Chapter 1: The day before it all happend

SHINee's day off, or was it the doom's day



No one's Pov:


"Cut, we're done for today, you've done a great job."

All the boys of SHINee lay down on the ground. Jonghyun sighed. "Finally, we're done."

Key looked to his left side, where Onew already had fallen asleep.

''manager? onew has fallen asleep.'' said key while poiting at onew who just started snoring.

''than just wake him up.'' said the manager.

key started poking onew but he wouldn't wake up.

''Let me do it.'' , said jonghyun who was just drinking some water. he hold the water bottle for onew's head and poured the water right in onew's face.

''Pffft, get the buoy i am drowing!'' onew screamed while he shot up.

everybody started laughing and jonghyun said: ''just don't fall asleep again and you will be fine.''

''manager, i am dead tired can't we get one day off.'' taemin asked

''no way i can let you do that.'' said the manager '' you're schedule is way to busy for a free day.''

''but.......'' said taemin while being interrupted by the manager

''no days off!''

''manager?'' minho asked , '' onew has fallen asleep again.''

jonghyun got up grabbed his bottle of water again and walked over to onew.

''manager look at onew if he get's more tired he wil even chose sleep over chicken.''

the moment jonghyun said the word chicken onew shot up and asked: ''chicken where?''

the unexpected movement made jonghyun drop the bottle of water wich onew hit whit his head while getting up, what send the bottle flying through the air.

and land on minho's head with a loud ''pock''

minho fell back, and stayed down.

taemin squealed an tried to bring minho back to senses who now was definitely unconcious.

key looked at onew who was also lying on the ground '' I guess onew also fainted, good work jonghyun!'' said key

the manager sighed and said: '' just take a good rest and enough sleep and you'll be fine.''

'' why? Am i stuck with these idiots....'' tought the manager while turning around and walking away.

but jonghyun and key stood before him and pointed back at taemin who was now shaking minho in his arms to get him to wake up,  and onew who was hasn't made a movement since he got hit by the bottle.

''you think you they can work tommorow?'' jongyun asked

in wich key added : '' do you think these dark circles will be gone tommorow?'' he pointed at his eyes.

''or do you want us to become panda''s in or next mv?'' taemin asked hearing the conversation.

he stopt shakin minho and joined key  and jonghyun in there fight against the manager.

taemin key and jonghyun stood side by side across the manager, and they said in unison : ''we demand a day off!!!''

the manager took a good look at SHINee they were right if this went they would become panda's

that wouldn'tbe a good thing. if i won't give in this time it is possible that the next time they go out on a strike.

or even worse they runaway.

''ok, you get one day off'' said the manager.

''yeah!!!!!'' said key, jongyun and taemin in unision.

jonghyun went to get onew and threw him over his shoulder and walked out. taemin followed him. key got minho on his back and also followed jonghyun back home.

''wait for me'', he said

the manager headpalmed himself and muttered to himself: '' i am going to regret this, big time!''

and took of to cancel all of the schedule that was ready for tomorrow

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at SHINee's dorm

jonghyun's POV:

i threw onew on the bed, and just when i did that he woke up again. he shot up and asked: '' where is the chicken?''

''there is no chicken.'' i said

onew pouted.

'' onew i have good news, tomorrow we have a day off!!!! :D i said to him

''what! how! '' he asked me

'' wel, after you and minho were knocked out by the bottle of water taemin, key and i demanded an day off.'' i explained

'' we even threatened him with panda eye's, and eventually he gave in.''

'' seriously?'' onew asked with a big grin on his face.

''yeah seriously.'' i said.

onew jumped of the bed and started dancing while singing:

( hello hello shinee : 2:35 )

'' Hello, Hello

chicken at the KFC

Hello, Hello.''

taemin came in.

'' i guess onew is awake.'' he said

onew grabbed taemin arms and swung him around while singing:

Ooh yeah, baby baby baby girl~

Hello, Hello

chicken i see you tomorro~ow

who knows, i choice, us two''

he pointed at taemin and said.

