Stranger's Kiss

Just Like A Gum Under A Shoe, I'm Stuck With You (hiatus)

Thanks to kloyola@kloyola's Poster Shop for the awesome Chapter poster! :)






 2010, Woollim Top High, Freshman year


"Wow, this is so nice... First day in school, first day of being a high school student, and yet my ever punctual brother is still not here." I sighed as I looked at the time on my wrist watch.  Five minutes before 6:30pm.


'Plain WOW...' I said to myself.


I started walking around the school, hoping my eyes can find something interesting. I roamed my eyes around, and it seemed like I was the only student left. And why not? All the classes ended at 3pm. Blame my parents for this. I know I can go home on my own, yet they don't trust me. They still treat me as their baby girl. I wanted to scream in their ears that I AM NOT, but I don't want to look like a rebellious teenager. So as a result, they made me promise that no matter what happen, I will go home with my brother. With my handsome, idiotic, yet lovable brother of mine, Lee Taefung.


Oops, did I make you confused? He's a "Lee" and I'm a "Shim", and we're siblings? Well, simple explanation: We're half-siblings.


The end.


I tried calling him.




No response. I dialled again.


RING... RING... RI----


''...cannot connect."



"!" I cursed, pissed off. I looked at my phone as if it was my enemy. It was then that I realized why: I have no signal. This place has no signal.


Pssh. It was already dark. Though there were some lights inside the building, still, it wasn't enough to lighten up the place where I was.


And where the hell was I? At the back of the school, where trees and plants were the only things you can see. Then out of the blue, I felt something on my shoulder. I looked at it, a guy's hand. I turned around to see whom it belongs, but boy! I was so shocked with what he did.


I felt a pair of lips on mine. My very own first kiss! Somehow, his soft lips made me calm so even though my mind was telling me to push and beat this "" up! I just found myself closing my eyes.


Then, I heard a sob. And a whimper. From a girl. Yes, a girl.


I pushed this stranger, then looked around to find where the sobbings came from. I saw a girl in front of us. She's tall, and I can guess she's pretty. I can tell she's really pretty even when it's dark because I can somehow see her face's features because of the lights passing through the windows of the school building.  And she's crying.


Then after meeting her lonely, crying eyes, she suddenly ran away. And that made me realize one thing.


"YOU!" I turned to the stranger who just kissed me. I tried to see a better view of him, but it was really dark and all I can see from him were just his clothes and shoes. Since it was the first day, we can choose not to wear our uniform, so it was very hard for me to determine if this guy studied in this school or not. I sighed. It seeemed like he sensed that I was trying to look for his face so he went to a darker place.




"Yah! Be a man and show yourself to me!" I pointed my finger at him.


"She's your girl, right? You want to break up, so when you saw me you suddenly kissed me for her to see so she will be the one to break up with you?! Am I right?!" I waited.


No response.


"Yaaaa!! Say something! You just stole my first kiss, you moron!" I screamed, tears were about to leave my eyes.




I felt my blood boiling, so I went near him to beat him up. "Yah! Shim Yeseul! Where are you?" I heard my brother's voice. I turned to him, and saw him looking for me.


"Stay there! You're lucky my brother came!" I angrily whispered to the stranger.


"Yah! I'm here, oppa!" I shouted, then started to run towards him. I punched his chest in anger.


"Awww! Why?" My brother Taefung asked, rubbing his chest.


"Why did you come just now? Did you know that I was waiting here like crazy for more than 3 hours?! And did you know, because of you I lost my first kiss!!!"  I angrily said. He was shocked.


"Eh? Haven't you read your inbox? I texted you that I wasn't able to fetch you so you should just go home by yourself." He answered.


He texted me? I brought my phone up and looked at my messages. Oh jeez....


"Mom and dad are so worried about you. So I came here, knowing this could possibly happen. And... what do you mean lost your first kiss? Why? Your secret boyfriend stole it?" He said while raising his eyebrow.


"NO! A stranger suddenly grabbed and kissed me!!!!" I said  in an irritated voice. "He's there!" I pointed to the direction where I left the stranger. My brother went there and used the light of his phone. We saw nothing, I mean, NO ONE.


"Where the heck is he?!" Taefung walked back towards me then placed his arm on my shoulder. "Tell me, have you lost your first kiss with a... ghost?" He asked with a smirk, then he ruffled my hair and headed towards the gate.


"Yah I'm serious! He was just there and I just left him for a while to talk to you!" I insisted. He laughed. Knowing him, he was not going to believe me.


 We went inside his car. "You... Let's just head home and eat.You're just hungry." He smiled then started the engine. He earned deathly  stares and silent curses from me.


'I can't believe what just happened...' I sighed in frustration then decided to just forget this day. 'But I really want to know who my first kiss was...' I thought with a pout.


When we got home, we just ate then I decided to go lock myself in my room, making an excuse that I want to sleep early so I won't wake up late. I was still thinking about how a stranger stole  my first kiss.




First kiss.


How funny...


What if he's ugly?!


What if he's a bad person?!


No, no, no. I must really forget about that frustrating incident.


'Yeseul ah, believe yourself, you haven't had your first kiss yet. First kiss is called a first kiss if you love the person you did it with, okay? So that kiss is just called a stolen kiss.' I tried to convince myself. I closed my eyes with a smile and slept.




Omo~~ who could be Yeseul's (you) first kiss? O.O Next chapter! one of the boys will already appear! XD BTW... guys... I'm having a change of heart after I wrote the chapter 2.. T_T

Have you noticed that I changed the description? Title and characters will remain, some were added, but the plot will kinda change. I hope when I changed the description, you won't unsubscribe or stop reading^^ It's just that I realized my original plot is too difficult for me to write. Hehe.. 




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Gonna post 3 chapters in a row some time on this week! Please wait a little^^


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Chapter 2: hmm... I m really interested in ur fanfic cos the character name is the same with my user name... I m really suprise.. Don't u know me right??Can u reply me why u choose "mariahhtetminren" ?? Cos this name is so unique & no one don't have or think this name except me... I m just really curious... :D
teddykeychain #2
Wow she's angry . You better run, run, run L.Joe xD
better than revenge, huh? hahaha! update soon!
I only read SHINee FanFics but wow I love this one update soon its really good
update update update!! im so curious (abt wad will happen) yeah^^
lol~~hahaha~~Sungjong cute ><
waaa~~your fic are my second normal fic that I ever read
*noted I read *
hehehe..I love the flow of this story and so curious about L.Joe breaking Yesuel heart ><
workinpro #7
you know when u said 13 new students,the only thing that popped in my mind was SUPER JUNIOR lol *hardcore Elf herexD*
KpopMuzik92 #8
13? thats half of a class.. does that me there is about 40 students in that class?? man is that even possible?.....

anyways update soon
WTF!! 13 new students!! hahaha!! So epic!! and I love this story!
Please update soon!
teddykeychain #10
Haha Ren and Bomi are really something xD and ohmygawd 13 new students ?! LOLOL