stick around

I need my friend

kyuhyun's pov

he still didn't forgive me ,i tried to make up with him but everytime i get pushed away, 
i wanted to be around him maybe he could talk to me ,but i guess i'm in the bottom of his list now, 
i can see how uncomfortable he is when i stay with him in the same room, 
siwon hyung invited one of his friends ,he is a Psychiatrist he tried to make ryeowook speak but he didn't,
so he gave him pen and paper and told him to write what he want to say but he wrote that he has nothing to say
,then he asked him what he want to do he wrote he want to be alone ,then our manager said
(if he stay like this, we should put him in the hospital or calling his parents, 
kim ryeowook you are being so stubborn ,their is no other way ,you guys need to have some rest, some sleep, some healthy food, because you have so many works after this 2 months end )
ryeowook started to sob and he hugged our manager and then he wrote, 
that if he goes to the hospital he could die and he don't want to be with his parents, 
(why ?? you will be alone with your parents isn't that what you want ??) manager said 
he cried even louder and he hugged him tighter as if he was begging him,,,
our manager was about to tear up ,ryeowook was his favorite member among us 
he was everyone favorite,, that's why i always be jealous of him even thought he is my favorite too...
leeteuk hyung started to beg him too, (hyung 2 months it's a long time we will be okay ,he will be okay , 
hyung please i want to spend this 2 monthes together with my dongseng ,,
please hyung i will take care of them )
everyone walked out of the room to make him have some rest after all this crying, i stood there watching him sleeps. 
if i didn't pick a fight with him,
if i didn't allow him to leave upset ,
none of this would happen we were in this situation before ,i was mean ,,but he was ther for me 
taking good care of me, 
protecting me, 
crying with me, 
even he shared my pain, 
i want to share his pain so he wont be suffering alone, put he keep on pushing me away ,
he lied ,,,he promised to tell me everything ,,,to share everything 
but now ,,,
what is this?? how can he have all this by his own and not sharing it with me ??
it's my fault from the beginning ,
it's all my fault ,,
kim ryeowook please forgive me  .
leeteuk's pov
(you need to make him hear his voice again so he can remember how it feels to talk again ,
and you need to have many conversation with him especially his best friend or the one he is close to ,
don't leave him alone too much so he can't be Absent-minded ) 
the dr's words stuck on my mind ,,, we played his solo songs but he seem like if it was someone else who was singing ,
we talked and talked none stop to him ,,but he was just staring at us like if we were talking in a different language,
and his best or close friend ?!
he doesn't even want to stay in the same room with him ,what make's it another problem i , we have to face,,
kyuhyun being sulky all the day long , he doesn't eat nor sleep well  i think i failed as a leader , as a hyung 
i don't know what else i can do ,i should take care of them 
i don't know what to do,,,
(at the living room)
leeteuk:wook,i missed your cooking can you cook for hyung ?!
(he hesitant at first but he nodded )
kyuhyun:i will help you ?(he smiled, but ryeowook hold donghae and yesung hands and then he shock his head to kyuhyun and smiled ,,kyuhyun was heart broken but he smiled back )
okay if you need anything i will be in my room.
(he stood up and he went to his room he locked the door, he slide down and started to tear up his crying went louder 
but he shut himself up by putting his hands on his mouth, sungmin and shindong tried to open the door but it didn't open, he opened the door to them ,he laid down on his bed and covered himself so they can't see him crying)
sungmin:kyun~ah ,are you crying ? 
(he shock his head )
kyun~ah don't be sad,, he still not in his right mind, you have to be patient and everything will be alright again .
shindong :it's not the first time you two go through something, 
just wait and see you know that he is stubborn even heechul hyung said that, i know you are hurting but he is more hurting ,even if he pushed you away you have to stick around so he can't escape. 
(he even cried louder shindong pulled the covers away and sungmin sat him up and hugged him while rocking him from side to side)
sungmin:evil maknae is crying ,,we need to remeber this moment so we can later shindong~shii
shindong:i guess you are right sungmin~shii.. lets get out now 
kyuhyun:hyung ~~ i want to sleep
(shindong and sungmin looked at each other )
sungmin:okay eat first then sleep. 
kyuhyun:hyung please.
shindong:okay ~sungmin he need to sleep too 
sungmin:okay okay sleep well
at the kitchen 
leeteuk:ryeowook ,thank you for the dinner are you tired?
(he shock his head)
eunhyuk:do you want to go out to eat some ice cream ?
(he nodded)
yesung:i should wake kyuhyun up 
leeteuk:yes,,, all of you go change .
(kyuhyun doesn't want to go out yesung was convincing him but he didn't want to)
yesung:hyung kyuhyun doesn't want to come with us 
yesung:no reason he just don't want 
leeteuk:then we should wait for heechul or siwon to come here first cuz we can't leave him alone call siwon and ask him when he is going home .
yesung:(he called him,the speaker was on) siwon~ah
siwon:yeah hyung
yesung:where are you now are you coming home?
siwon:no hyung not yet 
yesung:what's wrong with your voice?
siwon:nothing i'm just  tired hyung 
yesung:then you should come here now to rest
siwon:i cant they found the guy ~~ah~~hyung i need to hang up now~bye 
leeteuk:they found him good thing ,okay now we have 2 ways 1st to convincing him to come with us 2nd i will stay here with him 
yesung:go talk to him hyung maybe he will say yes 
kyuhyun:no need i'm coming hyung 
leeteuk:that's my boy ..
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unniiiiiiii ThanQ :3
I loooove it hagooooora <3 KYUWOOK FOREVER
Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I love this storyyyyyy i readit in less than one day cuz I really wanted to know what will happen and I will tell you again that THIS STORY IS AMAZING!!!! Keep on the great work and FIGHTING!!!
oh guys thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much xoxoxoxo
mei_lene03 #5
omg omg omg, it's sooooooo good!!!
kyulovewook #6
YAY~ its a happy ending for KyuWook. i'm so happy that Wookie got he and Kyu are friends once again. The ending with KyuWook was very touching....and I don't hate Alice anymore :) I feel bad for hating her thinking she was actually hurting Wookie but it was Wookie himself! You did fantastic with this fic twisting it around...Alice was nice all along~ and we didn't even know. I love it :D oh and Congratulations for finishing your first awesomeness fanfic! :D
WeirdA #7
yay, a happy ending! i'm so glad Ryeowook got better and he and Kyuhyun are friends again. :}
YAY! Great ending! I'm proud of Wookie, and I don't hate Alice anymore
The whole Kyuwook scene was so touching, thank you for making them okay! Congradulations for finiching the fic! ^^
WeirdA #9
I just want a happy ending, a happy would be that those 2 make up and become the best of friends!please.
Okay, I know Kyu was being a jackass, but I can't stand Wookie and Kyu not being together T.T
Plz plz plz make up you two, I can't handle the angst!