'' you are going with me!''

'' what no! i wanted to stay here and do nothing!'' squeaked taemin.

'' minho is awake!'' key screamed

'' good.'' i said, '' he is always the problem solver.''

'' key! honey! bring minho here for a second!'' i yelled to key.

key and a still half awake minho came in.

'' how many times do i have to say it! stop calling me honey! '' key protestet

'' admit it you like it when i call you that.'' i said teasingly while i flung an arm around him.

my action to key caused him to let go off minho who now was now dangerously wobbling on his feet.

but onew's fast action's prevented him from falling.

key pushed me away.

i laughed. it's so easy to irrit key.

minho got a  back to senses and asked:

'' so what is the fuss about, taemin did onew steal you're teddybear again.''

'' no he didn't.'' taemin said. '' yah! how do you know about fluffypuffy?

minho grinned ''i know everything.''

''onew wants taemin to go with him to the KFC.'' i explained '' but taemin doesn't want to, he want to be lazy and stay at the dorm.''

''i didn't say that.'' taemin said

''you said you wanted to stay and do nothing. isn't that the same as being lazy.'' i answered

''yes.'' taemin said and looked down like a little puppy.

''taemin you are going with onew.'' minho said ''taemin you are still underaged. who know's what you will do when you're a day alone.''


'' you are going with onew, that's it.'' minho stated '' and i want key and jonghyun to go togeghter.''

''what!'' said jonghyun and key in unision.

''look.'' minho said. '' i know you are problably going out shopping or something.''

'' see shopping is better.'' key said. '' almighty key said it and now also minho.''

'' you didn't want to go shopping?'' minho asked suprised.

''no, i wanted to go to a hairstylist.'' i said an pouted.

'' that's not such a bad idea.'' minho said

''i said so.'' i said i stuck my tongue out at key.

''ok, you two are going to the hairstylist.'' minho stated.

''what! why?'' key asked

''well....'' said minho. ''last time you two went shopping you spent a lot and i really mean a lot, so i thought the hairstylis i problaby much cheaper.''

key couldn't argue to that. key and i bought a lot last time we almost went bakrupted.

'' yes i won.'' i said.

'' now i am going to bed.'' minho said while rubbing his head. it problably still hurt from the bottle of water what hit his head.

everybody walked out of onew's room.

but then i thougt: i and key are going to the hairstylist, onew and taemin are going for chicken. then what is minho going to do?

''minho?'' i asked with a grin '' what are you going to do, you are not going out alone, are you?''

'' yes i am going alone.'' minho said ''but  i was planning to go to the soccerfield right around the corner, i don't see much danger in that, do you?''

my grin dropped off my face.

''no''  i answered sad because my plan didn't work.'' i don't see much danger in that.''

i also walked out of onew's room to my and key's room.


Taemin POV


i changed into my pajamas and went to bed.

in the bed i looked around but i couldn't find fluffy puffy anywhere. i picked up my pillow, not there either.

i looked under the sheets, also not there.

''nooooooooooooooooooo, where is fluffy puffy'' i wispered sofly making sure minho didn't hear.

who was already lying in his bed.

then i heared a weird noise it almost sounded like an evil laugh but then very soft.

i look up, nothing to see.

''must have imagined it.'' i thought to myself.

and searched futher.


now i was sure i heared something.

i looked up again. this time i saw minho's hand out of the sheets and there was something bungling in his hand.

'' looking for this? '' he asked teasingly.

fluffy puffy was bungling in his hands, how did he get that?

'' no....'' i said innocent '' maybe....''

'' then come and get it.'' minho said.

i stood up and walked to his bed. i reached out to grab fluffy puffy. but minho swung it out of my reach.

''what will you do for it?'' he asked.

''just give it back.'' i said annoyed.

'' no way, this is way to fun.'' he said.

'' hyung!'' i almost yelled, '' give it back!.''

