression. I still don't have a lot of trust in men except for appa of course


One day while I was serving dishes to the customers in the café when a really really hot guy came in.

"Hi Sir, how many seats?" I asked brightly

"One" he replied

I had to give it to him, he was hot and handsome and cute at the same time, maybe one flaw was that he was a bit short?

"Okay, this way please~"

I led him to a table and gave him the menu, he gave me a sweet smile.

For the first time I can remember, this guy was the first man that I haven't repelled from. I couldn't explain my feelings. My heart felt heavy. It skipped a few beats. I could feel my face burning up. What was happening to me?


Jonghyun's POV

Okay, so it was another bad day, I had a fight with my brother Key. But, it wasn't that big of a deal that I forgot to put in the washing powder into the washing before starting up the machine…

He's such a diva sometimes. I wonder if he was born a girl?...

So I decided to go out and have lunch because obviously the diva wouldn't cook me any lunch. I walked pass a café, I looked inside I saw a beautiful waitress, the way her hair just fits in with the way she walks, her smile is like as pure as an angel's, everything about her is just so innocent and pure.

"Hi Sir, how many seats?" she asked me.

Wow, even her voice is beautiful too… I quickly come back to my senses and answer


"Okay this way please" she said

I'm mesmerized by her voice…

She led me to a table and gave me a menu. I looked at the menu and looked at the cakes

Mmmmm they have chocolate mud cake here. I was going to order until I looked at her face. It was as red as a tomato. I chuckled.

"Miss… Are you okay?" I asked her

"w-what? I'm fine" she replied

I wonder if I did anything wrong…

"Can I take your order?"

"I'll have the chocolate mud cake and a small cappuccino" I told her as she scribbled it down onto her waitress pad

"Anything else?" she asked

Was she in a rush or something?

"Yeah, what's your name?" I asked her, okay maybe I was being a bit too direct.


Jenny's POV

"Yeah, what's your name?"

A million thoughts ran through my head. But one thought stood out.

Was he flirting with me?

I can't be rude because I might get a complaint and lose my job and there's no harm in telling him my name. I'm not the only Jenny in this world.

"I-its u-um…Jenny" I stuttered

"Okay, thanks Jenny, my names Jonghyun" he gave me a smile and I literally ran away

As I got back to the counter my best friend/colleague Yuri was smiling at me

"Jenny's got an admirer~ Jenny's got an admirer~" she chanted

"What? No!" I denied it, actually I didn't need to deny it. Because he didn't admire me…

"He SO was, did you see the way he looked at you? No before that, did you see your own face? You were as red as a tomato!!" Yuri said while bursting out laughing

Yuri's laugh was cut off by the chef's bell, which was telling me a dish was ready to be served.

"Have fun~" Yuri teased

Sometimes I really do want to smash her pretty face into pieces.


"Heres your order" I said trying not to stutter

"Thanks Jenny" Jonghyun said

I look over to Yuri, she's having the time of her life laughing

"You're welcome" I replied as I headed back to the now dying Yuri


Ten minutes later, Jonghuyn was done eating. I tried to avoiding him by going to the toilets for    15 minutes. That should be long enough…


-15 minutes later-

I'm pretty sure he's left, so I went back out. And all was peaceful for the rest of the day.


-End of the day-

As we close up we count up our money and looks at each waiter/waitress's tip jar. Usually they're just filled with coins but mine today was filled with coins and a piece of paper.

I opened up the piece of paper and this is what it said


Dear Jenny,

I really want to know you better

Call me sometime

019 xxx xxx xxx (I don't know anything about South Korean numbers)

Love Jonghyun


My eyes went wide, Jonghyun wants to "really know me better"?!

I didn't know what to say, think or do.

So I did what I usually did went home changed into my running gear and went to the park or a run alone.

Should I call him? I kept asking myself. I have this uneasy feeling when I'm near men. But when I'm near Jonghyun. I feel uneasy but its different it’s uneasy feeling. It somehow feels good….


The next day at work I told Yuri what Jonghyun gave me and Yuri shouted at me

"CALL HIM NOW! He's probably been up all night waiting for your call"

As if Jonghyun is that stupid…


Jonghyun's POV


I feel so sad, I stayed up all night waiting for Jenny to call me. But she never did.

Should I go to the café to look for her?

Nah she’ll probably run away from me and call the police for being a stalker…

I guess I’ll just-

 ssoda jildeut han dalbit yeoksi eoduwo
teojil deut taneun hwaetbul neodo machangaji
geunyeoege bichi naneun beobeul baewoya hae
geunyeol bomyeon nuni meoreobeoril kkeoya


(note: yes its a part of juliette, the first part of the song ^_^)


“Yobeoseyo?”  I asked hoping that it was Jenny

“H-hi..I..uhh.. saw the note you left me yesterday…” Jenny said

Her voice sounds beautiful even on the phone… I was so glad we were talking on the phone otherwise she would’ve seen me blushing…

“I’m glad you called me, I’ve been waiting since last night” I chuckled

“Omo?! Seriously? Mianhe~ oppa. I was busy last night” she said

My heart basically did acrobatics in my chest, SHE CALLED ME OPPA!!!

