- - A bitter day →

A bitter day .

"Even though the weather is nice, I don’t feel good at all.
Feels like it’s making fun of me, I start to get angry.
Drowning in a difficult situation, I start to thrash.
But the world is the exact opposite, it spins perfectly fine as if nothing is wrong."

It was raining. The sky was crying. Just like how Hyunah felt. She felt as if it was mocking her. The girl sat on the the wooden window ledge and looked out of the window. She rested her forehead on the cold glass window, watching as the rain falls. She could see little playbacks of the both of them together on the porch. They were laughing, smiling... then, the playbacks faded away. She snapped out of her daze and stood in the center of her room, facing one side of the walls. There were pictures, letters.. and on a little desk, were small teddybears and gifts that he got her. The girl's eyes started to get watery as she took little steps towards the wall. She ran her finger across one of the pictures. In it, he had an arm around her, they both had sincere smiles. Like as if they were one of those couples that were going to last forever. His harsh words rang in her head. "I don't need you, I never loved you! Just leave me alone!" She bit on her lip trying not to cry. Her fingers moved to the edge of the picture and with that, she ripped it off. With every rip, she became angrier. Her fingers bled from small paper cuts and her room was trashed with ripped up memories. She pushed all of the gifts and bears to the floor and threw the desk to the ground.

"And you are also living well, It's not fair, this is really not fair.
Even the stares from the people passing by shows sympathy for me.
Nothing is working out for me and because I missed the stop I was supposed to be off.
I am suddenly reminded by the thoughts of you.
The beaten up bus stop I got off looked even lonelier today so the tears just started to fall down."

Hyunah was on her way to the park, where they first met. She had this gloomy look on her face. People would give her sympathetic stares, or even sit next to her and try to talk to her. But she wouldn't respond. She kept dozing off which made her miss the stop that she was supposed to get off. The next stop was thirty minutes away. I`m so unlucky.. she thought to herself. She took out her iPod and listened to a song called, 'A bitter day'. She gave a weak smile. She found it funny because the song showed exactly how her life was going right now. A couple minutes later, she got off of the bus. There was graffiti tagged all over the place. Her little weak body walked to the nearest cafe and sat down at an empty table. The cafe was empty, so it was only her. Then, a happy-looking couple entered. A tear fell as she remininced all of their memories. She sprung up off of the seat as she noticed who the guy was. The seat made a loud noise, causing them to look at her and the guy's eyes widened.

"No matter what I say, it will all sound like an excuse to you.
Even when I tell you that all of these words are for you.
You were beautiful, but watching you wither away next to me,
how do you think that would make me feel?
I shouldn’t have started at all, I shouldn’t have looked into your eyes the first time I met you."

They met eyes for a couple of seconds then he broke eye contact. When they finished ordering, the girl pulled him towards the table next to Hyunah's. While he talked happily with the girl, she was watching him, full of sorrow. "Junhyung! Are you listening?" He gave a small glance at the messed up girl who was silently watching him from behind and nodded. Junhyung had an uneasy look on his face but he tried not to show it. Especially because his ex girlfriend was watching him. He didn't want to let her worry about him. He wanted to show her that he was doing fine without her, but it wasn't going to well. He kept getting distracted and he kept dozing off, thinking about who knows what. Probably the same thing Hyunah was thinking. Did he regret meeting her?

"I thought that I would feel weightless if I let you go, but that wasn’t it.
My mind understood the farewell, but my heart wouldn’t give in.
Every day I would repeat drawing you and erasing you.
I would handle all the suffering, I just wish that you would be happy.
So that I this decision I made would not be worthlessness or bring any regrets. I will always pray for you."

The boy sat down in his empty room. He had flashbacks of what happened in the cafe`. That look Hyunah had on her face and how she was acting. He pulled out a photo album and some drawings he hid from under his bed, laying them on the the flat hard surface. He opened to where it had the same picture that Hyunah first ripped off of her wall. Then he took one of the drawings and set it besides the picture. The drawing was like an exact replica. Exept for all of the erase marks. Junhyung kept erasing it because he felt like it wasn't right. He finished the drawing off, drawing a strand of Hyunah's hair. He lifted it up to the light, satisfied, and smiled to his self. I`m finally done..

The next day, he set the drawing in a box, along with one last gift. The box was white and the bow was teal. Since this was the last gift, he decided to give it to her personally.

He arrived on the door step of Hyunah's house and hesitated to ring the door bell. He was nervous and scared. What if she just threw it away after she opened it? A whole bunch of unanswered questions flowed in his head. He finally got himself to ring the door bell. Hyunah's light footsteps could be heard gradually getting louder and closer. Then the door opened. She was shocked. Why was he there? she thought. Her eyed moved to the box. Junhyung moved the box closer to her, motioning for her to take it, and she did. "W-what is this.." "Just open it."

Her fingers laced around the teal colored bow, pulling one end and next the other. Her hands shook as she lifted up the box top. There was a small photo album. She lifted it up and opened it. Inside were pictures on every page. Underneath were captions and dates. She looked back into the box and saw numerous drawings he drew of them together. Most of them were of her, alone. One of them, though, caught her attention. On the bottom of the page it read: 'I`m sorry I said those harsh words. I didn't mean them, really. After the past few months, I did move on though.. and I really wish you would, too. You can't be like this all the time, Hyun. So be happy! Stop being such a hobo(: ! ... I really wish that we will continue to talk to each other and be friends. Really really reeeeeeally close friends from now on, okay? Smile. You're beautiful when you smile~ ^^ - Junhyung.' Hyunah looked up at him and he wiped her tears. "I said to smile." He pushed up the corners of her lips, forcing it. "Yah." Hyunah smiled. "There's the Hyunah I know." He smiled back and pulled her in for a hug. "Promise me we won't ever be apart." He whispered. "I Promise."

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Touching, I don't wish it to happen to JunAh. Them, breaking up? No way.
LittleRidgey #2
awwwwwww!!!!! :'''')
darksanctuary #3
I bet, This was what really happened to JunAh. LOL
Sobs...sobs... So touching...
Short yet touching story! Keep on doing stories! Fighting! :D
awwwwwwwww....i always loved that song~
XD such a touching story :)
They became friends in the end. :D
This goes to show that even the littlest effort and courage saves you something precious :D