Disappointment and.. who?

Forever friends?

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" I yelled as I pulled Hyeri towards me. I dried her wet face with my bare hands and shoved her behind me as I glared at the girl who called my best friend a .

"Jongup oppa is hugging her, that's why!" the high school girl pointed. I walked up to her and sapped her finger away She stared at me in shock as she answered, "Excuse me, unnie-"

"Who's your unnie? Did I say you're allowed to call me unnie? Look here, student, you can't go around and just throw water at people you don't like. Don't you have parents? Haven't they taught you well?" I scolded her. She looked at me with what seemed like anger, hatred and humilation. "You're a disgrace to your parents. I feel sorry for them for having such a daughter like you," I stared firmly and spat the words at her.

Tears were forming in her eyes as she whispered, "I just.. I.."

"What? If you were her, would you want someone to throw water at you just because that person hates you?" I interrogated her. Her friends walked up to me and grabbed my upper arm.

"Look here, miss," they called me, "my friend here may be wrong, but you don't have to shout at her in public and embarrass her like that! She is, afterall, a girl," one of the girls defended.

I turned my glare to the other girl and asked, "Then throwing water at my friend in public isn't embarrassing? My friend isn't a girl? She won't feel humiliated?"

The girl squeezed my upper arm harder as she threatened with staring eyes, "UNNIE. You shouldn't do these kinda things in public. You're a friend of B.A.P oppas, right? DON'T MAKE THEM LOSE FACE."

I felt myself realize that I was making them lose face. I started to stagger in my feelings as I turned to look at the drenched Hyeri. Beside her was Jongup and Zelo, who both had their heads down. Disappointment and sadness reached me when I saw that Jongup and Zelo both wasn't defending Hyeri. I was the only one. I huffed a breath of disappointment and was getting ready to pull away from the girl who was grabbing my arm.

But just then, someone's deep voice cut in, "Miss, what do you think you're doing to my friend?" She and I both turned at the same time to see Yongguk walking towards us, with Himchan, Daehyun and Youngjae behind him.

"Yongguk oppa!" Hyeri and I both called in shock. "Hyung!" Zelo and Jongup called in relief.

"You should let her go, student. She's a really good friend of mine, hm?" Himchan smiled slightly as he said and came over to me. He pulled the girl's hand away from my arm and rubbed my upper arm after seeing a slight bruise. He looked at me and smiled, as if telling me to relax. He slid his palm downwards and held my hand tight as he pulled me close to him.

"What's the matter, students?" B.A.P's manager suddenly asked, appearing out of nowhere. All of them got scared that this matter was going to the manager, so they bowed and apologised then quickly ran away.

"H-how did you guys find us?" I asked all of them.

"We followed you guys here. Wanted to suprise all of you...but.." Youngjae trailed off.

"Hyeri ah!" Daehyun called out loud suddenly. Hyeri quickly ran to him and he hugged her, while trying to dry the wet spots on her face and neck. "Are you okay?" he whispered. She shook her head and started tearing up. "YAH. MOON JONGUP! I TOLD YOU TO TAKE CARE OF HER. NOW LOOK AT WHAT HAPPENED!" he yelled at Jongup.

Jongup looked down in guilt, along with Zelo. "Moon Jongup. Choi Junhong," Yongguk called threateningly, "Why were you two just standing there? Why didn't any of you stand up to the students?" Yongguk walked up to them and folded his arms, staring at the two younger boys.

"Sorry, hyung," they apologised. Youngjae strode over and held Yongguk back.

"Hyung," Youngjae gently said, "They're still young. Don't." 

I felt so much disppointment in them when they didn't stand up for Hyeri. Weren't they supposed to take care of Hyeri? Wasn't it like a given? "Youngjae ah," Youngguk warned lightly, "stay outta this. Jongup, Zelo, don't apologise to me. Apologise to Hyeri."

"Hyeri ah... Mianhae," they apologised, but Hyeri was still crying in Daehyun's shoulders.

