Meet My Best Friends

Just Like A Gum Under A Shoe, I'm Stuck With You (hiatus)

(A/N: even if it's a YOU fic, the POV to be used will be the "I"...  *forever laughs at my craziness* And sorry if there will  be any typo/grammar mistakes. English is not my first language XDD)

2012, Senior Year


"Yeseul-ah..." Bomi said, showing me her famous puppy eyes. Well, famous just for me as we  both know what that means.


I sighed, then closed the book I was reading. "What do you want?"


'This is it.' I thought, then silently prayed in my head. 'I hope she won't ask me to do horrible things like the last time...'


"Uhm..." She smiled sweetly at me. She even blushed a little. Man, this is not the Bomi I know.


I raised my right eyebrow.






Then slapped her.


HAHAHA kidding...!


Anyway, I rolled my eyes and bluntly said, "What do you want me to do this time? Hurry, the teacher might already come."


Don't get me wrong. Bomi is not a bully queenka, or a nerd that I bully; she's my best friend, an abusive one. Well just on my playful point of view. That's the only term that I can describe her as of now aside from "clever, funny, and money-hater"


Yep, you read that right. She hates money, and will forever do. She will buy even the most nonsensest thing if she gets on the mood, or she will treat you foods that you can store for a week or two (of course this is just an exaggeration, but it's close to it).


"Can you set up a date for me and Minhyun?" She finally said, making my eyes twice, or even thrice, from its original size.


"What----" My words were cut-off by the newly arrived student.


"Of course you can't. Minhyun doesn't date talkative girls." Ren said with a smirk when he passed by our seats, with Minhyun at his back, shyly smiling.


"Then who will he date? You?" Bomi sarcastically said, making Minhyun choke.


"Omo~ Minhyunnie are you okay?" Bomi said in her lightest, softest, finest, and sweetest voice which made me wanna vomit. Then she went beside him, rubbing his chest. But from the looks of it, it doesn't look like she's just rubbing it. It looks like...


"Yah! Get your filthy hands away from him! You're abusing the situation, BaBomi." Ren said, slapping her hands away from the astounded Minhyun.


I smiled with what's happening. It was always like this: Bomi will "seduce" Minhyun, but Ren will always come in the way to tease Bomi, like he was a jealous boyfriend. Then Bomi will rant on me later on how mean Ren was. But then again, who knows why Ren was acting like that? Of course, I have a conclusion in mind.


"What did you call me?!" Bomi asked in anger. Her fists clenched, like she's ready to punch Ren anytime.


"What? You became deaf now, BaBomi?" Ren continually teased.


For a while, Minhyun and I silently watched those two's non-stop bickering, not wanting for it to end as we were enjoying it. Until...


"Yah! Get your dirty hands away from my blonde hair!" and "Yah! My spiky pink headband! Ahhhhhh!!!!"


And thus, the "argument" ended. We separated them from each other when violence aroused in Bomi. Hmmm... You won't believe it but we're ALL, and I mean the FOUR of us, are best friends. Even Ren and Bomi. And how should I describe our friendship?






Four words:







"Okay class, calm yourselves up and we have new students..." The teacher said as he came in, 13 good-looking boys trailing behind him.




A/N 2: The end of second chapter. XD lololol. Just an introduction to Yeseul's (you) BFF's. I hope it didn't bore you. *forever a pessimistic gal* well anyway, comments are so so so loved. And subscribers too! ^o^


ANOTHER ONE!!XDD while waiting for chapter 3, can you read my twoshots?





HAHAHAHAHA :) *credits to the owner*


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Gonna post 3 chapters in a row some time on this week! Please wait a little^^


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Chapter 2: hmm... I m really interested in ur fanfic cos the character name is the same with my user name... I m really suprise.. Don't u know me right??Can u reply me why u choose "mariahhtetminren" ?? Cos this name is so unique & no one don't have or think this name except me... I m just really curious... :D
teddykeychain #2
Wow she's angry . You better run, run, run L.Joe xD
better than revenge, huh? hahaha! update soon!
I only read SHINee FanFics but wow I love this one update soon its really good
update update update!! im so curious (abt wad will happen) yeah^^
lol~~hahaha~~Sungjong cute ><
waaa~~your fic are my second normal fic that I ever read
*noted I read *
hehehe..I love the flow of this story and so curious about L.Joe breaking Yesuel heart ><
workinpro #7
you know when u said 13 new students,the only thing that popped in my mind was SUPER JUNIOR lol *hardcore Elf herexD*
KpopMuzik92 #8
13? thats half of a class.. does that me there is about 40 students in that class?? man is that even possible?.....

anyways update soon
WTF!! 13 new students!! hahaha!! So epic!! and I love this story!
Please update soon!
teddykeychain #10
Haha Ren and Bomi are really something xD and ohmygawd 13 new students ?! LOLOL