Face Of An Angel


(Your POV)

I woke up to be greeted by the beautiful sun. I stood up and went to the balcony to breathe in some fresh morning air. I didn't realize that I have fallen asleep as I was going back to those moments and even dreamt about him last night. In my dream, we met again. He was smiling at me and I was standing in front of him, at a loss for words. I sighed as layed my arms over my eyes, feeling somewhat sad and hopeless about the whole thing. "Why do I even feel hopeless for?" my crazy conscience said. "I just want to apologize to him, that's all. Or atleast I think so." I muttered to myself. "Hmm. Awhile ago, I just dreamt about him and now I'm talking to myself? I must be going crazy." I sighed once more as I shove the thought away and stood up, ready to take a shower. I got inside the bathroom, took a hot bath and got out fresh and clean, ready for the day ahead. I dressed myself in my work attire as I made my way to the kitchen to get some milk and toast. I was busy eating when I startled as I heard my doorbell ring. "Anybody here?" a gentle voice asked. "Coming!" I said, rushing to the door to see who it is. I opened it, anticipating who it was and right then and there, he stepped in.


(???'s POV)

I was in the elevator, pressed a random number and waited for it to land. Waiting, I thought about my recent break-up. I loved her but she was a . Suddenly, a ring told me I was the the random floor and I casually walked out. I knocked on the door randomly, hoping it was a nice person. I asked if there was anyone there and a woman's voice answered. I patiently waited at the door and as it opened, I stepped in and turned my body towards the one who opened it. I felt my heart race as I seem to remember meeting her somewhere.


(Your POV)

I was frozen where I stood when I saw him turn his direction towards me. He saw me and his eyes widened, seeming to rememer me as well. "H-Hi?" I gulped. "May I help you?" I asked nervously.


(???'s POV)

I walked inside casually, hearing someone speak. I looked to the direction, a girl by the door. I gazed at her for a moment, starting from the face down. She was beautiful, but other than that, she seems so familiar. I began to mentally ask myself whether I have met this face before. I was caught by surprise when she spoke again.

"Oh. Hey. Are you the one who lives here?" I asked, beaming a smile to her.


(Your POV)

I stared at him in amazement as he walked inside my apartment. It's him. It's really him. My heart began beating rapidly and my legs were slowly turning into jelly that I had to hold on to the door for support. What should I do? I was panicking lightly when his voice brought me out of my trance.

"Oh. Hey. Are you the one who lives here?" He asked as his smile flashed before me.

"Y-yeah." I said, mentally slapping myself for stuttering at such a moment.

"Hmm. Sorry for barging in. I was kind of dozing off in the elevator when I accidentally pressed the number here. Aish. Stupid me." He said, half apologizing and half cursing him.

""I-It's fine, really." I said, stuttering again. I adjusted my awkward position. I took a deep breath as I smiled at him, trying my best to make him feel comfortable. "Come in." I invited, opening the door more so he could fit in. 


(???'s POV)

I smiled at her as I stepped in her room. I wandered my eyes around, noticing the beautiful furniture that accentuated her space. I shifted my gaze back to the girl as she closed the door. I scanned her body; she possessed nice curves, as well as long, beautiful and shiny hair. I smiled to myself as I faintly remember my ex's silhouette in her. I looked away the moment I heard the door closed, walking away from her to the kitchen nearby.

"Were you having breakfast?" I asked, noticing the food on the table. "I must have disturbed you. Sorry." I said, feeling apologetic of ruining someone's breakfast. 



"It's fine. Really." She smiled. She looks beautiful when she smiles.

I sat on one of the chairs in the kitchen, not bothering if she'd mind or not. She swiftly got back to her seat and lifted up her spoon to , continuing what she was doing earlier. I leaned on the table, watching her eat as faint memories of my ex came rushing back to me.



I sat in front of her as she ate, smiling as I did so. She looks so beautiful even just by eating. I felt a pair of eyes gaze at me, making me wake up from my mini dream. Her brows furrowed together. "Is there something on my face?" She asked. I chuckled lightly, shaking my head as a no. She smiled lightly and went back to eating.

*End of Flashback*


(Your POV)

I went on eating, not minding his deep gaze. After a while his look kind of bothered me, making me curious to what he was thinking. I picked my glass up and sipped from it, my eyes still trying to figure out his weird look. I cleared my throat lightly, hoping to catch his attention. I was already starting to think if there was something on my face.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.


(???'s POV)

"Is there something on my face?"

I heard someone speak, making me move from my former position. Then I looked at her, examining her face.

"Uh, no." I smiled sheepishly. 

"You were staring at me.." She said calmly, taking the last bite of her breakfast.

"Was not." I joked, grinning as she stood up and placed her plate at the counter.

She just chuckled, opening the faucet as she washed her plate. I watched her as she reminded me of so many things from my past relationship. She looked like her, acted like her, and even sounded like her. It was as though she was her twin. She wiped her hands on a towel, finishing the remaining liquid in her glass. She smiled at me, easing the light awkwardness. Smiling back, I lightly ran my finger through my hair. She turned back and sat again. I took a deep breath and calmed myself.

"Are you busy today?" I asked, the tone of my voice not exactly what I wanted it to sound like, but it was fine.

She paused for a few moments to give me an answer.

"No," she said, twisting her hair with her slender fingers.




Omg!!My co-authors are the ones who updates!!T^T mianhaeyo for that..(I) was busy..these past few days...and school days are approaching fast..might not go online more..T^Tneed more subscribeeers~~^^so that I can update^^! I'm such a lousy writer..T^T okay..so I'll add a chapter after i'll review the previous one,the chapter 3.chapter 4 would be missing because it's where my co-author's write their ideas,if it's okay~?^^see ya in the next updates,my lovely subscribers,and counting!!!^^

~the author.

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I'm sorry to put this story on hiatus for a long time..I was just too busy..I promise I'll try to update as soon again as I can.^^


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Haha! There's a song named 12: 51,
You have its lyrics
OMG Kim Heechul!!!

"Call me-" "Princess" I would die for him to call me princess!! kekeke^^

update soon! ^^
@ihanchul:yeah,now i added the ideas of my two co-authors..I was coming up blank~T^T maybe after a few weeks again.
@meedictator:thank you~^^ so much*hugs~*<3
I feel so special.
kyaaa... hope you will update the next chapter ;)
meedictator_ #6
Wow! I like this story! :D
As for the corrections, Just send me another coauthor request and I'll put up a new chapter which is the edited/corrected version of your first chapter. kay?
Hey, i didn't receive any request..
can you try it again?
aww~thank you so much JinXiChe!!~~^^ (cries cuz of happiness) \(T^T)/ i'm so touched..I'll update soon!I promise!Mahal din kita!!^^ Go undead Petals!!!^^ yeah!