Tornado Diva sighted ahead

I'll take care of you until the end


“GYU!” Woohyun shouted as he bounced towards his boyfriend through the corridors.

Sunggyu flinched at the exuberant amount of greasiness greasing its grease everywhere until everything was greasy and just covered in gre – oh wait, the Grease master was standing before him.

“Why are you so greasy?” pouted Sunggyu as Woohyun leaned forward to press a kiss on his cheek.

“Because you love me, baby,” whispered Woohyun huskily making Sunggyu giggle before pressing another soft kiss onto his boyfriends’ pouting lips, “and because you secretly love my grease!”

Sunggyu made a face at that and huffed as he turned back to walk around to their dorm.

“Yah, Kim Sunggyu, you know you love me!”

“I do,” replied Sunggyu as he flung his bag into Woohyun’s face, “quite unfortunately.”


“Did you have to aim for my face?”


“My beautiful face,” Woohyun sighed in distress, “my poor beautiful face.”


“Don’t you feel guilty for bruising this godly handsome face?”


“I’m sure no one will want to look at me now. My image has been ruined.”

“Don’t make me punch you, Nam Woohyun.”

“Okay. Shutting up now. Yup. ZIP! My mouth’s closed. Nuh-uh. Nope. Not talking.”

Hoya couldn’t help but smirk at the greasy bunny’s antics, choosing to exchange funny wiggly eyebrow signals with Dongwoo to convey his amusement.

“Damn Woohyun,” Hoya chortled, “you are totally WHIPPED!”

“I am not –!” Woohyun shouted indignantly, his cheeks flushing red at the mocking smirk that Dongwoo had on his face.


“Oops. Sorry, baby, I’ll stop talking now.”

“Whipped~~” Dongwoo whispered gleefully as Woohyun sat down with a pout next to Sunggyu. He sighed as his boyfriend held the cool ice pack to his bruised cheekbone, choosing to give Sunggyu his best puppy eyes to illicit some sort of guilt and remorse from the other.

Unfortunately, Sunggyu was all but immune to Woohyun’s best wet-and-shivering-puppy-in-the-rain-starving-for-weeks look.

“Hey Gyu~” Woohyun coaxed as the other boys walked off to find some sort of food that would satisfy the Yadong couple’s insatiable hunger, “baby, my cheek really hurts.”

Sunggyu simply raised an eyebrow and pressed harder on the cold compress, laughing when Woohyun started to whine in protest.

“Don’t you dare complain Woo. That’s for publicly humiliating me…”

“But– But, I just wanted everyone to know how much I love yo–“

Woohyun gulped at the evil glint in Sunggyu’s eyes and immediately resigned himself to a long cold night in silence. Sunggyu might be an adorable hamster one second, but he could transform into Hamzilla if he was really angry.

Hamzilla was still cute though.

Sunggyu giggled at the resigned look of long suffering on Woohyun’s face before he relented, quickly leaning across to pull the cold compress away and press a soft kiss on Woohyun’s bruised cheek.

“There. Are you happy now?”

Woohyun nodded happily as he glomped onto his boyfriend, cheerfully ignoring Sunggyu’s muffled protests and threats against his chest. He finally left go when Sunggyu started to turn pink, choosing to wrap his arm around the smaller boy’s waist and pull him onto his lap instead.

“Much better, baby,” Woohyun purred into Sunggyu’s ear, as he tightened his hold around Sunggyu’s slim waist, “You gonna come with me tonight? To Jongie’s party?”

Sunggyu nodded his head as he nuzzled Woohyun’s neck with his nose, pressing light kisses along Woohyun’s sharp jawline.

“Uh-huh. I’ll go with you.”

“Awesome~” Woohyun sang as he ran his fingers through the strands of caramel coloured hair, sneaking a kiss onto the top of Sunggyu’s head, “you wanna do anything before we head back to get ready?”

Almost immediately, Sunggyu’s eyes lit up and a pleading expression formed on his face as he pouted and whined,

“Ice-cream? Please Hyunnie~?”

Woohyun couldn’t resist Sunggyu’s request when his boyfriend had transformed into the ball of fluffiness and adorableness that was currently sitting on his lap. Much cuter than Hamzilla, although Hamzilla was still cute in Woohyun’s eyes.

“Anything for you baby,” Woohyun grinned, silently congratulating himself when Sunggyu wrapped his arms around his neck to give him a kiss of appreciation.

After all, Woohyun was whipped.

Not that he was going to admit that.


Sunggyu laughed as Woohyun argued with Dongwoo over what the pet pelican (A/N: Anyone remember it?) was doing in his apartment, smirking when the aforementioned bird decided to take a bite out of Woohyun’s grey skinny jeans.

“Yah Dongwoo!! Take that stinking bird away from this place!!”

“But poor Fish will be so cold and sad and– and– so so lonely out there!”

“…you named it Fish? Seriously. Seriously? Fish!?”

“It’s not an ‘it’,” Dongwoo interrupted haughtily; “it’s Fish. Because it likes eating fish.”

Whatever.” Woohyun shot back, rather miffed that his brand new pair of jeans now how had a brand new hole in them and Sunggyu was still laughing and god, how embarrassing.