“Doyouwanttogooutsometime?” I said really quickly

“What? I’m sorry I didn’t quite get that…”

“I said, would…you…like to go…out with me…sometime?” I slowly said trying not to kill myself with the fear of rejection

“Ummm, okay…” she replied, but somehow she sounded scared and freaked out


Jenny’s POV

Oh crapsicles, what have I dragged myself into?!

I’ve never gone out with a boy, hell I haven’t had any guys friends yet.

I quickly ran down to umma and asked her

“umma, what is love?”

“Love is a feeling you get when you feela strong affection and personal attachment towards someone. Like me and your appa, we’re in love.” Umma explained

“So when you feel as though your heart is heavy and its throbbing madly that it skips a few beats does that mean you’re in love?” I asked like a 2 year old

“Yes, most likely.” Umma replied, I think she sensed I was going somewhere with this.


I have too many thoughts in my head I decided to go the park to just sit down and relax


Jonghyun’s POV

Yes! She finally called me and accepted my date!

This is the happiest day of my life~

I feel so happy right now~

I go for a walk with roo.

Roo is getting too fat these days, need to put him on a diet.


Its night time now, and theres no one in the park except for some girl sitting on the bench under the lamp post.


Wait, she looks familiar, is that...is that Jenny?


Jenny's POV 


I can hear someone coming, but I can’t see who, they’re in the dark and I’m in the light.

I feel scared. What if its Jaesun? What if he’s back for me?

“Jenny... Is that you?” I hear a familiar voice

“Yes...who is it?” I asked nervously

“Its me” Jonghyun comes into the light “Jonghyun”

I sigh in relief.

“Hey Jonghyun” I said

“Hey Jenny, its funny I’m seeing you here. Considering I was just talking to you ten minutes ago over the phone” Jonghyun laughs

“Haha yea...”

We talk for hours and hours not realising it was getting later and later.

Soon it was time to go home.

As soon as my body left the security of the lamp post’s light rays I started whimpering

 “Jenny what’s wrong?” Jonghyun asks me

“The dark, I...I’m scared of the dark” I said shakily

I explained to Jonghyun my past and he soon understood

“Jenny hold my hand” Jonghyun said confidently

I hold Jonghyun’s hand, its warm and he grasped it tightly but in the same way gently.

I felt stronger and he led me through the dark

And for the first time I could walk in the dark without fearing Jaesun was after me

Because I had one thing that could defeat my fears.


I had Jonghyun





-How was it? It was my first time writing in POVs. BooJen/Jenny, was it cheesy enough?

I’m very sorry to KimKibumKeyx3 because I made this one shot longer than yours mianhe~ *bows respectively* and to BooJen, who has been encouraging me to update faster~ I finally did! But its quite a novel so I hope you understood why I couldn’t update fast =___=

Some points I wanted to point out

  • I know making Key as Jonghyun’s brother didn’t sound right (I prefer Key and Jonghyun as a couple *not or anything*). Its just I needed a reason for Jonghyun to go to the cafe.
  • I don’t know if Yuri (of SNSD) acts that way in real life....
  • Roo is Jonghyun’s dog (I wanna squish it so badly its so damn cute!) for those who don’t know watch this www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxDXbcp_UPc
  • As I pointed out earlier I changed the plot/character a bit. Mianhe BooJen >.< please don’t bash me~
  • And incase you're wondering YES I'M JJONG BIASED~~~

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cutecookie #1
xD OMG. Haha I read your secong oneshot here, itt's a lot better then the first one C:<br />
You've been improving 0:
HikariHH1 #3
sorry, haven't subscribe. LOL I thought I subscribed already! *knock my head 10000 times* XD
Wow ! It's interesting ! Thanks ! And um , the story havent end yet right ? It's okay if it has :D
forever #5
oh hey!<br />
umm i did subscribe :)<br />
I'm LORITRUS, but I changed my username<br />
hehe sorry bout the confusion~
@BooJen <br />
really OMG I feel so happy that someone likes my oneshot~<br />
you're welcome~
ohhhkeo #7
Ahh , okayokayy ~ i still love it though , KOmawo ! ^^
@thelucifer<br />
thank you for being patient!!!<br />
I'm very touched :')
thelucifer #9
i jus applied as shim daeyang^^ i'l b patient for u so dont worry. continue livin ur life and workin on anything els u gotta work on