Everything's gone...Baekhyun, where are you? {FINAL}

What Is Love....?

- Chanyeol's POV -

When I was about to sit at the table, a strong force seemed to pull me away. I struggled, "I don't want to go." A voice called, "You can't hide from your life forever, Chanyeol. You have to go back. You're an earthling, you don't belong here." I yelled, "I don't want to go back! I don't want to go back! I want to be with Baekhyun!!" He continued, "Chanyeol-ah, you have to go back now. It's time."  My vision started to become blur and I out moments after.

I slowly opened my eyes and realised that I was in an unfamiliar room, unfamilar bed. It seemed to be a ward. The door suddenly opened and a nurse walked in. She gasped, "You're awake! Hold on, I'll go get the doctor." I was about to hold back the nurse but she's really fast. Soon doctor came in and asked me to lie down on the bed properly. After he checked me throughly, he wrote something on the file he was holding.

"Oh well. Mr Park Chanyeol. I think you're safe to go now." The doctor coughed and beamed. I blinked and asked, "What's wrong with me? Why I'm here? I mean here in the hospital?" He sighed, "A bunch of girls sent you in here after seeing you unconcious somewhere. The girls always cry whenever they come to visit you." I rolled my eyes and muttered, "Those fangirls again." I asked, "So, how long have I been sleeping?"

He checked his file and replied, "Well, Chanyeol-ssi. About 2 month or so." I nodded, "Okay, thank you. I will go do the discharge forms now." When the doctor went out, I couldn't believe my ears. I was unconcious within this 2 months. *That means whatever I had went through with Baekhyun and the rest was just a dream?*

*What a long dream and it's so realistic. Baekhyun-ah..... Can I see you now? Tell me you weren't a dream, please.*

Tears started to rolled down my cheeks. I stood up and packed anything that was mine. *Wow, i didn't realise i've bought so much stuff...wait, it's bought by the fangirls anyway..argh* I changed out of the hospital clothes and wore my favourite hoodie. I wiped away my tears and went out to do the discharge forms at the admission/discharge counter.

After finishing the procedures, I walked out of the hospital. Bitterness struck my heart again, "Baekhyun.." Tears threatened to come out as I walked to the subway. My heart sank. I wiped away the tears that came out. I no longer care whether other people looked at me.


- The next day -

I went to school like I used to, but my mood was really iesh and I wasn't like the past---all smiley and cute. I walked into the school building slowly and dreadfully with my mind kept with Baekhyun. Once I stepped into the building, my fangirls ran over to me and all those surprised eyes, "Chanyeol-oppa, you're back!?" They showered me with gifts and questions but I was very upset and no longer in the mood to bother about them. I yelled, "Can you girls stop this?" The girls retreated once they saw how angry I was. I walked out from that crowd of girls and back to my class. I know they must be very concerned about me but i really do not have the mood.

I went to my class and sat down on my seat. I placed my head on the table and thought of the times i went through with Baekhyun in that long "dream". I missed Baekhyun even though it was just a day since i break away from EXOPlanet. It felt like as if I didn't see him for a very long time already. I want Baekhyun to be back in my life again. I want to see Baekhyun and his smile.

I remembered the time when I first met him, I remembered the time when we took care of Kai's pet. I remembered each single time we were together. I remembered how Baekhyun smiled for the first time. *Baekhyun, can you reappear again?*

Suddenly, girls started to scream and the voice was getting louder and louder. I looked up, wanting to shout at them to shut up.

Just then, a guy in front of me made me shut my mouth. His eyes, his nose, his ears, his mouth, his features, even his hair was like Baekhyun. He walked over to the seat beside me and asked, pointing to the seat beside me, "Can I sit here? I'm new here." I sat up slowly and nodded, smiling, "Sure.." He placed his bag down and sat on the chair. Even their actions are the same. Is that really....

The person introduced himself, "Hi, my name is Baekhyun and I just transferred here. I was a student from KD High."


Hello. I decided to make a sequel!! Angiie and I have agreed on making a sequel together for this fanfic and I'm really happy to be able to do so!!!!!

I will post the link up here once I'm done with the description and the foreword!!! But still comment on this story, alright?!


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Vanja77 #1
Seoulqueenka #2
Chapter 13: Baekhyun remembers right???
this fic so cute anf fluffy! sequel maybe? and did chanyeol need to leave! no he cant of course! done subsribe!!
2AM's "I Love You" is the perfect song for this story~ Its so fluffy~~~ <333333
2AM is the perfect song for this story~ Its so fluffy~~~ <333333
how dare you author-nim making me cried by making its dream xD
i thought it be more dramatic, like the genie pulling Chanyeol to back at Earth, but others EXO stop him.. then BaekHyun sudden got his power bcz of his hurtful love feeling.. then Chanyeol stay there :'D *ends of own imagination* "i love EXOplanet moments more then Earth" :3

kayss i moving to sequal now .. ngee~
...Was That All A Dream? OMG! Chan Yeol Went Back To Earth.
I Honestly was about to cry when Baekyeol had to separate, but then baekhyun showed up in Earth :O
That's what I call fate hehe <3 well I hope Baekhyun falls in love with him :D