“Sorry, sorry, Hyunnie,” Sunggyu giggled as he wrapped his arms around Woohyun’s waist, “it’s just, well, the pelican’s still chewing through your clothes.”

At this, Woohyun gave a small shriek and dove at the oversized bird in an attempt to save his personal belongings while Dongwoo rolled his eyes and snapped,

“It’s Fish, not pelican.God, does no one get that right!? You’ll hurt Fish’s feelings!”

Woohyun growled triumphantly as he managed to salvage his red jacket from the bird, and proceeded to give the bird’s feathery a mighty kick out the door, choosing to ignore Dongwoo’s wails of protest.

“There. It’s gone!” Woohyun snarled as he dumped his rescued belongings back onto the couch, “Now, what were we doing before that bird so rudely interrupted our conversation?”

“We’re waiting for Jongie to finish his ‘routine’ with all of us. He’s torturing Myungsoo and Yeollie right now.” Sunggyu pipped up helpfully. Woohyun rolled his eyes as he grabbed Sunggyu’s hand and pulled him onto the couch next to him.

“And why of all places did he have to choose our house to do this!?” grumbled Woohyun, laying his head in Sunggyu’s lap as Dongwoo shot off to join Hoya in raiding the kitchen like it was their very last lifeline.

“Just humour him, Woo,” smiled Sunggyu as he Woohyun’s soft locks of ebony hair, running his slender fingers through the silky strands, “it’s his 19th birthday after all.”

Woohyun pouted at that and Sunggyu bit back a smile at his silly boyfriend, leaning down to land a light kiss on the tip of Woohyun’s straight nose. The younger male smirked at this, and leaned up to wrap his arms around Sunggyu’s neck pulling him closer.

“That’s not enough, baby,” Woohyun whispered, “kiss me properly.”

He couldn’t help but smile at the dusky pink blush that was starting to spread across Sunggyu’s adorable cheeks. Hesitatingly, the older male leant down again, this time pressing his lips softly against Woohyun’s soft mouth, carefully brushing them together.

Just as Sunggyu was about to pull away, Woohyun let out an impatient growl and yanked him back down again, pressing their mouths together more forcefully as Sunggyu squeaked in surprise. Woohyun took this opportunity to bite down on Sunggyu’s soft bottom lip, and as Sunggyu let out an involuntary moan, Woohyun took it as his cue to slip his tongue into the elder’s mouth, biting, and exploring Sunggyu’s hot mouth.

He only pulled away from the passionate kiss when they both started needing air and Sunggyu was starting to become limp in his arms. Woohyun chuckled as he pulled away from Sunggyu’s sinfully addictive mouth, smirking at the sight of his cute boyfriend so red and flustered from their sudden make-out session.

“Aww, you are honestly so cute sometimes, I swear.” Woohyun cooed huskily as he pulled Sunggyu down to lie next to him, his arms encircling the older boy in his warm embrace.

“Men aren’t cute!” Sunggyu pouted as he buried his embarrassed face in an attempt to hide the obvious blush across his cheeks.

“Well, you’re the only exception,” whispered Woohyun, as he traced butterfly kisses along Sunggyu’s silky caramel coloured hair, “and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“Yah, you finished greasing around yet, hyung?”

Woohyun facepalmed himself mentally as he groaned at the unwanted interruption of the maknae.

“What do you want Sungjong?” sighed Woohyun as he cast a baleful glare at the blonde maknae who was decked out in red skinny jeans and a colourful top that flaunted his 24 inch waist.

“It’s yours and Sunggyu hyung’s turn!” he announced primly, as he flounced back into the bathroom, dragging a pale Myungsoo and a staggering Sungyeol out.

Sunggyu winced as he looked at the Myungyeol couple. They looked like they had fought their way down eight levels of Hell to fight the ultimate Diva King only to have to fight their way back up again.

Only somehow on their journey there and back up, they had managed to lose the normal grey hoodies and worn out jeans they had previously been wearing. Myungsoo was dressed in an electric blue blazer and a white V-neck over washed light blue jeans while Sungyeol had been forced into a pair of yellow skinny jeans and a matching black and white symmetrical top complete with a studded belt.

“Are you– are you wearing make-up?” asked Woohyun in horror as he walked closer for a detailed inspection.

Myungsoo grimaced as his newly lined eyes watered with the excessive amount of eyeliner.

“I’ll never get used to that side of him.” He muttered as he walked off to get a glass of water to soothe his nerves over meeting the maknae’s wild diva side.

“Don’t talk. Scarred for life. Coffee. Need. Coffee. Coffee. Coffee.” Sungyeol shuddered as he walked off mechanically, unable to bend his legs in the strangulating jeans he was wearing.

Sunggyu stared after them; his mouth open in surprise as Sungyeol stared muttering to himself about glitter and purple eyeshadow. He turned around to Woohyun who was appraising the bathroom door with much disdain and revilement, anxiously tugging on the hem of his boyfriend’s sleeve.

“Hyunnie?” Sunggyu asked, a hint of fright in his eyes, “We’re not going to die, are we?

“Um. No. Of course not. I think.”