'' i give i back if you if you yell like really hard: i love my teddybear fluffy puffy!'' he said.

'' no way!'' i protested.

'' you don't wan't him. okay.''said minho and almost threw fluffy puffy to the open window.

'' noooooooooo!'' i yelled '' okay, okay. '' i said it's not like anyone will hear it.

'' I LOVE MY TEDDY FLUFFY PUFFY!!!!''  i yelled embarrest

'' that was good enough.'' minho said and handed over fluffy puffy.

i hurried back to my bed and happily lay in bed with fluffy puffy.

'' he won't hurt you anymore.'' i wishperd to fluffy puffy. '' form tomorrow on i will give you a better hiding place.''

'' good night.'' minho said and turned off the llight.

'' night.'' i said softly and fell asleep.

everybody meet : FLUFFY PUFFY!


key POV

i had just changed into my pajama's when heared somone yelling:


jonghyun who was on the other side of the room look up.

'' is that taemin?'' he asked me.

'' i don't know it sounds like him, though.''

'' i will ask him about it tomorrow.'' said jonghyun. 

i stepped into my bed. jonghyun also stepped in bed on the other side of the room.

'' goodnight.'' i said.

'' goodnight.'' said jongyun. '' can you turn off the light?''

'' no why me your bed is closer to the switch.''

'' but i turned it off last night.'' he grumbled.

'' ok, stone paper sciccors.'' i said.

'' ok '' he put out his hand.


i held out scissors. jonhyun held out stone.

'' you go.'' he said and turned around in bed.''

i stood up walked to the switch, turned off the light and walked back to my bed.

when i laid in bed the bed felt somehow weird.

'' key? '' said jonghyun.

why was his voice so close to me? i reached out to the place where the sound came from. i felt a weird shaped warm pillow. i squeezed the pillow and just before i could lay my head on the pillow the pillow bit me.

i pulled my hand back.

'' auch!'' the pillow bit me.

the pillow bit me?


i reached out again i felt the pillow. this time i it even moved. THE PILLOW MOVED.

'' KEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING???!!!!'' the pillow screamed at me.

pillows can even talk?

'' shhht, pillow it will be alright.'' i said while i pulled the pillow closer to me.

'' KEY! I AM NOT A PILLOW!''  said the pillow.

now i was confused.

'' key is your bed on the right or on the left side?''

'' it is on the right side, why are you asking?''

'' wich side did you walk to?''

'' to the left.........'' i said. wait a moment i walked to the left but my bed was on the right. then i am in the wrong bed.

'' GET AWAY, YOU IDIOT!'' jonghyun said.

i got kicked out of the bed.

'' sorry.'' i said and walked over to the other side and laid silent in bed until i finally felt asleep.


onew POV

i just laid in bed when i heared a weird yell, but i couldn't really hear what was said. i sounded like teamin's though. probably not inportant i thought. i closed my eyes and started counting:

1 chicken

2 chickens

3 chickens


11 chickens

12 chickens


56 chicken s

57 chickens


897 chickens

898 chickens


1297 chi...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

onew fell asleep.




author note:

just to let other people know when the text is yellow one of us has typed all that. when it is green the other has read it and changed the bad things. when the text is normal again we both took a look at it and changed it a bit. so when the text is still colored changes could be added.


so yeah this is the first chapter hope you like it.

i have dyslexia it is pretty hard to write without errors so don't be to harsh on me, ok?

today i had an english writing test and we could use an dictionary for the test.
and it turns out the newest dictionary we had was 42 years old T_T.
that would help.......

so i needed to buy an new one before the test started now i hava an new one. :D

I love chocolat..!!!!!!! ( how random )

happily addict to chocolat!!! :DDD

bye bye..,.....

for now........

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nakey_mvp #1
LOL awesomee~ XD
SnHiromi #3
XDDDDDDDDDDDD bwahasdghdg I almost died from all the laughing this fic gave me hahaha so funny
MrsPoliceMan #4
So, now you have a comment XD