"Moon Jongup. You can forget about going to the dance with my girlfriend," Daehyun glared at Jongup and pulled Hyeri away, walking to some place.

Himchan tightened his hold on my hand when he saw my disppointed look getting stronger. "Don't," he whispered in my ear. I shook my head at the two boys and sighed sadly.

Zelo heard and he turned to me, "Noona...."

"Don't call me," I snapped. "You guys can go off first. I'll go home on my own later. Bye," I quickly said and pulled away from Himchan to stride off. 

"Kori ah," Himchan called out immediately, with Yongguk and Youngjae echoing and Zelo and Jongup calling, "Noona!"

I didn't turn back and continued walking off. After a few seconds, I heard footsteps running after me. I turned to see Himchan walking beside me, with his hands shoved into his jean's front pockets. I looked at him with an eyebrow raised, and he jerked his head in an upward movement, "Just pretend I'm not here," he smiled and walked with me.


We walked for quite sometime before we found a small cafe to sit down. I was sipping the mocha iceblend he bought for me earlier and he, Americano. "Do you think I was too much?" I asked softly.

"To who? Zelo and Jongup?" I nodded and he shook his head and smiled lightly, "I think they deserved it since... as guys, it's only right for us to take care of the girls."

"Do you think Zelo and Jongup will hate me for snapping at them?" I asked again.

"I think they'd understand," he said as a smile crept on his lips again.

"Am I a bad person for scolding the bunch of high school students awhile ago?" I reflected on what I had done, "I really did embarass her..."

Himchan softened and reached over the table to hold my hand, "Of course not," he firmly said, "You were defending Hyeri. There's nothing wrong with wanting to stand up for your friend." My heart fluttered at the contact he made. Swiftly, my heart beat rate quickened.

"B-but still.. It was h-harsh.. M-my words.. It.." I stammered, as I struggled to gain control over my fluttery feeling.

"That's not the point. The point is that you were brave. Braver than the two maknaes to stand up for Hyeri. Imagine if you didn't. They'd bully Hyeri, and by now you'd all be in the police station," he reasoned as he held on tighter. I could feel my face burning up. 

"But.. as B.A.P's friend... I made you guys lose face," I whispered, looking down into my drink, feeling guilty all over again.

"You didn't. Look at me, Kori," he urged, "You made us proud, defending Hyeri like that. You're so, so brave, Kori."

"I am?" I asked questioningly, tilting my head as I looked at him. 

He nodded twice slowly and looked in my eyes, "That's how I-" He suddenly caught himself and with eyes widened, he cleared his throat, "how I... how I became friends with you."

I smiled weakly as I nodded, "Thank you." He blinked a couple of times with a smile, not reaching his eyes, and acknowledged my thanking with an, "Mm."

He squeezed my hand a little, earning a smile from me. Just then, a sweet voice called out, "OH! Himchan ssi!" I turned around and saw a beautiful girl, clad in an elegant white halter dress, carrying a expensive-looking brown handbag, with black pumps waving at Himchan. Her short hair framed her face as she smiled brightly.

He quickly let my hand go, and I felt my heart tightened a little. "Oh! It's been so long," he said as he stood up.


Here you go! Another updates! Hello new reader :)

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Please, I beg you to update.
Chapter 24: Update soon !!!
loved_grl6 #3
Chapter 24: please please update!!!!!! loving this story so much...one of the best i've read so far..:) <3 it!!!
taehyungshii #4
Chapter 24: A new reader here!
Awesome story ^^
Please updated soon...
Chapter 24: Totally new reader and please, please, please update soon!
Chapter 24: Update soon please! ^^
CherryLuv7 #7
Chapter 24: Please Update Soon? *puppy eyes* (oO)__(Oo)
loved_grl6 #8
need more......its so good...!!!!
please please please update soon !
hehe im so late :p
CherryLuv7 #10
Please Update Soon!! I'm so addicted >3<