Woohyun’s answer wasn’t exactly reassuring, and Sunggyu was half tempted to make a break for it, when the bathroom door was flung open and Sungjong stepped out followed by Hoya.

“Your turn~” he smiled sweetly as Hoya lunged for an escaping Woohyun, before Sungjong hooked his arm around Sunggyu’s waist and dragged him into the bathroom before he could escape. He could hear a lot of impressive words drawn up from Woohyun’s vocabulary as the dark haired male was dragged in by the dancer.

“Don’t be afraid…”cooed Sungjong as he held up a pair of extremely tight looking jeans in his face and that was when Sunggyu let out a small scream, “this won’t hurt at all, I promise.


Sunggyu shifted uncomfortably on the spot as he felt the skin tight jeans adhere to his legs like a second skin. They were really tight and uncomfortable.  Sungjong had finally stopped torturing him after what felt like ages and had instructed him to stand there while he worked on Woohyun.

He winced as another unmanly scream echoed from the wardrobe that was adjoined with the bathroom, feeling his heart swell with sympathy with Woohyun. He was pretty much close to tears, hopping from foot to foot, and damn, he didn’t know whether it was because he was afraid Woohyun was getting butchered in there or because his jeans really were unbelievably uncomfortably tight.

After what felt like an eternity, the white door finally opened and a pale Woohyun staggered/fell out into Sunggyu’s arms. Sungjong followed behind, a satisfied smirk on his face as he watched Sunggyu struggle under Woohyun’s heavy weight.

Eventually, Sunggyu managed to get Woohyun on his feet, panting with exertion and that’s when he really noticed what Woohyun was wearing, immediately turning his face away as he felt the blood rush to his cheeks.

Woohyun was dressed in a pair of tight leather pants that made his legs and his crotch look unbelievably hot and Jesus, he was wearing a mesh shirt for God’s sakes, and it barely covered his extremely well defined abs and toned stomach. A ripped and studded black vest covered his broad shoulders and his hair had been styled to a y and messy perfection. Ornate silver rings adorned his fingers and a studded silver belt had been wrapped around his waist perfectly.

Woohyun finally straightened up with a groan wincing as the leather pants cut off circulation around his legs when his eyes landed on Sunggyu, who was currently making a face at the ceiling. He frowned and slung his arm around Sunggyu’s waist as he whined,

“Honestly, what’s with you and ceilings? Do you have some sort of secret for them?”

He smirked as he let his eyes trail hungrily over Sunggyu’s slender body; drinking in the sight of the tightest pair of skinny jeans he had ever seen moulding to Sunggyu’s long slender legs and his amazingly hot . Strategically placed rips and tears along the rough fabric meant that he could catch a glimpse of his boyfriend’s mouth-watering creamy smooth thighs and his pale ivory skin and milky neck was exposed by a silky jet black short sleeved shirt buttoned all the way up. A studded leather bracelet was wrapped around his slender wrist and Woohyun could make out the eyeliner and smoky black eyeshadow and hints of silver that lined his boyfriend’s adorably cute small eyes.

Sunggyu looked like he was ready to be eaten, and Woohyun was so tempted to ditch the party just to have his own party with Sunggyu.

“Finished ing yet?” A voice interrupted his dirty fantasies and he pouted as he looked down at Sunggyu.

“Just give me another ten seconds, baby…”

Sunggyu flushed at this and he scowled as he reached out to pinch Woohyun’s nose.

“How about now?”

“But you look so yummy right now, baby!”

“Later! We have to go now!”

Woohyun sighed dejectedly as he watched Sunggyu sashay his way out of the room, that delicious looking swaying temptingly in front of him and he let out another gloomy sigh.

No fun for him yet. That’d have to wait.

“Oh well,” he muttered, “there’s always later tonight.”

Woohyun smirked at this thought as he stepped out to join Sunggyu, wrapping an arm around his waist and leaning down to press a kiss on his soft plump lips,

“Ready to party, babe?”




Oh what was that? You love me? I know you do. <3 In case you haven't realised yet, Woogyu are all grown up and in college, partying their way through life. I thought that would be a more ier and fun version to write rather than just continuing the (sickeningly) sweet and innocent highschool romance they had. They're still romantic, oh yes, just there's a lot more and involved. ;) Besides, who's complaining? Certainly not Woohyun, ohohoho.

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Simran20 #1
Chapter 3: This is amazing...i love it.
Chapter 3: That was so hottt. I want more.
Chapter 2: Oh hot hot hot!!! I do love you!!!! And these chapters are a wish come true!!!! Love ya all over again!!!
vince1108 #4
Chapter 3: Love you too woogyu!! Haha. I reread this and still can't get over sunggyu's hotness. Me love it!! ♥
Chapter 3: cbkvhgkbgb...... I LIKE IT!!!! Woogyu, Myungyeol, Yadong & Jongie (4everalone XD sorry) until the end! <3 thanks for that amazing story.... :D
author-nim ;-; update please.... :'(
Chapter 3: Can't wait for more chapters *o*
Chapter 3: Waaaa I feel so bad for finding this story so late
I really love this storu so much
Can't wait for your next update